When I was approximately 5 years old, I was rescued in a way that has stuck with me until this day and have even influenced my faith in God. I lived about two and a half blocks from school and everyday my brother and I was escorted to and from school by our Mom’s friend. One day our escort did not show up and we got tired of waiting. We decided to take the matter in our own hands by leaving school, instead of waiting any longer.
Since home was not far away, we felt safe except that our school resided on the opposite side of the road. We started off on our journey, making sure to stay on the sidewalk all the way and we didn’t stop to speak to anyone. As we reached the point where we needed to cross the street (a few feet away from the entrance to the yard), we stopped and looked up and down the street to see if any traffic was approaching. It was a very clear afternoon and our residential street was not busy. After making sure the street was clear, we decided it was safe to cross, so off we went, crossing the street. What happened next, I can’t recall, but I can tell you this, the next thing I remember is, me crawling from beneath a car, a Ford Escort. We were hit by the car, but suffered no injury. Now, remember a Ford Escort is not high off the ground, but yet, I was dragging myself from beneath it. My brother remembers picking himself up off the side of the road and starting to cry because, his ankle was hurting, he was later taken to the hospital by the lady that drove the car. We later found out that he was good to go also. He did not even come back home with a scratch or a limp, as I thought he would have.
We did not see the car coming and strangely enough, we do not remember being struck, it was like just a second had passed when we realized what had happened. I remember this incident up until this day and it always reminds me to not be disobedient. We were to remain at school until we were picked up by our escort, but we journeyed alone into something that could have killed us. It also reminds me of how gracious God was and is to us, we could have been crushed by the car but, not a bone was broken and not a scratch was left upon our bodies.
God has been gracious unto me in other ways over the years and it’s not because I am a good man, it’s because of His love towards us. Sometimes I think, “why have you seen it fit to bless me again, I do love you Lord but, I’ve not always been obedient to your instructions”. All of us need rescuing at times, from bad habits, bad decisions, bad companies and just bad, may I say… “luck”.
The incident I mentioned above is not the one I hold dearest and will treasure until I die, there is another. Since that accident, it took me eleven more years to surrender my life to Christ. I gave my life to Christ when I was 16 years of age. Why so long? I was still being disobedient, disobedient to the Holy Spirit. I went to church every Sunday, attended Sunday School, listened to numerous sermons but, I refused to give myself to Christ, not out of disbelief, but mostly out of pride. Can you imagine that, I was not willing to own up to my sin. Sinful thoughts, sinful actions and sinful desires. It’s like I was saying, yes Lord, I know you are almighty and you’re “the man”, you are always looking out for me, you even sacrificed your Son for me, but I can’t sacrifice my desires and ways for You. Basically I was not God’s child, I was the Child of the enemy, the devil. I was not doing God’s will or desiring after them, I was going my own way. Basically, I saw no true need to love God totally.
“You are a child of the devil and an enemy of everything that is right! You are full of all kinds of deceit and trickery. Will you never stop perverting the right ways of the Lord? Acts 13:10
Jesus said to them [ The Children of the Devil ], “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and now am here. I have not come on my own; but he sent me. John 8:42
So when the Holy Spirit rescued me from my sin, by speaking to my heart during a Gospel Crusade, that is when the greatest rescue occurred in my life. I gave my life to Jesus because, I believe He is the Messiah, God’s son, sent to die for us and was raised from the dead and ascended to heaven and will return one day. I’ve been recused from a car accident, bad neighborhood influences, terrible fights, sickness and more but, being rescued from sin and it’s consequence of death is the rescue I’ll remember and cherish forever.
Now spiritually speaking, I am no longer a child of the devil but, a child of God. I am born again.
Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God. John 1:12
The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Romans 8:16
Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. Romans 8:17
Thank you God for rescuing me to a new life in Christ. Like the psalmist, David, I can also say, “Return unto thy rest, O my soul; for the LORD hath dealt bountifully with thee. For thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling.” Psalm 116:7-8
14 thoughts on “The Greatest Rescue”
My dad used to have a Ford Escort, there’s hardly room under there for someones head! That is an amazing story dude!
LOL! yes, my Aunt that lived next door to us had one also, that’s how I know and remember what type of vehicle it was. And yes it’s a low car. At that time the Escort was a new and very economically priced vehicle. 🙂 Thanks for sharing Craig.
Yeah 🙂 My dad loved that car. Good MPG, lasted like 12 years and it only needed serious work like three times.
Wow, 12/3, that’s very impressive.
12/3? wots that? lol
Sorry, was referring to the info you gave before. 12 years to only 3 serious work needed. 🙂
ahhhhh makes sence. lol
awesome awesome… I think that’s just the start..if God ever show us how many times He’s saved us we would sing praises to Him for a lifetime. great post!
If we look back on our lives, we will realize how God saved each and every one of us from many hurtful and almost death experiences.
Great story and thankful that our Lord our savior, is in our lives, protecting and carrying us through the difficult times. God Bless
Most definitely Fatalla. We have no idea. I try to be always thankful even in the small things because we don’t have control over what happens but, God does.
Thanks bro, for recapping this incident, you did a great job with the combination of photos, you are getting good with your camera. I remember it just as you said, we were quite disobedient and impatient (but which kid likes to wait anyways). I also remembered looking up and down the road, not a car in sight! we started crossing the road and all I remember after stepping into the road was, getting up, quite puzzled! picking up my books off the road and continuing to cross the road, I remembered a little pain in my leg, but not that much (I did not even recognize that there was a car in the road) I looked back and saw you crawling from under the car.
Our other two school friends did not look worried at all and I was thinking..why are you all taking so long to catch up with me?? and why are you crawling from underneath the car? I was still puzzled! I then saw a man running towards me with his eyes bulging like he had seen a ghost or something.
I was thinking, I hope he is not running to me! I am not suppose to talk to strangers!! He came over to me and picked me up and looked me over, and gave me a big hug! I was still puzzled? by this time, other neighbors had come out to the road and were asking us if we were ok.
later I found out that we were struck by the car. On the way to the Hospital, I was thinking, this is cool, I get to ride in an ambulance. The lady that struck us, looked really worried! when I got to the hospital, they checked me in and in less than five minutes I was on my way home. We really have a lot to give God thanks, I don’t know why he blocked the impact of the car from our minds, but I think He protects little kids (and fools). He definitely has a purpose for each of His little children. 🙂
WOW!, What an amazing story and what an amazing miracle!!! I wonder what the spectators actually saw..and the fact that you both had it blocked from your memory is even more miraculous!
You guys are both living testaments of God’s love and grace. He had a plan for both of your lives even before you both could understand and he preserved your lives, gave you an amazing story that you would one day share and use to inspire others and bring them closer to HIM. Love the story and the graphic you used to depict it.
Thanks Kaleb, I wondered why He choose to block it from our memory. You asked “what the Spectator saw,?”..that is where the story gets a little funny and at the same time open my eyes. Remember the guy that ran up to me and hugged me. Well he later told us that he saw when the car struck me and I flew up in the air and fell to the ground. The funny part is that, while I was on the way to the hospital, I was thinking….”why aren’t they taking my brother, he is the one that got struck and was getting up from under the car?!?”…as you can see I was still puzzled at the whole incident, we truly have a lot to give thanks, Praise the Lord, He has done Great Things!
I’m not sure what they saw, because after I crawled from beneath the car, I headed straight for the gate to our home. The guy that was with my bro. insisted that he waited for the ambulance to come and even called me. By this time I was so stunned by the incident I was inside waiting for my bro. to come but, then I saw that he was taken away and I started to worry if he was going to be fine.