Tutorial Files

Digital Painting in Adobe Photoshop Basics – Brush Settings

March 28, 2011 |

Digital Painting: This is the third and final part of our series on Digital Painting in Adobe Photoshop Basics. This tutorial explains the brush settings palette within the Adobe Photoshop menu. The version shown is CS5 but you will find the same things within previous versions of Photoshop. Digital Painting – Scary Bird Sketch HowtoDigitalPaint.com

Create an Extravagant Composition in Photoshop CS5

This Extravagant Composition in Photoshop CS5 is based on a piece I did called Extravagant Worship, the image was inspired by the worship song,  ‘Til I See Your Face by Miriam Webster. We will start out by compositing multiple images, then use some custom brushes to paint in some details, then finish up by adding color and lighting to bring everything together. lets dig In! Final Image   Resources PREMADE Beach Stock by xxfantaisiamanipsxx stock 695 by blacksockstock stock 683 by blacksockstock Cloud Photoshop Brushes by leboef 24 Clouds by Milanda Clouds by by esterliquori Flock of Pigeons Brush for PS7 by BeltaneFireStock Ultimate Web 2.0 Gradients by DesignFolio Step 1 [sociallocker] Open the Premade Beach Stock image in Photoshop. Double click the image’s layer in the layer palette to make it a new layer. We will use the natural lighting of the image. Flip the image horizontally, since we want most…    read more 

Digital Painting in Adobe Photoshop Basics

March 21, 2011 |

Digital Painting in Adobe Photoshop Basics: This is the second part of our three-part series on Digital Painting. In the first tutorial, we covered setting up a Wacom Tablet for use in Photoshop. This tutorial covers setting up a New Document. It is about the considerations we may need to make in creating a new document whether it be an image for Print or Web. Web is generally 72 dpi/ppi | Print is generally 300 dpi/ppi. Next tutorial in the series: Digital Painting in Adobe Photoshop Basics – Brush Settings

Digital Painting in Adobe Photoshop Basics

March 14, 2011 |

Digital Painting in Adobe Photoshop Basics: This is the first part of a series of Digital Painting in Photoshop tutorials, in this tutorial you will learn about setting up your Wacom tablet properties in Photoshop. Although the Tablet covered is the Intuos4 there is information that is still useful and relative to the Intuos3 tablet. Digital painting is an emerging art form in which traditional painting techniques such as watercolor, oils, impasto, etc. are applied using digital tools by means of a computer, a digitizing tablet and stylus, and software. Enjoy! Next tutorial in the series: Digital Painting in Adobe Photoshop Basics – Setting up New Document

Best Tutorials – February 2011

March 2, 2011 |

We have a great line-up of tutorials this month, that will satisfy your artistic thirst! These tutorials range from cool photo manipulations, typography effects, Photography tricks and much more. Check them out, you may find something that you like! Futuristic Photo Illustration With Photoshop Take an image of a model and turn it into a futuristic composition that uses various Photoshop techniques such as masks, color and light effects… View Tutorial Learn the Secrets of Painted Photos Derek Lea focuses on a single Corel Painter tool, the Oil Palette Knife. It uses the colors and imagery from existing layers and spreads them around on a new layer, taking you far along the path from photo to painted portrait, with only fine detail to be added… View Tutorial Create an Ice Cream Type Treatment in Photoshop Learn how to realize an awesome text effect using ice cream! The process is simple…    read more 

Best Tutorials – January 2011

January 26, 2011 |

We have a great line-up of tutorials this month, that will satisfy your artistic thirst! These tutorials range from cool photo manipulations, abstract illustrations, cool typography effects and much more. Check them out, you may find something that you like! Extremely Glossy and Shiny Text Effect In this Photoshop tutorial, we’re going to see how to create extremely glossy and shiny text effect with glitter texture. We will use simple techniques blending and layer style effects.. View Tutorial Undress a Giraffe in Photoshop Have you ever wanted to know what a Giraffe looks like without its spots? If so, this tutorial is for you. This tut we will demonstrate how to undress a giraffe by removing its spots. View Tutorial Honey Bubbles Text Effect In this very easy Photoshop tutorial, we’re going to see how to create warm honey text effect with bubbles texture. We will use simple techniques such…    read more 

How to Shoot Star Trails

December 15, 2010 |

How to Shoot Star Trails: In this tutorial we’ll leave the computer and head out into the wild. I’ll be explaining the processes I use to shoot star trails images. So what is a star trails image? A star trails image is created by setting a camera on a tripod and opening its shutter for at least an hour. The rotation of the Earth makes the stars appear to travel in circles, and how do you shoot it exactly? Well, that’s just what this tutorial is going to explain to us, so lets get out there! [sociallocker]   Examples Star Trails Photography     [/sociallocker]

Best Tutorials – November 2010

November 29, 2010 |

Each month we feature some of the best Photoshop tutorials and this month is no exception! These tutorials range from cool photo typography effect, abstract mosaics, elegant website layouts and a cool grungy photo manipulation project. Check them out, you may find something that you like! Create Beautiful Abstract Mosaics In this tutorial, Fabio from Abduzeedo will show you how to create a deconstructed image using a pattern made out of cubes. The idea is try to simulate a mosaic but with a more abstract and up-to-date interpretation. View Tutorial Create a 3D Industrial-style Download Icon in Photoshop This tutorial teaches you how to create a unique 3D download folder icon with textures. Learn some useful techniques for creating more visually impressive 3D icons. View Tutorial Modern 3D Text Effect In this Photoshop tutorial we’re going to step outside my usual Photoshop Only philosophy and use the 3D rendering power…    read more 

Create a Pseudo HDR Image from One Photo in Photoshop

November 17, 2010 |

HDR Image from One Photo in Photoshop: Last month we learned how to create a High Dynamic Range Image (HDR) from three different exposures ranging from light to dark, this tutorial will bring us through the steps in creating the HDR look from a single image in Photoshop, it takes just a few minutes to complete. Lets get started!   [sociallocker] Resource: Homeless Portraiture by Stock.xchng Final Image Step 1 You should start out with a high quality photo that has good lighting and obvious highlights. I choose the following photo because it has a lot of details I wanted to bring out in the face. Step 2 Open the Homeless Portraiture by Stock.sxchng. Make sure the levels and colors are fixed on the original before you start. Duplicate the Layer, then go Filter > Other > High Pass. Set the Radius to 4.0 and then set the Blending Mode…    read more 

Learn The Basics of Color Focus Editing in Photoshop CS5

September 30, 2010 |

In this Photoshop tutorial, we will learn the Basics of Color Focus Editing or selective color, the post-processing technique where most of a photo is converted to black and white, but some parts are left in color to draw the viewer’s eye. Landscape photography is the most common application for this technique. Colorful leaves in an otherwise drab scene can breathe life into a photo. This technique can be applied to any genre, but portraits and landscapes are the usual beneficiaries. Buckle up people, lets get into this exciting tutorial! its gonna be a wild ride! Final image Here are some examples of images that I created using the same technique, check out my Flickr Profile for more examples.      

Best Tutorials – September 2010

September 27, 2010 |

Each month we feature some of the best Photoshop tutorials and this month is exciting! The tutorials range from cool photo manipulations, to some fantastic digital drawings. Check them out, you may find something that you like!   Create a Brick Curtain with Displace Filter in Photoshop This tutorial will teach you how to create a curtain made of bricks or how to deform a brick wall as it was a curtain. To do that we will use a few stock photos, layer adjustments and the Displace filter in Photoshop CS5. The technique is pretty simple and the tutorial won’t take you more than 30 minutes to go through it. View Tutorial Create a Fantasy Girlbird Illustration with Photoshop Create a fantasy bird girl illustration using digital painting and photo manipulation techniques. The results can often be cute, funny, or even a bit disturbing, check it out! View Tutorial Create…    read more 

Create a Panorama in Photoshop CS5

September 23, 2010 |

Create a Panorama in Photoshop CS5: In this tutorial we will learn about panoramas and the very basics in levels adjustments to make our images pop in ways they maybe never have! We will use Adobe Bridge and Camera Raw to do some post work on our image and stitch multiple images together to make a cool panorama, then we will use the powerful tools in Photoshop CS5 to make the final adjustments. Ok, lets begin!       Create a Panorama in Photoshop CS5 [sociallocker] Final Image [/sociallocker]

Create A Spectacular Splatter Design in Photoshop

September 15, 2010 |

In this video tutorial  by Che McPherson from TutCandy.com,  you will learn how to use custom brushes to add a nice splatter effect to your image to create a stunning abstract piece of artwork. Check it out and Enjoy!         Resources Free Splatter Brush Set by loswl Create Custom Brushes in Photoshop by che mcpherson   Final Image [sociallocker] [/sociallocker]

Best Tutorials – August 2010

September 6, 2010 |

We’ve decided to start doing a roundup of the best tutorials released on the web each month. This month, there were some excellent tutorials for you to choose from. Please take a moment to review our favorites from August 2010.   Paint Using A Dreamlike 80’s Airbrush Effect Learn how to create a beautiful, dreamlike painting full of subtle details but with a bold 80’s color scheme? Design duo KittoZutto show you how in this tutorial on creating an airbrushed portrait tapping the glory days of Athena posters. Visit Tutorial Create A Elegant Gold Ornamental Text in Photoshop Learn how to create an unusual text effect by combining different photos and brush elements. This golden text is a nice idea and suitable for some treasury topic. Visit Tutorial Create A Cool Scenery using Matte Painting Techniques In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to take a concept, develop it using linear…    read more 

New Techniques for Cutting Out Hair in Photoshop CS5

Cutting Out Hair in Photoshop CS5: Photoshop CS5 comes with some exciting tools for designers, one of them that stand out is the new Refine Edge tool. It really helps when cutting out an object from a background especially when it involves human hair or any type of fur that is troublesome and can be tricky to achieve a realistic look. With Photoshop CS5 it is now possible to achieve the task very easily. Here are a couple techniques you can use on images especially those those with varied background tones, the results takes just a few mouse clicks. In this tutorial we will be replacing a dull background with a very cool sunset, Check it out! Final Image   Resource sunbathing 2 from Stock.xchng Sunset from Astoria, Queens from Stock.xchng [sociallocker] Step 1 Open the sunbathing 2 from Stock.xchng, then crop it down to about 24×24 inches, removing the…    read more 

3D Composition Using Xara 3D and Photoshop

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a 3D composition using Xara 3D and Photoshop. We will use Photoshop to create an exciting golden background, then integrate the 3D type from Xara 3D into the composition. you will also learn some simple technique to texture the type. Last time we learned How to Create A Realistic 3D Typography using Photoshop, today I will introduce you to Xara 3D, a relatively inexpensive 3D Program that has some very powerful features and is so simple to use, literally anyone can produce high quality 3D graphics in minutes. Xara 3D can create stunning, professional-quality 3D web graphics. Ideal for both still and animated 3D headings and titles, logos and buttons, perfect for web pages, mailshots and online presentations. If you want to use 3D in your projects Xara 3D is a very good start. Ok, lets get straight into the tutorial! [sociallocker]…    read more 

How to Create A Realistic 3D Typography in Photoshop

February 16, 2010 |

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a Realistic 3D Typography Photoshop, you will learn how to create a really smooth looking 3D text in any version of Photoshop. This tutorial will create the illusion of 3D without  the use of any 3D programs, we will only use the raw power of Photoshop. Not only will we create it. you will also learn some simple technique to decorate the type to make it pop! Although this technique is limited, it can be very useful for someone who cannot afford to buy a 3D program.     [sociallocker] Final Image   Skill Level Intermediate Resources Hansen Font From FontStock Floral Brush by jaaaiiro From Brusheezy!   Step 1: Create a new document in Photoshop, 1600×1200 pixels, 300dpi (for printing), RGB color. We begin with a radial gradient, by double clicking the layer to activate the Layer Styles menu, then apply…    read more 

Create A Cool Typography Effect in Photoshop

Create A Cool Typography Effect in Photoshop

January 14, 2010 |

Create A Cool Typography Effect in Photoshop CS3 or Photoshop CS4. The effect is a cool-looking and great for decorating your Typography. We will be using a combination of layer styles, color blending, lens flare and images. The end effect is quite stunning and hopefully you’ll pick up some tips you didn’t know before. [sociallocker] Final Image for the Typography Effect   Skill Level: Intermediate Resources: Particles Pack by Media Melitia Smoke Pack by Media Melitia Hysteria Texture by Pareeerica Rezland Font from Dafont   Step1: Create a new document in Photoshop, 1280×1024 pixels, 72dpi. We begin with a radial gradient, by double clicking the layer to activate the Layer Styles menu, then apply a gradient overlay. Here are the exact color codes: Foreground Color – #f2d445 Background Color – #98a843   Step2: Next we will create our particle background. Open the Media Meltia Particles008.png image and drag it into your document, then…    read more 


Brilliant Bokeh Wallpapers

November 30, 2009 |

Bokeh Wallpapers – In photography, bokeh is the blur or the aesthetic quality of the blur, in out-of-focus areas of an image, or “the way the lens renders out-of-focus points of light. If you want to create your own, try this tutorial: Bokeh usually occurs at the parts of the scene that is outside the depth of field. Photographers sometimes deliberately use a shallow focus technique to create images with prominent out-of-focus regions. Today you can find bokeh being used in graphic design, below you will find a mixture of bokeh captured by the camera lens and some created in graphic design software. enjoy! Try these cool Bokeh Wallpapers and share them with a friend.   [sociallocker]                                                                    …    read more