
Genesis Theory by White Rabbit

The Genesis Theory by White Rabbit

January 12, 2016 |

The Genesis Theory Videos by White Rabbit gives a lot of relevant information to understand the theory. The Genesis Theory is a new theory to explain the origins of the universe and our place in it, in relation to the Scriptures. It’s a 2 part series with information from the scientific and theological community. Part one focuses on presenting relevant information needed to understand the theory. In this video, you will be exposed to many different lesser-known scientific theories. Part two will focus on the actual theory and will reference this video several times, in addition to introducing new concepts. A third video was scheduled by White Rabbit to explain the theory, but because of the complexity of the theory and the amount of information available, he decided to write a book instead. The Name of the book will be “The Genesis Theory, Challenging the Consensus of Our Origins”.

Intelligent Design Explains Nothing, Says Experts!

December 14, 2011 |

I found an article written by the “Script Howard News Service” with the following heading: “Bush is of Two minds, One is Wrong.” As I read on I notice they say: “When it comes to science, President Bush is of two minds, one of which is wrong.” “Concerning the space shuttle program, he defers to the views of experts.” “In a conversation with Texas reporters, he said that ‘the experts at NASA’ will determine whether the shuttle should be retired before 2010.” “But when it comes to science education, he unfortunately sees no need for experts. Answering a question about evolution vs. intelligent design, he said it was a question for local school districts, but he felt ‘both sides ought to be properly taught.’” And he added, ‘so people can understand what the debate is all about.” “But among experts, there is no debate worth mentioning. The theory of evolution…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 11 – The Study of Cells

Lets talk about creationism versus the theory of evolution in regard to the various disciplines of science. We have already spoken of the astronomical side of this question. We will now consider the study of cells. These cells make up every living thing. What evidence is there in this area, which will settle the question of evolutionism versus creationism? If the theory of evolution is correct, then the accidental synthesis of the DNA molecule had to have taken place. As biological science learns more and more about the complexity of the cellular structure, the realization that this feat is impossible has set in. The DNA molecule can only be replicated in the presence of certain enzymes; numerous, complicated enzymes. Those enzymes themselves can only be replicated in the presence of DNA molecules. So, which came first, the chicken or the egg? It is not enough to `simply` synthesize the DNA…    read more 

His Thoughts are Higher than our Thoughts

The wisdom of God is so far above man, it is on a different level altogether. Our intelligence, even at its best, is so small. God compares it to the distance of the earth from the heavens, such a vast span, it cannot be measured. We think that science in all its Glory can solve all the problems we have in the world, but we do not understand that man’s biggest problem is not physical, but it is one that is spiritual. What is man’s spiritual problem? We have broken the law of God and in turn, we are separated from Him and now we want to become God. We look at science as something to replace God, we even start to question the existence of God. We ask, if there is a good God out there, why are so many problems in the world, why are people dying, starving…    read more