
Education and MARRIAGE

Education and Marriage Part 3

Recently I went to a wedding and after the wedding my aunt asked me what I was looking for in a wife and I told her, “About four things”, without being specific. She laughed and said, “Only 4 things! I was looking for 40 things!” I am not concerned with my future wife’s education, body type, hair or eye colour, skin colour, ethnic background, or family history. I am not saying physical attraction is not important, it is important because God created us all with different looks and different preferences. And those different preferences help us make decisions; imagine how difficult life would be if you liked all things the same way! But what I am really interested in are: -Her mind: how she thinks; her wisdom; submitting her thoughts to the Lord by making His thoughts her thoughts; rejecting evil thoughts. -Her heart (and I don’t mean that blood…    read more 

Across the Universe

January 30, 2012 |

As I sit here and write this there are tears in my eyes. I’m not not one to cry, it usually only happens a handful of times a year, but the past few days have been crazy. I’m so overwhelmed right now, but not in a bad way. I’m overwhelmed with God’s love for me. I don’t understand how He can love me this much, how He can care so much about the little details in my life. Everything from the basic necessities of life to friendships that touch my inmost being, He has taken care of it all in the most amazing ways. I wanted/needed to find a job (I’m currently a student), there were a few different reasons why but I just knew that it was what I should do. So I prayed that God would provide me with an opportunity, a job where I could be a…    read more 

Tear Down The Walls

January 4, 2012 |

Today I wanted to talk about the idea of relationship. If there is one thing I’ve noticed, it’s that Christians really do want a relationship with God. I think that we see the fire that others have and we see how happy they are and we crave that. But we want it in some easy form, we want to swallow a pill and get on with our day. I hate to break it to you but that’s not how a relationship works. How close would you be with your friends or family if you never spent time with them? You want a fire for God? You want to experience Him more deeply? Then you have to make time for Him. Read your Bible and spend time in prayer. I know it’s sickeningly simple, but that’s just how it is. It might mean that you have to say “no” to other…    read more 

The Power of a Changed Person

December 21, 2011 |

There is something about Christmas colors that just cheer me up. This capture was taken at my youngest uncle’s house. He is married to this wonderful godly woman—the godliest person I know. It doesn’t take you long after you meet her to realize she is a very special person. When we have a family gathering she probably does 99% of the serving! When you meet her you will realize all her day is spent with her loving others, serving them, giving them gifts, encouraging them, comforting them, praying for them, and building them up. You know, they say behind every great man there is a woman: she has truly built my uncle up spiritually and any other good way. At her old church she was nicknamed “God’s faithful daughter”. My uncle is a believer too and he is an awesome, loving and funny man. She loves the fact he makes…    read more 

Discover the Truth – Part 1

April 10, 2011 |

Today we will be studying Romans 12:1-2 and discovering some vital truths that every Christian should know to be effective in our walk with Christ. Let’s take this one step at a time, because the passage has some hard sayings which are so easy to pass over, but so desperately needs to be taken to heart if we are to be serious in our pursuit of righteousness. First of all, lets read the verses then break them down and see what God is asking of us. I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect….    read more 


Praise Challenge Christian Art

INSPIKS created Christian Art of the 100 days praise challenge. We posted praise scriptures on a daily basis and share them with our readers. The praise challenge was started by our friends over at Each day was geared towards giving praise to God, instead of asking Him for stuff. The 100 Day Praise Challenge started June 22, 2010, and ended September 30, 2010. Praise the Lord even when you don’t feel like it – keep pressing forward and keep praising Him. We guarantee that you will see a growth in your relationship with Him and in any trial that you may be experiencing.   Thanks to all who had a chance to participate, God Bless you! Feel free to use these images in your Church and daily devotions and continue to lift Jesus higher! DOWNLOAD