

2014 Resolution: To Think More Critically

What is it about a new year that prompts us to make resolutions? What grounds  justifies this annual pastime beyond empty traditionalism and wishful thinking? Just think about it, what really makes the last day of 2013 drastically different from the 1st day of 2014 to warrant resolutions? Try making sense of the difference between any two successive days beyond our conventional name change and day-related routines without mumbling “well, aahm, you see, I, I, my, my…” The future is uncertain and puzzling and each of us is largely unpredictable in terms of behavior. Desire is not the same as ability to perform so what’s the real value of new year’s resolution as opposed to any other day’s resolutions? One thing I would hope we all resolve to do for life is to think about issues more critically, that is to apply the basic principles of logic in any argument…    read more 

Hypocritical Christian Part 2

April 17, 2012 |

There is something else I thought about the other day while walking to work. For years I prayed and cried for something I wanted God to do. But God in His infinite love and wisdom did not give me what I had asked for! If He did allow it to happen then I would have been absolutely miserable for the rest of my life! And you know what? Five years later while I was talking to Him about it I realized He did it because He loved me, and I thanked Him! Five years later I thanked Him! You know, if a stranger holds a public door for me for 2 seconds then I would thank him whole heartedly and without hesitation, yet I waited five years to thank my Savior and Heavenly Father for freeing me from an absolutely miserable life! This is a perfect example of the idolatry…    read more 

When Your Joy is Complete Part 1

February 22, 2012 |

Eight years ago I took a sexual purity online course, and it was the best Christian teaching I got. It was a daily online course for two months and I loved every day of it. One thing though I disagree with them is that they said many members who do not follow the precautionary rules (such as: move your computer to an open space in the house, or install Internet filtering software, or acquire an accountability partner, etc) fall back into sin even though they were free from it for a period of time. The problem I have with that statement is that I believe a person is only truly free if he is free on the inside through being set free by the power of the Holy Spirit. I think the best way to explain this topic is by talking about what it means to be born-again and what…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 9 – The Fossil Records

Next we will consider the fossil record. If there is anything that can tangibly “prove” the theory of evolution, the fossil record would be the most likely. Fossils can of course be seen, handled, and examined. It has been instilled into this generation that the age of anything can be absolutely proven. As we have seen from our study of the various dating methods, there is very little that is absolute in the `science` of dating. The methods and results are at best questionable. Recent advances in science has shown that there are questions regarding things once thought absolute. I have read that scientists have discovered that the speed of light is slowing down. There is evidence that atomic clocks do not run at a constant rate. They, too, are slowing down. Concerning the fossil record, let me read what a leading scientist has said: “The fossil record reveals the…    read more 

Not Religion, but Freedom and Love

September 28, 2011 |

Today I have a note from a great friend named Scott, hope you will be blessed by what he wrote: If you asked me today if I was religious, I would tell you “no”. This might seem weird if you knew that I go to church as often as I can, read and believe every word of the Bible, and pray to God. The reason I would say that is because of what people think when they hear “religion”. People tend to think things like laws, judgmental people, power, repetition, and as the result of some recent and unfortunate events, crazy people predicting the end of the world. Feel free to add your own words to the list. Chances are it’s not what Jesus Christ and His way is all about. – It’s not about religion and obligation, it’s about freedom and love. You might not know but the word…    read more 

Learning the Joy of Trusting in God

This week the topic that has been on my heart is faith and trust. For some reason it really bothers me when people say that they can’t trust in God because of what He puts them through. I’m still relatively young and I know that I haven’t experienced many of the trials that other people have, but I have had my fair share. But during the toughest times of my life, when I am a broken and confused mess, I can feel God better than ever. During those times I feel an unexplainable peace that I don’t feel at any other time, I feel indestructible. When I turn my attention to God and off of my circumstances I feel a deep joy welling up inside and I know that it doesn’t matter what happens to me because I have God. It’s so dangerous to base our faith on circumstances, only…    read more 

The Chicken Came First!

Ever heard something that just made you chuckle, and at the same time, warm your heart so much you gave praise and thanks to God? We were watching the news yesterday when the upcoming headline was announced, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?“. The headline left me waiting for the answer as they switched to commercial. While we waited for the news to return, I said to my brother, “Here they go again with these wasted researches that we already have an answer to, the chicken came first, don’t they know that?”. My brother and I had a nice laugh, then reflected on why we knew the chicken came first; I explained that maybe everyone does not know the reason why we have that conclusion in our heads, but it just seemed so obvious to us. Bible believing Christians would agree with me that the chicken had to…    read more 

Create A Cool Typography Effect in Photoshop

Create A Cool Typography Effect in Photoshop

January 14, 2010 |

Create A Cool Typography Effect in Photoshop CS3 or Photoshop CS4. The effect is a cool-looking and great for decorating your Typography. We will be using a combination of layer styles, color blending, lens flare and images. The end effect is quite stunning and hopefully you’ll pick up some tips you didn’t know before. [sociallocker] Final Image for the Typography Effect   Skill Level: Intermediate Resources: Particles Pack by Media Melitia Smoke Pack by Media Melitia Hysteria Texture by Pareeerica Rezland Font from Dafont   Step1: Create a new document in Photoshop, 1280×1024 pixels, 72dpi. We begin with a radial gradient, by double clicking the layer to activate the Layer Styles menu, then apply a gradient overlay. Here are the exact color codes: Foreground Color – #f2d445 Background Color – #98a843   Step2: Next we will create our particle background. Open the Media Meltia Particles008.png image and drag it into your document, then…    read more 

Who is God – Part One

November 9, 2009 |

A first glance this colorful paper strip looks just like a normal two sided band of paper, but at a closer look it becomes obvious that this strip of paper is by no means normal in the sense it has only one side—this is called a Mobius strip. A regular paper band has two sides: an outer side and an inner one which you can trace separately. A Mobius strip however has only one side: if you point your finger tip at any point of its surface and move it in any direction you will realize that your finger tip is covering all of its side. Unlike a two sided band you don’t need to take your finger tip off of one side to trace the other. The reason I made this colorful Mobius strip and photographed it, is that recently I’ve been thinking about who God is. Not that…    read more 

Blessed Are They

Are we living our lives according to God’s standards? Are we owning up to our mistakes? Are we being children of the Most High? Everyday we are given another chance to demonstrate the love of God through our lives. We are here only for a short time, do with it as God pleases. Jesus is looking for some good ambassadors to pass on His love and Good News. Ask him for power through His holy Spirit and study His Word. Then, you shall see the fruit of the Spirit raising up in your life and other people’s lives will be affected by yours in the way Jesus intended. “For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. For if you…    read more 

Black History Month: Awkward Reflections

Black History Month: Awkward Reflections: Over the last five hundred years, Christianity in Africa and in most countries with people of African ancestry, has been charged with outright racism (when non-Blacks headed the hierarchy within denominations) and with inverse racism (when Blacks headed the hierarchy within denominations). To these charges the Church has had to plead ‘guilty’ or ‘guilty with explanation’, not, regrettably, by its own volition but in response to external pressure, not readily but reluctantly. The awful reality is that racism and inverse racism are still within sectors of the Christian Church and in societies where Christianity is the dominant religion, like the Caribbean region. To what extent this is true, is open to guesswork since, to the best of my knowledge, there has not been any definitive research done on the current levels of racism and especially inverse racism in any country within the Caribbean. There is…    read more