
Black History Month Church Flyer Templates

Black History Month Church Flyer Templates

January 15, 2016 |

Black History Month Church Flyer Templates are perfect for contemporary church events. These Black History Month Church Flyer Templates are professional and inexpensive and are designed at high resolution and ready for any print production environment, each file is 300dpi in CMYK, including bleeds and Margins. The files are designed in Photoshop and have color-coded and labeled layers to facilitate easy editing. Check them out below! One Nation Black History Month Flyer One Nation Black History Month Flyer Template for Canva is Size 4×6 inches. The Black History Month Invitation postcard features a black grunge background with an African map. Red, Green, Gold, and black are used. Designed for Black History church sermons, Martin Luther King Jr Day, historical conferences, and historical classes but can also be used for other anniversary events. 3 color options are included to make it more flexible. Redeemed Black History Flyer Word Publisher Template Redeemed Black…    read more 

Create a Magazine Cover using Photoshop and InDesign

Create a Magazine Cover using Photoshop and InDesign CS5: This tutorial will demonstrate how to create a magazine cover. We will be using Photoshop and InDesign to create different aspects of the cover. My last magazine cover tutorial was created using only Photoshop. In this version we will use InDesign for better type management and Output for printing. Let’s get started! Final Image   Resource Second Jerusalem Temple model from Stock.xchng Portrait Girl in a Scarf from Stock.xchng Gold Grunge 5 from Stock.xchng Gold Grunge 4 from Stock.xchng Add City Boy Font from Dafont Barcode Font by BarcodeInc [sociallocker] Step 1 The first thing you should do is a little research on the type of magazine cover you want to create. The style will depend on your topic. The types of magazine cover you can make is only limited to your imagination. Since we want our design to look professional,…    read more