
Porn-What’s God got to do with it?

January 25, 2012 |

I’ve been thinking about the topic of pornography and so I thought I’d do a write up on it. Although I don’t like to admit it, it’s something that’s killing the Church. Stats are that 99% of guys have looked at or have been addicted to pornography at sometime in their life. Not only that but a large percentage of marriages (I can’t remember the exact number) end up in ruins because of it. But it’s not something we like to talk about because it’s awkward and personal. But showing love for someone is acting in their best interest, not doing what is comfortable for them but doing what will actually help them. It sometimes means saying the hard things or bringing up the taboo subjects. My question to you is this, if there was some guy who called himself a “Christian” and just slept around with different women all…    read more 


A New Creation in Christ

January 2, 2012 |

When I took this photo of the white flower I remembered how in Christ we are new creation. But here I would like to just talk about the joy of being new creation in Christ, because it seems that joy is the first gift Christ gives us through the Holy Spirit when we surrender our lives to Him. Here is a little story… In the summer of 2003, I had just graduated from high school and by then I was in Canada for 4 years, I decided to find Christian chat rooms online. I had never been to a chat room before (or since) but I really wanted to join one because I needed spiritual advice on how to overcome lust, and I didn’t have any other source of help. So I went to MSN chat rooms (been closed for a while now) and I looked through few Christian chat…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 13 – The Effects On Our Thinking Process

The simplest conceivable life form has about 600 protein molecules. The chance that even a SINGLE molecule could form by chance arrangement of the sequence of the amino acids in it would be between 10^450 and 10^600, depending on whose data you study. How many INCHES LONG do you suppose it is from one end of the universe to the other, at least with our present astronomical knowledge? Can you guess? It is about 10^28! That seems a small number, but consider that the distance is in INCHES. And to form ONE molecule the probabilities are from 10^450 to 10^600? How outrageous does the data have to get before it becomes laughable? Remember that the theory of evolution says that this happened not once, but again and again and again. It seems apparent to me that we are dealing not only with a ridiculous theory, but with a sick theory,…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 12 – Biogenetic Law

There is also a theory out that, as an embryo develops, its many appearances at different times reflect its `evolution`. This applies to all embryos, whether it be a bird, as turtle, or a human. I was taught this theory in college. Do you know when this theory was proven wrong? Back in the 1920`s. As someone once said, `There is nothing more fun than to watch an intelligent man expound on a stupid idea`. So what can you say? The above theory was called the `Biogenetic Law`, and it has been proven wrong or proven totally implausible so many times that it is ridiculous to even consider it. “This theory is now completely discredited by most embryologists.” – Dr. Jeffrey Bryne Over fifty years ago, Dr. Waldo Shumway [sp] of the University of Illinois said: “Experimental embryology demands that this hypothesis be abandoned.” If that’s the case, why is…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 11 – The Study of Cells

Lets talk about creationism versus the theory of evolution in regard to the various disciplines of science. We have already spoken of the astronomical side of this question. We will now consider the study of cells. These cells make up every living thing. What evidence is there in this area, which will settle the question of evolutionism versus creationism? If the theory of evolution is correct, then the accidental synthesis of the DNA molecule had to have taken place. As biological science learns more and more about the complexity of the cellular structure, the realization that this feat is impossible has set in. The DNA molecule can only be replicated in the presence of certain enzymes; numerous, complicated enzymes. Those enzymes themselves can only be replicated in the presence of DNA molecules. So, which came first, the chicken or the egg? It is not enough to `simply` synthesize the DNA…    read more 

Tolerance: A Fake Substitute for the Love of God

November 7, 2011 |

Jesus did not just say to dwell in his love only, but his truth as well. Love alone will not save anyone from Hell but love with the truth will. Jesus is the truth and told only the truth and we should as well. The love Jesus asks has loyalty it means for us to stand against opposition no matter where it will lead. Can love bring unity? If one wants to disregard the truth it certainly can! But it is not honored by God, only man. When we read Gods love was shed abroad in our hearts, this means we have his heart a new nature that cares differently than before. We were born by an incorruptible seed, the word of truth. When people say we should accept everyone to unite even if they do not believe the same, we compromise the truth. It is not true love to…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 10 – The Religion of Evolution

Next we will discuss “The Religion of Evolution”. First, a definition from Webster`s New World dictionary: Religion – a. A belief in a supernatural power; b. an expression of this belief in conduct or ritual; c. a specific system of belief or worship involving a code of ethics; d. an object that is zealously pursued. Obviously, if you are a creationist, one or more of these definitions would apply to you. You would probably believe that this supernatural power created all things. You should have a code of conduct that you try to make an integral part of your life, as outlined in the Bible, at least for all of us in attendance here. Also, you should also believe that this supernatural power, having created this magnificent universe, also has the power to override what we would call infallible physical laws. These “overrides” are called “miracles” by most people. Does…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 9 – The Fossil Records

Next we will consider the fossil record. If there is anything that can tangibly “prove” the theory of evolution, the fossil record would be the most likely. Fossils can of course be seen, handled, and examined. It has been instilled into this generation that the age of anything can be absolutely proven. As we have seen from our study of the various dating methods, there is very little that is absolute in the `science` of dating. The methods and results are at best questionable. Recent advances in science has shown that there are questions regarding things once thought absolute. I have read that scientists have discovered that the speed of light is slowing down. There is evidence that atomic clocks do not run at a constant rate. They, too, are slowing down. Concerning the fossil record, let me read what a leading scientist has said: “The fossil record reveals the…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 8 – Creation Demands vs Evolutionary Demands

Now let`s consider the demands of creation versus the demands of the theory of evolution. First, creation demands the presence of a Creator. The theory of evolution demands the absence of a creator. Second, creation demands the creation of matter. The theory of evolution has no explanation for the origin of matter. Third, as for the time span of the existence of the universe, creation demands the time span of recorded history. The theory of evolution demands eons of time, billions of years. Fourth, creation demands a `spirit world`. That is, the presence of a `higher power`, one who created this universe and governs its operation. This `higher power` is the giver of life. The theory of evolution does not allow for a higher power or a giver of life. The theory of evolution says life emerged spontaneously from non-living matter. Fifth, there is the fossil record. Creation demands a…    read more 


Beautiful Images in Remembrance of 911

September 10, 2011 |

Beautiful Images in Remembrance of 911: Who would have thought that an airplane would be used as a weapon against the citizens of America? People woke up to a regular day, to the hustle and bustle of life, not expecting anything but the normal routine, but the terror acts of a few changed our lives in many ways. Whether you were in New York or on the other side of the world, you could not watch the images of the planes crashing into the towers and not be shocked, outraged and disgusted at the devastation and massive loss of lives displayed before our eyes. As we reflect on the events of this day, say a prayer for the families that were affected by this tragedy, pray also for those that would orchestrate such terrible acts. [sociallocker] But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do…    read more 

How Sexual Immorality Affects the Body of Christ

September 7, 2011 |

Today I watched the Francis Chan sermon called “Holiness” and he talked about some verses that we don’t normally hear about. “Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a harlot? Certainly not! Or do you not know that he who is joined to a harlot is one body with her? For ‘the two,’ He says, ‘shall become one flesh.’” 1 Corinthians 6:15-16 The image that Paul paints here is very strong. You see as Christians we are all part of the body of Christ, this isn’t something to be taken lightly. We all know that sexual immorality creates a spiritual bond between two people. When we are involved in sexual immorality as Christians, whether it be pornography or sexual activity outside of marriage, it’s forcing the spirit of Christ within us to engage…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 7 – The Young Earth

The Bible teaches that the Heavens, Earth, and all life on Earth was created by direct acts of God during a relatively short period, calculated to be sometime between 5,700 and 10,000 years ago, by Biblical scholars. The Genesis accounts of Creation teaches us that God created the Earth in six 24-hour days, taking a literal interpretation of the Genesis accounts of creation. The evolutionary consensus, supported by a 2006 statement by 68 national and international science academies, is that it is “evidence-based fact” that the universe has existed for around 15 billion years, that the Earth was formed about 4.5 billion years ago with life appearing at least 2.5 billion years ago. Evolutionist would go as far as to laugh at those who believe that the earth is much younger than what we have been taught under the guise of science. Now, 5,700 to 10,000 years is a very,…    read more 


20 Beautiful Christian Wallpapers

20 Beautiful Christian Wallpapers – The Bible is filled with life changing words that can also be translated into beautiful eye-catching wallpapers. These wallpapers allow us to experience the Word of God in a whole new light. We collected some beautiful and inspirational wallpapers below, remember to share them with someone today.

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 5 – Mutation

I recently read that if you took one chromosome from a human and stretched it out, it would be seven feet long. ONE chromosome. It would be so thin you could not see it even with an electron microscope. If you took ALL of the chromosomes in the average human body and stretched them in a chain, they would extend back and forth to the moon 200,000 times. I want you to know that there is an enormous amount of genetic information in the human body. If you took the genetic information in your body and entered it into your computer word processor, it would require enough paper to more than fill the Grand Canyon. It takes an enormous amount of information to produce a human from the sperm and ovary. It takes a gigantic amount of genetic `instructions` to produce a human. The theory of evolution says that by…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 4 – Scientific Basis

I want you to know that the theory of evolution looks pretty good if you look at it from a distance. When you get right down to the `nuts and bolts` of evolution, it is in deep trouble. One of the leading scientists of this age has called evolution `incredible`. The definition of `incredible` is not `amazing`. `Incredible` literally means `without credibility`. He said that “the problem is, the only alternative is creation.” In effect he meant that since he `knew` creation is `wrong`, he HAD to believe evolution. This was not a man making fun of creationism. This is a scientist, and true scientists all over the world realize that the theory of evolution is in deep trouble. Yet they cling to it, because to do otherwise would be to admit the existence of God. In the 1800`s and in the past, we knew so little about the life…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 3 – The Age of the Universe

In accepting the theory of evolution, we are asked to accept as fact many other theories. Evolution is not one theory, but a complex series of theories. It is based upon many preconceived `facts`. Any time someone begins piling theory upon theory, the stack of theories becomes like a chain. The failure of any one theory can easily nullify the others. In `believing` in evolution, we are asked to believe that all of the different forms of life on earth began from a `primeval soup`. No one knows where this `soup` was, or what happened to it. No one can say what happened to suddenly bring forth life from the `soup`. What evidence is there to prove or disprove the theory of evolution?  Is evolution a workable explanation for the origin of the Universe, the planet Earth or Life?   Were The Universe, The Solar System, The Earth, and Life…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 2 – Fossil Evidence

Evolution for the most part is based on one’s interpretation of sedimentary strata and the fossils found therein. Those who believe in Evolution appear to be convinced that the fossils found in rock layers all over the earth are the definite proof that creatures have been evolving upward into higher life forms over hundreds of millions of years. Evolutionists declare this process has been taking place through “natural selection” and “mutation”, which leaves behind in its wake, the old models, so to say, which are replaced by higher forms of life. You will find that the mindless processes that are alleged to take place in and through Evolution are nothing more than a fantasy that has been thought out by men who have rejected the Bible and the one and only true God of Creation. Below we will discuss a few of the fossil evidences and a few biological facts…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 1- The Origin of Life

What is life? Is it just having the right combinations of proteins in just the right order? Is a man nothing more than a collection of substances and chemicals that happened to somehow `become alive`? Evolutionists claim that the process of life was started by some unknown process, millions (or billions) of years ago. This is the foundation of the evolutionary theory. Is there proof that this is really what happened? One of the greatest weaknesses of evolutionary theory is that there are too many forms of life to have happened by chance, and the building blocks of life are too complex to have just somehow `happened`. Could a cell by chance come into being that “has the DNA instructions to fill one thousand 600-page books?” -(National Geographic).   Examples: 1. Research has shown that the requirements for life are so complex that chance and even billions of years could…    read more 

Scientific Accuracy in the Bible Revealed

The Bible is not primarily a book of science, but it does contain numerous scientific facts. We laugh at some of the scientific data that was available  just a few hundred years ago. If man alone were the author of the Bible, we would expect to find many such errors contained in it. However, if we examine the scientific data of the Bible and find it to be accurate to present-day scientific laws, then we have powerful evidence for divine inspiration given by God to the authors. The scientific data found in the Bible are not only accurate, but were revealed thousands of years before man discovered them for himself. The Bible does not contain any errors typical of the time in which it was written. Would we expect anything less from a book inspired by God? The scriptures are replete with statements suggesting scientific knowledge which predates the corresponding…    read more 

Create a Cinematic Aerial Scene in Photoshop

In this this tutorial, we will create a cinematic aerial scene in Photoshop. The idea behind this was to create a dramatic scene that looked like it was from a movie. By using free stock photos and some simple techniques and graphic design rules such as perspective, lighting and overlapping, I accomplished the task. I hope you enjoy the tutorial and try it with your own stock imagery.   Inspiration: This image was inspired by: 1 Peter 2:11 Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul.   Final Image   Resource Canyon from Stock.xchng Lake Powell Sunset from Stock.xchng Aircraft6 from Stock.xchng Fighter planes at airshow 4 from Stock.xchng Tornado Jet from Stock.xchng F-15 Strike Eagle from Stock.xchng Eagle fighter Jet at Air Show from Stock.xchng Sun Flare from Wikipedia Commons   Step 1 Open the…    read more 

Drinking the Refreshing Water of Eternal Life

I have been thinking lately, isn’t it weird that so many celebrities and people who win the lottery end up in such a mess? They have everything that life can offer, the best of everything we are chasing, yet they end up in rehab or simply just losing it. Mel Gibson, Lindsay Lohan, Elvis, Tiger Woods, the list goes on and on. All of these celebrities have been at the top of the world at some point but all of them have ended up worse off in the end. I almost think it’s a blessing that us “normal” people can’t ever end up rich enough to acquire all of our desires. It’s weird that this is what happens to our role models yet we keep striving to be like them.   How can I show you that there is something far better out there? How can I explain the true…    read more 

Photoshop CS5 Brushes Demonstration

May 9, 2011 |

Photoshop CS5 Brushes Demonstration: This tutorial demonstrates the Photoshop CS5 Bristle and Mixer Brushes. The new Photoshop CS5 Mixer Brush lets you define multiple colors on a single tip to paint with subtle color blends, or you can use a dry brush to blend a photo’s colors to create a beautiful painting. New Photoshop CS5 Bristle Tips enable you to easily paint with lifelike, naturally textured brush strokes using defined bristle properties like shape, length, and stiffness. I talk about the features and how to set them up, then I do a demonstration to show how they can be used. Lets take a look! Tools used: Wacom Intuos4 Photoshop CS5 [sociallocker] Digital Painting – Still Life Demo part 2/2 [/sociallocker]

Beautiful Images Depicting The Cross of Christ

April 15, 2011 |

Death by crucifixion was an especially cruel and agonizing way to die. The Romans employed this form of execution primarily for slaves, although it was also used for foreigners, traitors and the most despicable of criminals. It was generally regarded as too degrading to be utilized for Roman citizens.1 Christ’s death on the cross is God’s ultimate act of love for mankind, The cross reminds us of Jesus’ victory over death, through His death and resurrection, we have the assurance of victory over sin and the promise of eternal life. As we look at these images, lets reflect on God’s love and sacrifice, take every opportunity to share the Gospel with others. Consequently, just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people. Romans 5:18 [ilink url=””] Cross of Christ : A study of the meaning of…    read more 

Make A Custom Brush in Photoshop Using a Photo

April 11, 2011 |

In my last tutorial we learned how to make our very own custom brush in Photoshop. This time around we will learn how to create one using a photo and the magic wand tool. Photoshop has a lot of great default brushes that you can customize, but its way more fun and interesting to create our own. Since the types of brushes we can create in Photoshop are limited only by our imagination, we will design a very simple brush here from a photograph,  just to see how easy the whole process is. Lets get started! Tools used: Wacom Intuos4 Photoshop CS5 [sociallocker]   Digital Painting – Still Life Demo part 1/2   [/sociallocker]