
Best Tutorials – February 2011

March 2, 2011 |

We have a great line-up of tutorials this month, that will satisfy your artistic thirst! These tutorials range from cool photo manipulations, typography effects, Photography tricks and much more. Check them out, you may find something that you like! Futuristic Photo Illustration With Photoshop Take an image of a model and turn it into a futuristic composition that uses various Photoshop techniques such as masks, color and light effects… View Tutorial Learn the Secrets of Painted Photos Derek Lea focuses on a single Corel Painter tool, the Oil Palette Knife. It uses the colors and imagery from existing layers and spreads them around on a new layer, taking you far along the path from photo to painted portrait, with only fine detail to be added… View Tutorial Create an Ice Cream Type Treatment in Photoshop Learn how to realize an awesome text effect using ice cream! The process is simple…    read more 

Powerful images of Beautiful Cloud Formations

June 25, 2010 |

Clouds are always interesting to look at, most times we can see different shapes in them that captures our imaginations, but what exactly are clouds?, how are they made?. On Earth the condensing substance that form clouds is typically water vapor, which forms small droplets or ice crystals. When surrounded by billions of other droplets or crystals they become visible as clouds. Dense deep clouds exhibit a high reflectance throughout the visible range of wavelengths; they therefore appear white, at least from the top. Cloud droplets tend to scatter light efficiently, so that the intensity of the solar radiation decreases with depth into the gases, hence the gray or even sometimes dark appearance at the cloud base. Thin clouds may appear to have acquired the color of their environment or background and clouds illuminated by non-white light, such as during sunrise or sunset, may appear colored accordingly. Clouds look darker…    read more 

Bible’s Inspiration in the Hydrologic Cycle

August 28, 2008 |

Bible’s Inspiration Hydrologic Cycle. Water is the source that maintains all life on earth. The distribution of water however, is quite varied; many locations have plenty of it while others have very little. Water exists on earth as a solid (ice), liquid or gas (water vapor). Oceans, rivers, clouds, and rain, all of which contain water, are in a frequent state of change (surface water evaporates, cloud water precipitates, rainfall infiltrates the ground, etc.). However, the total amount of the earth’s water does not change. The circulation and conservation of earth’s water is called the “hydrologic cycle”. The Hydrologic Cycle-Online meteorology guide Revealed in the Bible: Job 36:27-28 The water cycle was not fully understood until about 30 B.C. by a Roman engineer named Marcus Vitruvius. Yet every aspect of the water cycle was fully revealed to mankind in 1600 B.C.! The Bible’s description is in perfect harmony with modern…    read more