
Experiencing God’s Consuming Fire!

April 1, 2011 |

There is a depth in God whereby one enters the friendly fire that is Him and wishes to be no place else. It consumes a person in the same way love consumes the lover. His consuming fire enters the spirit of man and burns with the same fire that burns within Him. It consumes everything in its path, like a roaring fire when it overtakes and consumes everything in its way. If there be any hesitance at entering in, that consideration melts before Him. One is totally immersed in His fire and realizes such baptism is the baptism into Him. I was pondering about this… Dross is everything that comes to the top and is burned off. Malachi 3:3 speaks of the Lord, for He is the REFINER and PURIFIER of our very being. And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the…    read more 

Set Free From The Slavery of Sin

December 27, 2010 |

Some people say that it is contradictory that Christians claim to be free,  when they are required to follow the guidelines in the Bible. What you need to understand is that we are all slaves to sin when we enter this world. It use to be perfect, our relationship with God, but when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, sin entered and we lost that perfect relationship with God. Having a relationship with Jesus frees us from the slavery to sin that we are born into and opens up a means of connection with God. Whether you like it or not, we are all born sinful and the only way to be free is to accept the one who defeated sin, Jesus. If you don’t believe me, that we are all naturally sinful, look at children; they naturally do things that are wrong and…    read more