
Eulogy Programs for Men and Women

25 Eulogy Programs for Men and Women

November 13, 2020 |

These amazing Eulogy Programs for Men and Women are for memorial service and funeral program services. A great addition to your funeral stationery package for your loved one. From modern to vintage style, they cover a wide array of memorable designs that fits a grief and mourning event for male and female. All programs are editable with Microsoft Word or Publisher. A very flexible set of obituary templates for men and women. Retro Funeral Program Word Publisher | 4 Pages https://www.godserv.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/ScreenCapture_2020-6-22-15.59.07.mp4 Retro Funeral Program Word Publisher Template, Print Size: 11”x17”, Bi-Fold Size: 8.5”x11”, is a vintage style memorial or home going brochure.  Blue Ribbon Funeral Program Large | 4 Pages https://www.godserv.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/ScreenCapture_2020-6-22-16.48.17.mp4 Blue Ribbon Funeral Program Large Word Publisher Template, Print Size 11”x17”, Bi-fold to 8.5”x11”, is for a modern commemorative or home going service. Blue Ribbon Funeral Program Large | 8 Pages https://www.godserv.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/ScreenCapture_2020-6-22-16.54.57.mp4 Blue Ribbon Funeral Program Large Word Publisher Template,…    read more 

bookmark templates

Funeral Bookmark Templates

October 17, 2019 |

Funeral Bookmark Templates make great keepsakes for remembering people. The design can be serious to fun. Here are some beautiful bookmarks that may fit with your vision of a keepsake for your loved one. These Bookmarks are designed and editable in Microsoft Word and Publisher. Some have extra backgrounds while others have colors that can be changed to fit your color scheme. Check them out for more images that will give you more insight that will let you know which one is the right one for your occasion. Funeral Bookmark Canva Template Funeral Bookmark Canva Template – Red Ribbon, Print Size 3″x8.25, Cut Size 2.75”x8”, is for a Victorian-style commemorative or funeral service. Designed with a red ribbon over a golden background and clouds. The bookmark can be used for military service persons’ funeral and memorial keepsake that needs a dignified, elegant theme. Kings Funeral Bookmark Word Publisher Template Kings…    read more 

Funeral Programs for Men

Funeral Programs for Men

These amazing Funeral Programs for Men are for memorial service and funeral services. A great addition to your funeral stationery package for your loved one. From modern to vintage style, they cover a wide array of memorable designs that fits a grief and mourning event. All programs are editable with Microsoft Word or Publisher. A very flexible set of obituary templates for men. Red Rock Funeral Program Word Publisher Template – 4 Pages, Print Size: 8.5”x11”, Bi-Fold Size: 5.5”x8.5”, is a rustic modern memorial or funeral bi-fold program. Black and Red Rock Textures and Gradient are used for this elegant obituary template. Red Rock Funeral Program Word Publisher Tabloid Template – 4 Pages, Print Size: 11”x17”, Bi-Fold Size: 8.5”x11”, is a rustic modern memorial or funeral bi-fold program. Black and Red Rock Textures and Gradient are used for this elegant obituary template. The Eulogy booklet uses 12 images to showcase…    read more 

singing and making melody

Singing and Making Melody to the Lord

addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart,  giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, – Ephesians 5:19-20 Verses 15 – 18 speaks about what we should not do as followers of Christ who should be growing in his way and in the Spirit. Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, – Ephesians 5:15-18 Then we follow Him (Jesus) to the banqueting hall and learn to walk in the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-26) and be joyful, thankful, and submissive to one another. – W. W. Weirsbe Lessons for New Converts and…    read more 

38 Beautiful Static Church Slides

38 Beautiful Static Church Slides

December 30, 2016 |

Here are 38 Beautiful Static Church Slides that can help with your communications in your church services. Church slides can play a vital role in communicating information to your church family. Whether you’re displaying this loop of slides before your service begins, at certain times during your service, or even as people are leaving, they are a great way to get the word out about upcoming events. Bokeh Church Service Slide Template Bokeh Church Service Slide Template can be used for variety of event presentation. Welcome, Offering, Upcoming Events and Goodbye message is included in the full download. Design with various bokeh background color options; blue, orange, green and lavender. A great tool for church services. Get this Photoshop template and customize the slides for your church occasion. Focus Church Slide Template Focus Church Slide Template is for church sermon series, bible studies, new years church planning meetings and conventions dealing with the direction and mission of the…    read more 

Funeral Program Templates

Dignity Funeral Program Word and Publisher and Canva Templates

August 15, 2016 |

Dignity Funeral Program Word, Publisher, and Canva Templates Dignity Funeral Program Word, Publisher, and Canva Booklet Templates are for a modern memorial or homegoing service. Their metallic-colored decals and text style laid over a paisley pattern background will honor and dignify your loved one. A great keepsake program. These Funeral Program Templates are designed by Godserv to be edited with Microsoft Word, Publisher, or Canva. Choose the version that you are most familiar with. You edit and Print. Funeral Program printing can be done by you with a capable printer or sent to a local or online print or copy shop example, Office Depot, FedEx Print, etc. Dignity Funeral Program Word Publisher Template is for a modern memorial or homegoing service. Its silver decals and text style laid over a navy blue background will honor and dignify your loved ones. Funeral Program Template – Bundle Dignity Funeral Program Word Publisher…    read more 

Obituary Templates

Obituary Templates

December 22, 2015 |

Obituary Templates are for a memorial or funeral services. Great for memorializing a person that passed away. When a person dies, close family members or friends arrange a funeral program to represent the family and more importantly, the one that passed away. Obituary Funeral Program Templates are used  to present to the guests, the order of service, obituary and interment along with other information is included. Cut cost and save time with these templates – they are designed already, just enter they needed information. Printable Obituary Templates designed with care and professionalism can make a great keep sake for those that are mourning. These Printable Obituary Templates are great for doing just that. They can also be customized for wedding and anniversary events for anyone needing a unique program. WORD & PUBLISHER TEMPLATES Vintage Sky Funeral Program Word Publisher Template Vintage Sky Funeral Program Word Publisher Template is for funeral, home going or memorial service. Designed…    read more 


God Answers Prayers Faithfully and Lovingly

March 3, 2014 |

This evening I was driving home from work and listening to the Joy 1250 radio station. There was a Christian program hosting Joni Eareckson Tada, a Christian lady who in 1967–at the age of 17 years old–became quadriplegic due to a diving accident. She said something that encouraged me to share with you my experience of God’s faithfulness in answering prayers. She said that prior to the accident she prayed that God would deepen her relationship with Him, but that she did not expect it to happen this way—she wasn’t thinking ‘paralysis’! But God used her paralysis to answer her prayer and she is so much closer to Him today than she ever could. Ten years ago I prayed a simple sincere prayer. I asked God, “Lord, I want to experience the love You have for mankind. I don’t want to only experience Your love for me but I also…    read more 

Beautiful Free Photos of Fathers

Beautiful Free Photos of Fathers

June 11, 2013 |

Beautiful Free Photos of Fathers: Fathers are the rock and builders of our society and we depend on them for many things. They may seem distant at times but, most are just busy thinking of how they can provide and others may be thinking about the next big thing (sports maybe :). God is our ultimate and  best father there is. He provides, love, sacrifice, protect and rebuke us. We found these beautiful photos of Fathers on Morguefile.com and though we would share. Fathers Day is when we celebrate our fathers these images can be used to create graphic design pieces for  church, school or home. Just follow the morgue license for guidelines on the usage of these photos. We hope your creations are marvelous – share them with us if you can by leaving a link to in the comment section below.  Click on each image to go and download…    read more 


Letting Go – Part 2

October 31, 2012 |

There are reasons why I chose to analyse her experience with the man she loved, rather than analyse my own experience with her: 1) I was very familiar with her. When she did something I already knew what motivated her. When she said something, I knew what she really meant and wanted to communicate. I knew her better than she knew herself. I knew how she was before her rejection experience with that man, and how she became afterwards. 2) I am not better than her. Whatever she went through I knew that I was going to go through the same thing. I am just a human as she is, so I knew “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind.” (1 Corinthians 10:13) 3) Often times our own experience are too painful at the time for us to analyse them logically, and often times the strong emotions…    read more 


Our Prayer Life is Our Christian Life

October 16, 2012 |

  Why do we watch YouTube videos? Why do we spend so much time on Facebook and Flickr? Why do we read so many Wikipedia articles? Why do we play our favorite sports and watch our favorite TV shows? Why do we talk to our friends on the phone? Why do we chat? Why do we work? Why do we go shopping? The answer to these questions is either because ‘we want to’ and/or ‘we love to.’ Why do we work? Maybe it’s not because we enjoy our work but because we want to work: we want to make money, and we want to have a career, and we want to have a promotion, and we don’t want to sit home all day long. Why do we play sports? Because we enjoy playing them, we enjoy competing, and we enjoy to spending time with our friends. And we want to be in shape! If…    read more 

Hypocritical Christian Part 2

April 17, 2012 |

There is something else I thought about the other day while walking to work. For years I prayed and cried for something I wanted God to do. But God in His infinite love and wisdom did not give me what I had asked for! If He did allow it to happen then I would have been absolutely miserable for the rest of my life! And you know what? Five years later while I was talking to Him about it I realized He did it because He loved me, and I thanked Him! Five years later I thanked Him! You know, if a stranger holds a public door for me for 2 seconds then I would thank him whole heartedly and without hesitation, yet I waited five years to thank my Savior and Heavenly Father for freeing me from an absolutely miserable life! This is a perfect example of the idolatry…    read more 

Modesty-Your Spiritual Act of Worship Part 4

March 23, 2012 |

When I write I target a very small percentage of Christians. In this writing I am targeting even less–no more than a handful of ladies who are actually seeking to get closer to our Lord, to please Him, to live for Him a holy and blameless life. I am seeking those few ladies who are asking, “What can I do to get closer to Him? What can I do to be more like Him? What can I do to take my faith to the next level.” Let me tell you a story: Few years ago I was working in a warehouse as a general laborer. One day after I finished my lunch I decided to go sit in the warehouse reading my Bible for few minutes before my lunch time is over. So I sat on a box and I opened my Bible and prayed to the Holy Spirit to…    read more 

Modesty-Your Spiritual Act of Worship Part 3

March 13, 2012 |

I am not doubting the sincerity of Christian women’s love for Christ, and so I am not saying that those Christian women who dress immodesty are doing it because they hate Christ. But the Bible does not say we are perishing because our lack of love, no, it says we are perishing because of our lack of knowledge:   “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. ‘Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children.’” (Hosea 4:6) Also, when you love someone you have to love that person the way they want and need. For example, if my wife wants to go to a certain restaurant but I take her to the restaurant I like then I have not expressed love toward her. So it is the same with Christ: we…    read more 

Modesty-Your Spiritual Act of Worship Part 2

March 8, 2012 |

Now, here is what I think are some of the reasons immodesty is such a big sensual problem in the church today: 1) I believe, the biggest problem with immodesty is that it is a very well disguised idolatry. Anything that we replace God with to make us feel whole, to fulfill us emotionally, to make us feel wanted and desired, to lift our self-image, to make us reach our goals (such as attracting a husband-to-be), or to make our lives feel complete is an idol. For example, a man does not lust for the sake of lusting: a man lusts because momentary this physically attractive woman makes him feel a satisfaction he hasn’t fulfilled with his relationship to Christ. The same applies to other sins such as getting drunk–nobody gets drunk to make a fool of himself—people get drunk to escape a reality they do not like because they…    read more 

I Disagree with Christians

February 29, 2012 |

The Jesus in the City Parade was beautiful; it was beautiful to see so many children of God come together in a public square and have the freedom and right to worship and love their God. But there is something I want to talk about that’s not directly related to this event or this photo. It seems whenever I hear a preacher–whether at church, on radio, or at an event—they all seem to complain about how prayers and scripture reading were taken from public school and how that’s the work of Satan. Well, I disagree with that: first, I don’t think it’s a spiritually bad thing; second, I don’t think it’s the work of Satan—I think it’s the work of God. Here is why I don’t see a problem with that. First, it’s wrong to see Christianity as a state religion. Some preachers say that this country or that country…    read more 

When Your Joy is Complete Part 1

February 22, 2012 |

Eight years ago I took a sexual purity online course, and it was the best Christian teaching I got. It was a daily online course for two months and I loved every day of it. One thing though I disagree with them is that they said many members who do not follow the precautionary rules (such as: move your computer to an open space in the house, or install Internet filtering software, or acquire an accountability partner, etc) fall back into sin even though they were free from it for a period of time. The problem I have with that statement is that I believe a person is only truly free if he is free on the inside through being set free by the power of the Holy Spirit. I think the best way to explain this topic is by talking about what it means to be born-again and what…    read more 


Who Crucified the Lord?

February 16, 2012 |

I took this photo at the Jesus in the City parade in Toronto. At first I wanted to make everything black and white except for the robe of the actor who is portraying our Lord Jesus Christ, then I realized this will make the robe the center of attention so I changed my mind. Here I just want to talk about the crucifixion. In 2004 a non-Christian co-worker told me that he went to watch The Passion of the Christ movie and said it was very brutal then added, “But it wasn’t the worst [physically] torture that anyone had endured.” Of course, he was right: our Lord did not endure the most physical torture in the history of mankind, because some men were crucified for days before they died, many others died more horrible physical deaths. As far as we know the two thieves who were crucified alongside our Lord…    read more 

He Must Become Greater; I must become less

September 26, 2011 |

I went for a walk alone downtown and I spent it pretty much talking to the Father. When I reached the harbor front I was very pleased with the beautiful scene of the full moon and its light reflection on the water. But deep inside my heart was heavy as I had many worries. So I decided to walk back and keep talking to the Father, then I thought, “Why so busy and always in a rush? Sit down for few minutes, rest, relax, enjoy the scene and focus on your prayer.” So I sat down looking at this serene sight, and I started praying again but my worries were still there–I still didn’t have inner peace. Then I decided to pray the words of John the Baptist in John 3:30 “He must become greater; I must become less.” So I prayed those simple words with all my heart fully…    read more 

No Guarantee For Judgement Day May 21, 2011

There are billboards, bumper stickers, park bench ads, bus wrap ads etc., all over America, announcing that Judgement Day will occur on May 21, 2011. Most of these announcements are accompanied by the notice that, ‘The Bible Guarantees It.’ The man behind these bold and frightening proclamations is Harold Camping, leader of an Oakland-based “Christian Ministry” called, Family Radio Worldwide. Mr. Camping recently told the Associated Press that the Bible acts as a calendar, by which the dates of the prophesies can be calculated. Mr. Camping apparently has done the necessary calculations, and he has determined that the Day of Judgement will take place on the 21st of May. Unfortunately, Mr. Camping is not the first to brainwash people into these false teachings, here is a list of so called dates predicting Jesus’ return. “Perhaps the most notorious date-setters have been the Jehovah’s Witnesses. The group has been forced by…    read more 

Famine of the Word

March 4, 2011 |

I found myself being still before the Lord today, seeking His face about something that took place and I was reminded of this scripture today as I sat still before the Lord. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” Amos 4:6 O my! The Bible is filled with so much, so much to learn, to inquire of the Lord and so much revealed to us in His word. My people perish and are destroyed, wow, those words alone are a mighty mouthful. They were once His people yet they are destroyed. Destroyed and perish without the knowledge of the Living God. The True knowledge of Who He is, God. A Mighty and Sovereign God, we are all called to serve in this earth. The days are coming,” declares the Sovereign LORD, “when I will send a famine through the land–not a famine of food or a thirst for water,…    read more 

A Solitary Place in Christ

December 24, 2010 |

Jesus was being drawn by the Father to depart from the crowds,  to go away and to pray and to be with the Father, God. I’ve often pondered about this, how Jesus had to refresh himself at the feet of His Father. He had to be strengthened to receive from the Heavenly Father so that He could continue onward. We, God’s people need to do the same, for Jesus set the example for all of us. We too, also need to go to the feet of Jesus and to receive from him and to be still as even Mary was still. She partook of the good and received from Jesus. Their truly are too many people laboring by their own works (of the flesh) and we all have been guilty of this. When we cease from our own labors and allow the Lord to lead, guide and speak we truly walk…    read more 


When Friend Rise up Against Friend!

November 19, 2010 |

I was reading this scripture passage from Psalms 41:9 this morning. This verse just stuck out to me as never before. It reminded me of Jesus and Judas, the one who clearly betrayed Jesus, who supped with the Lord at His table. Jesus knew the thoughts and intents of his heart, for the Lord knows what is in the heart of all men and women. Judas supped with Jesus, he was right there with the other disciples, why such betrayal? Do we know why? The Bible tells us such. Even my close friend in whom I trusted, who ate my bread, has lifted his heel against me. Psalm 41:9 As I pondered on the verse, It remind me of how the Lord reveals to us, His children, when we wholeheartedly seek His face for guidance, for His truth in all matters, all areas of our lives. Including when we pray…    read more 

A Dreamer – Saved to Share The Gospel

October 11, 2010 |

In my previous post A Dreamer – Escaping The Brokenness of Life, I shared with you a little of my life leading up to me being saved and being blessed with a spirit filled husband, today I will share how The Holy Spirit has blessed me with different gifts in order to share the Gospel. I’m a dreamer. I also am given many visions from the Lord. These are gifts from the Holy Spirit, yes. Joel speaks of this [ Joel 2:28 ] and again in  Acts. [ Acts 2:17 ] The journey in Jesus and this walk, is painful and joyous. That is truth. Persecution has come in all different, shapes and sizes. but the outcome of these trials and tribulations is this. Jesus is LORD and He is KING! I become stronger in Christ. To press toward the higher calling in Christ Jesus. To persevere in Him. I…    read more