
Creation The Dawn of Mankind

August 4, 2010 |

The book, “Creation, The Dawn of Mankind” by Mark Taylor, presents a fresh look at an old story, the story of man’s beginning, as recorded in the book of Genesis. Genesis gives a compelling answer to man’s greatest question, “where did we come from?” The book is illustrated in a comic format using unique full color artwork, created with 3d and 2d software. It captures the wonder of creation and the fact that God made it all for man, His ultimate creation. God’s plan of salvation is revealed in the story and we get to see the loving grace and mercy of God, to His fallen and disobedient children. Read and Share it today. Click the lower right edge of the Flash Book after it is loaded. Book also available in paperback on Blurb Why Did I Write The Book? As a kid, I often pondered the question of, “how…    read more 

Struggling For A Sign of God’s Promises

For the last year I’ve been struggling with doubt off and on…from the little things to the big things. Some days I feel that nothing can shake my faith, and other days I feel nothing can make it continue. So recently I’ve been going to God asking Him questions about this and that, and why did this happen and why that didn’t happen, etc. I am determined to face this struggle head on and overcome it, rather than just let it make me drift away from trusting God. God’s faithfulness is probably His most important attribute to me. I simply must know that He does not change, keeps His promises, does not mislead us, makes His will clear, guides us to His best at all times. And He has given me many promises concerning an issue I’ve been facing for quite sometime. All those promises add up and confirm each…    read more 


50 Stunning Christian Wallpapers

In this article, I have chosen 50 stunning Christian wallpapers directly from our Flickr Group. Wallpapers are the first thing that inspires us when we turn on our computers. The more inspirational, beautiful, and elegant they are, the better they can challenge our imagination. Christian Wallpapers, as simple as they may be, never fail to provide a fresh perspective of the world around us. However, desktop wallpapers can go far beyond being a colorful decoration. They can also be a source of Biblical inspiration and a great tool to spread the Gospel of Christ.  Check them out, share, and enjoy them! To Download: Click the image you want.  After It loads – Click the Download Link at Top – Image will load in a new window – Right Click it and choose “Save Image As”. Acoustic Melodies Christian wallpapers by PHATBOYid War Sky by by jakedillard Our Rock by SeraphimChris…    read more 

Blind Faith

January 11, 2010 |

Before I became a Christian I used to hate the phrase “blind faith” as it represented ignorance to me. And I believed that’s what Christians wanted me to have in order to become a Christian like them. As a new believer I still hated that phrase because I believed that I became a Christian based on logical thinking because of the overwhelming evidence supporting Christianity’s claims. Ten years later I am starting to think that blind faith is true faith. Let me tell you how I came to start thinking that blind faith is important. About three weeks ago around 5 in the morning I heard a very sad news; this news was so tragic to me that it was by far the saddest and most painful experience I have ever been through. I was so sad and shocked I couldn’t even cry. For the next several hours I was…    read more 


30 Awesome Christian Wallpapers

October 23, 2009 |

This post features awesome free Christian wallpapers that are created by artists/designers from all over the globe. They give a special touch to your Desktop. and can serve as a cool ministering tool. “We love creating wallpapers and customizing our desktop with them,  that’s why we create our own, and thought it would be nice to find others that are just as inspirational. Check them out and enjoy!   Serve God by Christian Wallpapers PhilipcDavis Give Thanks by PhilipcDavis Christian Science Mapparium – National Geographic Wallpaper The King James Bible by jadgraphics Solid Rock  by jadgraphics Mercy and Grace by jadgraphics Jesus is Lord by jadgraphics [sam id=3 codes=’false’] Preach by jadgraphics Grow in Grace by jadgraphics Covetous by jadgraphics Choose Life by Peace Maker by Faith by Vista Wallpapers Wake Up by christian_nurse Cross by hasby Cross and Flame Wallpaper by Kennon1st It was the Blood by dreck Got Jesus? by…    read more 

The Reliability of The Bible

I can certainly understand why some people do not trust the Bible and the many translations that have been done. With a little understanding of the History of the Bible and how much pain, hard work and dedication that went into making the translations accurate, you would then see that the Bible is the most accurate piece of historical document that man has in his possession. I am not just saying this because I am a Christian, here are the facts, the only book that comes close as far as accuracy is the manuscripts (copies) of “Homer” (writer of the Trojan Horse) These writings were copied 500 years between the times of the original documents. Six hundred and forty three (643) copies still exist and the writings are 95% correct. The original document was written 900 B.C. the earliest copy was done about 400 B.C. Compare those stats to the…    read more 

Amazing Images Depicting Christian Worship

October 5, 2009 |

Amazing Images Depicting Christian Worship: The photos displayed here, show various forms of Christian worship. Worship is an activity that is personal, yet at the same time very communal. An expression of worship may be performed individually, or corporately within informal groups, or a formal meetings. In Christianity, worship is not characterized only by praying, reading God’s Word with an open heart, singing, participating in communion, and serving others, it is reflected more in the life of the believer. A life dedicated to Christ.. It’s not limited to one act, but is done properly when the heart and attitude of the person is in the right place. “But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers.”  John 4:23 “God is a Spirit and they that worship Him must worship…    read more 

Images Celebrating Resurrection Day

August 12, 2009 |

Images Celebrating Resurrection Day: This selection of images celebrates Resurrection Day, The Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is is the most important event in the Christian faith. without the resurrection of Jesus our faith would be in vain. “But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.” Romans 8:11 11   Because Christ was risen from the dead, we too have a blessed hope to be raised from the dead when He returns. “For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised: And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.” 1 Corinthians 15:16-17 “If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable….    read more 

Blessed Are They

Are we living our lives according to God’s standards? Are we owning up to our mistakes? Are we being children of the Most High? Everyday we are given another chance to demonstrate the love of God through our lives. We are here only for a short time, do with it as God pleases. Jesus is looking for some good ambassadors to pass on His love and Good News. Ask him for power through His holy Spirit and study His Word. Then, you shall see the fruit of the Spirit raising up in your life and other people’s lives will be affected by yours in the way Jesus intended. “For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. For if you…    read more 

Why Believe in Genesis – Part 2

In our previous post entitled, “Why Believe in Genesis” , we concluded that the Genesis account of creation can be trusted, because everything that God said He created, we can see with our eyes and they are exactly where He said we would find them and doing exactly what they were created to do. He created the sun, moon and the stars for signs and seasons, days and years, Genesis 1:14-16. He created all life from dust and when they die, they return to the dust, Genesis 3:19. God created different species of animals to reproduce after their own kind, Genesis 1:25. He made man and gave him dominion (power and authority) over the earth and all the animals, Genesis 1:26. He created the heavens and the earth in six days and ended all of His work on the seventh day, Genesis 2:2. We still live and work by that…    read more 

Why Believe in Genesis – Part 1

Why should we, as Christians, continue to believe in the genesis accounts of creation? We grow up in a society that teaches us about evolution and that the world began from one big cosmic bang and that our ultimate origins are from cosmic dust that fell from space to the earth and formed a primordial soup which eventually, over millions of years, formed all life here on earth. Some Christians believe that the evolutionary process may have been used by God in His creative process. Some have started to blend both ideas, but God did not proclaim in His word, that He used such processes to create anything. Human beings are born with the innate sense of discovery, we want to know how the entire universe and the earth came to be, how it all began?, why we are here? and who made us? Why is that? The book of…    read more 

Genuine and Bogus Blacks in The Bible

Genuine and Bogus Blacks in The Bible: If you hear anyone saying that Christianity is a European religion, just lovingly, but firmly remind them of its place of origin in the Middle East (Jerusalem) and it is critical for Black Muslims and people in general to know that Islam was not the original faith of Africans. Christianity was introduced to Africa in all likelihood in the 1st century AD through the ‘Ethiopian Eunuch’ mentioned in Acts 8.27, an official in the Royal Court of what is now modern Sudan. Additionally, Christianity was accepted by The Royal Court of Ethiopia and became that country’s official religion from the 4th century AD, some 300 years before Islam even began in Arabia in the 7th century AD. It is incontestable that we have a genuine Black person in the early Church leader in Antioch referred to as ‘Simeon called Niger’ (Acts 13.1). In Simeon’s…    read more 

Interesting Good Friday Images

April 10, 2009 |

Interesting Good Friday Images: This selection of images celebrates Good Friday, a monumental event in history that marks the finished work of Jesus on the cross. Good Friday, also called Holy Friday, Great Friday or Black Friday, is a Christian celebration commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus and his death at Golgotha. The holiday is observed during Holy Week on the Friday preceding Resurrection Sunday, and often coincides with the Jewish observance of Passover. Good Friday commemorates not just an historical event, but the sacrificial death of Christ. The Resurrection of Christ is the heart of of the Christian faith, Jesus fulfilled his primary mission of taking on the sin of man and ultimately dying for our sins and raising victoriously on the third day by defeating death and the grave. This is the hope of the Christian, that we may also rise from the dead when Christ returns and live…    read more 


Time is Almost Up Wallpaper

Time is Almost Up Wallpaper: Many people ask, “Are we in the last days?” Well, to be honest, I certainly think that we are. Does this belief mean that every Christian should sell what they have, quit their jobs and move to the mountains to wait on the Lord? No, because that would be un-Biblical and just plain stupid. I would say this though, it’s time for the complaisant Christians to re-evaluate their walk with God and start running the race to save as many souls as possible. The signs are all around us, in the news and in our everyday lives. One doesn’t have to look far to see that time is winding down. ” This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers,…    read more 


Signs and Wonders Wallpaper

  Signs and Wonders Wallpaper: Signs and wonders are what some search for today when it pertains to believing in God and trusting in Him, but if we see signs and wonders, will it turn us away from our sins and make our faith stronger? What if the signs and wonders are not reliable and the question is…, why are we searching for these signs? Hebrews 11:6 says, “But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for He that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” When Jesus walked the earth, He performed many signs and wonders, He healed the sick, He gave sight to the blind and many more miracles that astonished everyone, but did everyone believe in Him?…No! This proves that signs and wonders will not satisfy our ultimate spiritual needs. 2 Thessalonians tells…    read more 


Another Gospel Wallpaper

  Another Gospel Wallpaper. Never before has there been such a spread of apostasy in the Christian Church, such a gross turning away from the true Gospel of the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Some televangelist spread the word in such a sweet fashion, but if you are not rooted in the Gospel, you may be lead astray by comforting words or led to believe that Christ is there just to provide your every “want” in life or he is even here just to make you… Rich!! I heard a guy speaking on the radio a few days ago, he said “every time we sin we must go back, repent and be baptized, so that we can have a fresh start”..uh!?! I guess we would need to have a baptism pool installed in our back yards, because we sin every day sometimes without knowing. The simplicity of the Gospel is…    read more 

Bible’s Inspiration in the Hydrologic Cycle

August 28, 2008 |

Bible’s Inspiration Hydrologic Cycle. Water is the source that maintains all life on earth. The distribution of water however, is quite varied; many locations have plenty of it while others have very little. Water exists on earth as a solid (ice), liquid or gas (water vapor). Oceans, rivers, clouds, and rain, all of which contain water, are in a frequent state of change (surface water evaporates, cloud water precipitates, rainfall infiltrates the ground, etc.). However, the total amount of the earth’s water does not change. The circulation and conservation of earth’s water is called the “hydrologic cycle”. The Hydrologic Cycle-Online meteorology guide Revealed in the Bible: Job 36:27-28 The water cycle was not fully understood until about 30 B.C. by a Roman engineer named Marcus Vitruvius. Yet every aspect of the water cycle was fully revealed to mankind in 1600 B.C.! The Bible’s description is in perfect harmony with modern…    read more