

A New Creation in Christ

January 2, 2012 |

When I took this photo of the white flower I remembered how in Christ we are new creation. But here I would like to just talk about the joy of being new creation in Christ, because it seems that joy is the first gift Christ gives us through the Holy Spirit when we surrender our lives to Him. Here is a little story… In the summer of 2003, I had just graduated from high school and by then I was in Canada for 4 years, I decided to find Christian chat rooms online. I had never been to a chat room before (or since) but I really wanted to join one because I needed spiritual advice on how to overcome lust, and I didn’t have any other source of help. So I went to MSN chat rooms (been closed for a while now) and I looked through few Christian chat…    read more 

A Faithful Man Who Can Find?

December 30, 2011 |

When I was born my dad had already joined the Iraqi army so I really didn’t see him much. He actually joined the army one year after he got married at the age of twenty five and left the army in his late thirty’s. Back home men are forced to join the army; they fought and died for a cause they didn’t believe in, against a neighboring country they did not consider an enemy, in support of a president they did not elect. My dad had a vacation of around seven days every forty five days, so when he came home he didn’t want to shave because in the army they are forced to wake up at 5 am and shave every morning, so he just wanted a break from it! Needless to say I didn’t know who my dad was! I actually didn’t know what the word “Dad” meant!…    read more 


Struggling with Maturity

December 26, 2011 |

One hot summer afternoon in Iraq I was walking with my best friend from the neighborhood; we were both in our early teens. He told me that he wants to be a doctor. I thought it was kind of an unrealistic goal since he wasn’t a straight A student so I asked him why he wanted to be a doctor. He told me that his dad was motivating him to finish school and to do his best. I knew my friend’s dad worked long hours, from early morning until afternoon, as construction worker then worked as a taxi driver until late evening or night. Then he continued telling me that when his dad was a teenager his grandparents never told his dad to finish school so his dad doesn’t want the same thing to happen to him. I remember making a mental note to the like, “You have to change;…    read more 

Doing the Right Thing – Pt 1

November 18, 2011 |

I grew up in a semi-devoted Roman Catholic family. My parents are good people, but my mom was never the religious type and my dad had more doubt than faith. The only religious influence on me and my sister was our grandmother even though she didn’t have spiritual understanding of the Bible. She didn’t understand grace, or Salvation, nor did she have an accurate view of God’s character or ways. Nevertheless, seeing her reading prayer books everyday encouraged me to read the New Testament. In my early teens in the summer time as soon as it gets around 4 or 5 PM I would get ready to go play soccer and burst running out of the door in excitement! Just then I would hear my mom yelling to me, “Fadi, come take the garbage out!” After running for few more meters I would remember those words of our Lord in…    read more 

The Eye is the Lamp of the Body – Part 1

July 11, 2011 |

I was was surfing the TV channels and I saw the title of one show called “Dirty Jobs” so I settled down to see what it is about. There was a young woman in her 20’s wearing a full body white suit that even had a head covering and some kind of plastic window to see through. She was talking about how important her suit is because if her clothes get the smell from her job it would be almost impossible to get it out, besides the smell is intolerable! She also said the suit protects her from many diseases her job may expose her to. By then I was thinking, “What does she do?!” She obviously wasn’t a bee handler because bees don’t produce a terrible smell! She obviously wasn’t a nuclear scientist or a lab technician of some sort, because the setting was in the afternoon in a…    read more 

24 Inspirational Father’s Day Photos

July 29, 2010 |

It’s that time of the year again when we celebrate our fathers. The first observance of Father’s Day is believed to have been held on July 5, 1908 in a church located in Fairmont, West Virginia, by Dr. Robert Webb. Our fathers are given the special responsibility of leadership in the home. What a joy it is to interact and learn from our fathers! The most important role of our father is to lead us to the truths of God; his love is a representation of God’s love for us. As you look at these amazing photos, be reminded of God’s everlasting love for you and be inspired to do something special for your dad today, let him know how much you love him! Happy Father,s Day! Want photos you can use in your personal or commercial work? Download our “40 Free Photos of Fathers Bundle”.   “As a father has compassion…    read more 

When Daddy Walked Away!

Relating to all the aspect of what a father should be is sometimes difficult for me, because I grew up with a father who was abusive to my mother and was not there totally for the family. In spite of my father’s abusive tendencies and erratic behaviors, it’s amazing to me that I was always glad when he came home. There was just something about his presence that, in itself, brought a feeling of security and oneness, even though that was not the reality that existed. At one point things got so bad at home that my mother decided she had enough of the abuse and she fled our island home of Jamaica and came to the US to live. Mom brought my younger brother with her and left me and my older brother in Jamaica with relatives. This was a very heartbreaking time of our lives and it took…    read more