
Free Thanksgiving Photo Bundle

Free Thanksgiving Photo Bundle

October 24, 2014 |

This Free Thanksgiving Photo Bundle captures scenery that represents the spirit of the season. They can be used in both non-commercial or commercial work, such as wallpapers, church slides or integrated into your graphic design projects, etc.           [sociallocker] [/sociallocker]

25% OFF Our Harvest Print Templates

Enjoy 25 Percent OFF Our Harvest Print Templates

October 7, 2014 |

Enjoy 25% OFF our Harvest Print Templates. Just use the Discount Code below when you enter our shopping cart. Use the code as many times as you need to or share it with a friend. Enjoy! USE DISCOUNT CODE: 25PERHARVOffer Expire Nov. 6, 2014 Inspiks Market offers everything you need for creative church projects. Search our shop for an extensive product range, or alternatively, filter via categories.


Blurred Light Backgrounds

March 10, 2014 |

Blurred Light Backgrounds can be used for print, web and desktop backgrounds, lighting effects, after effects and other post production programs, 3D rendering, mapping, and much more. In this package you’ll get at a great value which includes 12 assorted Hi-Resolution .Jpg files.   What’s Included: 12 – 3648 x 2736 Pixels HI-Resolution Blurred Background Images Details: • Resolution: 300 dpi • Color mode: RGB   Blurred Light Backgrounds  

Church Announcement Screener Photoshop Templates

February 22, 2014 |

Enjoy these Church Announcement Screener Photoshop Template. File are great for most widescreen projectors and hi-definition monitors. Edit the text for Welcome Slides, Sermon Titles or  whatever message you have. Jpeg backgrounds are also provided. The background can be changed. Sky Church Slide Photoshop Template is for churches and organizations that want to project a notice or welcome slide. The template file is 2276×1519 pixels great for most widescreen projectors and hi-definition monitors. Edit the text for Welcome Slide, Sermon Titles or whatever message you have. Jpeg backgrounds are also provided. The background can be changed. Light Church Slide Photoshop Template can be used for variety of event presentation. Welcome, Offering, Upcoming Events and Goodbye message is included. Design with four color options. Fully editable. Can also be used as a desktop wallpaper. Focus Church Slide Photoshop Template is for church sermon series, bible studies, new years church planning meetings…    read more 

Gold Rush Photoshop Layer Styles

Free Gold Rush Photoshop Layer Styles

June 20, 2013 |

Free Gold Rush Photoshop Layer Styles includes 19  Photoshop Layer Styles that can be used for any full color graphic design project needing a glimmer of Gold. The styles can also be used on shapes. They are designed to be used with a colonial color scheme but, can be edited to fit almost any other color theme. Tested with Photoshop CS 4+. You can use these Gold Rush Layer Styles in personal or commercial work. Do Not Redistribute. Download  Premium Photoshop Styles  >> “Thank you for browsing our site for Photoshop Layer Styles. If you’re looking for world-class premium psd styles for your project, check out these top-selling and fully licensed Photoshop Styles from Envato Market!”

20 Cross Photos for Easter

June 18, 2013 |

Cross Photos are numerous and reminds us of the sacrifice Jesus made for us. The cross is a a representation of the instrument of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, is the best-known religious symbol of Christianity. It is related to the crucifix (a cross that includes a usually three-dimensional representation of Jesus’ body) and to the more general family of cross symbols. Here are 20 Beautiful Free Photos of the Cross that you can use in your graphic design work. More Cross Photos are all available on Click the image you like to visit and download. Read the morgue license to stay within the copyright rules of the site. Enjoy. Share your work with us if possible by posting them to our Flickr Group or leaving a link below in the comments area.  [sociallocker]     [/sociallocker]

Beautiful Free Photos of Fathers

Beautiful Free Photos of Fathers

June 11, 2013 |

Beautiful Free Photos of Fathers: Fathers are the rock and builders of our society and we depend on them for many things. They may seem distant at times but, most are just busy thinking of how they can provide and others may be thinking about the next big thing (sports maybe :). God is our ultimate and  best father there is. He provides, love, sacrifice, protect and rebuke us. We found these beautiful photos of Fathers on and though we would share. Fathers Day is when we celebrate our fathers these images can be used to create graphic design pieces for  church, school or home. Just follow the morgue license for guidelines on the usage of these photos. We hope your creations are marvelous – share them with us if you can by leaving a link to in the comment section below.  Click on each image to go and download…    read more 

Spectacular Photos of Creation

Spectacular Photos of Creation-Part 1

August 31, 2011 |

These photos are just a small snippet of Creation, they show the awesome Power and Magnificence of God. Take some time to look around your environment and you will see His handy work. Thank Him and Praise Him for what He has done. Our prayer is that you will draw closer to Him and your relationship will be strengthened. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.,And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day. And God said, “Let there be an expanse between the…    read more 

Best Tutorials - May 2011

Best Tutorials – May 2011

June 1, 2011 |

May was an amazing month, packed with some amazing Photoshop tutorials. If you missed them, you can find them here. In this month’s roundup we have chosen some great high quality selections with a wide range of topics, such as abstract typography, surreal Illustrations and Special Effects, etc. Please take a moment to check them out, have fun learning!!   How to Paint a Surreal Scene in Photoshop Learn how to create this fantastic drawing by Hatice Bayramoglu. You will learn the process she uses to create drawings in Photoshop…… Create a Dramatic Action Scene in Photoshop Design a dramatic war torn scene in Photoshop. The design features a soldier standing in the streets of war torn Manhattan….. Create a Surreal Landscape Using Photo Manipulation In this tutorial you will learn tips on how to make a surreal photo manipulation…… Create PowerPoint Presentation Graphics in Photoshop Learn how to create…    read more 

Beautiful Images Depicting The Cross of Christ

April 15, 2011 |

Death by crucifixion was an especially cruel and agonizing way to die. The Romans employed this form of execution primarily for slaves, although it was also used for foreigners, traitors and the most despicable of criminals. It was generally regarded as too degrading to be utilized for Roman citizens.1 Christ’s death on the cross is God’s ultimate act of love for mankind, The cross reminds us of Jesus’ victory over death, through His death and resurrection, we have the assurance of victory over sin and the promise of eternal life. As we look at these images, lets reflect on God’s love and sacrifice, take every opportunity to share the Gospel with others. Consequently, just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people. Romans 5:18 [ilink url=””] Cross of Christ : A study of the meaning of…    read more 

Digital Painting in Adobe Photoshop Basics – Brush Settings

March 28, 2011 |

Digital Painting: This is the third and final part of our series on Digital Painting in Adobe Photoshop Basics. This tutorial explains the brush settings palette within the Adobe Photoshop menu. The version shown is CS5 but you will find the same things within previous versions of Photoshop. Digital Painting – Scary Bird Sketch

The Thunderous Sound of Praise!

September 29, 2010 |

As we come to the close of our 100 Days Praise Challenge, we want to thank and  those who participated, gave praise shout outs, and shared their artwork. We continue to give God thanks and praise for the things he has done in our lives, because we really and truly cannot stop giving praise to God. Praise should be a part of our daily lives and should encompass all that we do. Living a life that is surrendered totally to Christ is our ultimate offering of praise. Our Praise Challenge took us through many books in the Bible and we learnt that praise can take many forms for the believer. Singing songs and hymns, clapping our hands, even jumping for joy…the list is endless. We can give glory and praise to our God with the use of our physical bodies, with our hearts and minds, and with our talents…    read more 

Create A Spectacular Splatter Design in Photoshop

September 15, 2010 |

In this video tutorial  by Che McPherson from,  you will learn how to use custom brushes to add a nice splatter effect to your image to create a stunning abstract piece of artwork. Check it out and Enjoy!         Resources Free Splatter Brush Set by loswl Create Custom Brushes in Photoshop by che mcpherson   Final Image [sociallocker] [/sociallocker]


Awesome Entries from the Best Christian Design Wallpaper Contest

Each month Best Christian Design has a Desktop Wallpaper Competition sponsored by RedisWhite. They  select a number of the best entries and display them each month, giving credit to each designer. The winner receives a Free T-Shirt of their choice from RedisWhite. Each desktop wallpaper must have a christian theme to it  eg. Christ, God, Love, Bible, Mission, Evangelism, Worship, etc. Below are some of the wallpapers that have earned top places. To learn more about the contest visit Enjoy!     DOWNLOAD WALLPAPER DOWNLOAD WALLPAPER King of Kings by Brian Hollingsworth   DOWNLOAD WALLPAPER DOWNLOAD WALLPAPER   Seven Jeff Heaton from Heaton Design  

The Chicken Came First!

Ever heard something that just made you chuckle, and at the same time, warm your heart so much you gave praise and thanks to God? We were watching the news yesterday when the upcoming headline was announced, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?”. The headline left me waiting for the answer as they switched to commercial. While we waited for the news to return, I said to my brother, “Here they go again with these wasted researches that we already have an answer to, the chicken came first, don’t they know that?”. My brother and I had a nice laugh, then reflected on why we knew the chicken came first; I explained that maybe everyone does not know the reason why we have that conclusion in our heads, but it just seemed so obvious to us. Bible believing Christians would agree with me that the chicken had to…    read more 

Powerful images of Beautiful Cloud Formations

June 25, 2010 |

Clouds are always interesting to look at, most times we can see different shapes in them that captures our imaginations, but what exactly are clouds?, how are they made?. On Earth the condensing substance that form clouds is typically water vapor, which forms small droplets or ice crystals. When surrounded by billions of other droplets or crystals they become visible as clouds. Dense deep clouds exhibit a high reflectance throughout the visible range of wavelengths; they therefore appear white, at least from the top. Cloud droplets tend to scatter light efficiently, so that the intensity of the solar radiation decreases with depth into the gases, hence the gray or even sometimes dark appearance at the cloud base. Thin clouds may appear to have acquired the color of their environment or background and clouds illuminated by non-white light, such as during sunrise or sunset, may appear colored accordingly. Clouds look darker…    read more 


Praise Challenge Christian Art

INSPIKS created Christian Art of the 100 days praise challenge. We posted praise scriptures on a daily basis and share them with our readers. The praise challenge was started by our friends over at Each day was geared towards giving praise to God, instead of asking Him for stuff. The 100 Day Praise Challenge started June 22, 2010, and ended September 30, 2010. Praise the Lord even when you don’t feel like it – keep pressing forward and keep praising Him. We guarantee that you will see a growth in your relationship with Him and in any trial that you may be experiencing.   Thanks to all who had a chance to participate, God Bless you! Feel free to use these images in your Church and daily devotions and continue to lift Jesus higher! DOWNLOAD

God At The Movies Showcase

God at the Movies VFX Showcase

May 11, 2010 |

God at the movies is a promo for a series at Journey Community Church produced by Dan Stevers. The promo  is  an ambitious piece of film making, it takes us back to the vintage black and white era of the 70’s in a spectacular motion graphics sequence that is astounding for the simple fact that it took, two weeks, a couple of friends, a green screen, some great costumes, and a model airplane to put it all together. Dan really showcased how the power of programs like Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere can help to produce very high quality visuals, that were not possible a couple years ago. If you have never seen the work of Dan Stevers before, check him out on Vimeo or visit his website at the link below. Website: Dan God at the Movies FX Breakdown


40 Cross Images

April 2, 2010 |

40 Cross Images – This post showcases 40 inspirational images of the cross. The cross has become a universal symbol of hope. It is used in relief organizations logos, ambulances, rescue helicopters and on the steeple of churches. In today’s society the cross has different meanings to different people, it is considered to be just another piece of jewelery, a fashion statement or to be used in mythical stories to kill vampires. For the Romans the cross was the ultimate symbol of death and punishment, but like everything that Jesus Christ comes in contact with; the cross became a symbol of life and hope. Jesus’ death on the cross was the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. by the third century the cross had become so closely associated with Christ it was called the Lords symbol and Christians were called devotees of the Cross. The cross reminds us of God’s act…    read more 

How to Create A Realistic 3D Typography in Photoshop

February 16, 2010 |

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a Realistic 3D Typography Photoshop, you will learn how to create a really smooth looking 3D text in any version of Photoshop. This tutorial will create the illusion of 3D without  the use of any 3D programs, we will only use the raw power of Photoshop. Not only will we create it. you will also learn some simple technique to decorate the type to make it pop! Although this technique is limited, it can be very useful for someone who cannot afford to buy a 3D program.     [sociallocker] Final Image   Skill Level Intermediate Resources Hansen Font From FontStock Floral Brush by jaaaiiro From Brusheezy!   Step 1: Create a new document in Photoshop, 1600×1200 pixels, 300dpi (for printing), RGB color. We begin with a radial gradient, by double clicking the layer to activate the Layer Styles menu, then apply…    read more 

Create A Cool Typography Effect in Photoshop

Create A Cool Typography Effect in Photoshop

January 14, 2010 |

Create A Cool Typography Effect in Photoshop CS3 or Photoshop CS4. The effect is a cool-looking and great for decorating your Typography. We will be using a combination of layer styles, color blending, lens flare and images. The end effect is quite stunning and hopefully you’ll pick up some tips you didn’t know before. [sociallocker] Final Image for the Typography Effect   Skill Level: Intermediate Resources: Particles Pack by Media Melitia Smoke Pack by Media Melitia Hysteria Texture by Pareeerica Rezland Font from Dafont   Step1: Create a new document in Photoshop, 1280×1024 pixels, 72dpi. We begin with a radial gradient, by double clicking the layer to activate the Layer Styles menu, then apply a gradient overlay. Here are the exact color codes: Foreground Color – #f2d445 Background Color – #98a843   Step2: Next we will create our particle background. Open the Media Meltia Particles008.png image and drag it into your document, then…    read more 

Cellphone Wallpapers

Christian Cell Phone Wallpaper

November 24, 2009 |

There are a lot of Christian Cell Phone wallpaper websites online, but none with the INSPIKS touch! We know how hard it can be to find quality Christian Wallpapers, especially with biblical content and graphics. You will be able to use your device to minister to others and yourself by displaying some of your favorite wallpapers from the gallery below. We listed the best and most Inspirational wallpapers for easy download. You don’t have to spend time searching. Happy downloading!. See: How to Install A Wallpaper On Your iPhone  Wallpapers by INSPIKS are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States


30 Awesome Christian Wallpapers

October 23, 2009 |

This post features awesome free Christian wallpapers that are created by artists/designers from all over the globe. They give a special touch to your Desktop. and can serve as a cool ministering tool. “We love creating wallpapers and customizing our desktop with them,  that’s why we create our own, and thought it would be nice to find others that are just as inspirational. Check them out and enjoy!   Serve God by Christian Wallpapers PhilipcDavis Give Thanks by PhilipcDavis Christian Science Mapparium – National Geographic Wallpaper The King James Bible by jadgraphics Solid Rock  by jadgraphics Mercy and Grace by jadgraphics Jesus is Lord by jadgraphics [sam id=3 codes=’false’] Preach by jadgraphics Grow in Grace by jadgraphics Covetous by jadgraphics Choose Life by Peace Maker by Faith by Vista Wallpapers Wake Up by christian_nurse Cross by hasby Cross and Flame Wallpaper by Kennon1st It was the Blood by dreck Got Jesus? by…    read more 

Genuine and Bogus Blacks in The Bible

Genuine and Bogus Blacks in The Bible: If you hear anyone saying that Christianity is a European religion, just lovingly, but firmly remind them of its place of origin in the Middle East (Jerusalem) and it is critical for Black Muslims and people in general to know that Islam was not the original faith of Africans. Christianity was introduced to Africa in all likelihood in the 1st century AD through the ‘Ethiopian Eunuch’ mentioned in Acts 8.27, an official in the Royal Court of what is now modern Sudan. Additionally, Christianity was accepted by The Royal Court of Ethiopia and became that country’s official religion from the 4th century AD, some 300 years before Islam even began in Arabia in the 7th century AD. It is incontestable that we have a genuine Black person in the early Church leader in Antioch referred to as ‘Simeon called Niger’ (Acts 13.1). In Simeon’s…    read more