
Knowledge vs Belief

The Knowledge Vs Belief Confusion

Gist: Clarifying a very popular view about the topic Article 13 (from my latest book, A Controversial Clergyman) It is too widespread a confusion for me to leave it unchallenged. I am talking about the claim that belief is inferior to knowledge (without more, as lawyers would say).  Michael Abrahams’ column in the Gleaner yesterday (July 9, 2018) betrayed this confusion and I had to deal with it in passing in a public forum at UTECH in 2001 involving Dr. Leahcim Semaj and Mutabaruka.  Every statement purporting to be fact or true is a belief. Indeed, if you call to mind the basic moods in English language sentences, then if it is not a question (interrogative mood), a command (imperative mood), a wish (subjunctive mood), then it is in the indicative mood (an assertion, claiming something). Every such assertion or claim qualifies as a belief, but since some beliefs are quite…    read more 


Debunking Chance

Any statement about causation or origin which uses the word chance is worthless, philosophically. The academic credentials or prestige of the person making such a statement is unimportant, the statement is still worthless. Take for example the basic belief held by most Astronomers and atheists prior to Vesto Slipher’s expanding universe discovery in 1913,   “the Universe simply exploded into being, by chance, at the big bang and thus there’s no need for any God.” Or ponder the words of the Nobel scientist Jacques Monod in his book Chance and Necessity, “…chance alone is at the source of every innovation, of all creation in the biosphere. Pure chance, absolutely free but blind, at the very root of the stupendous edifice of evolution…” (page 112) Let me alert you to the fact that though we tend to use the word ‘chance’ loosely, chance is not a substance or entity that can…    read more 

Faith Defined and Defended

Faith Defined and Defended

It may be rebutted but it cannot be refuted that no one can live and no academic discipline can operate without faith, properly defined! Faith, like its twin sister hope, is fragile but is a fundamentum in life, by that I mean it is absolutely foundational to life. So you ask me what then is faith in my book? As I have argued in lecture theatres and urged in sermons, faith is belief, based on but slightly in excess of evidence. Hope, if you must know, is confident assurance about the ‘not yet’. Those who are familiar with Hebrews 11.1 may be wondering about the nature of my definition. For those who lack familiarity with the Bible I’ll quote that text then explain the difference between it and my approach to faith. Heb. 11:1, from the New Revised Standard Version reads, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for,…    read more 


My Faith

November 8, 2012 |

My faith is too big for fear. I’ve seen you move the mountains, I have only to glance behind to see all you’ve done for me. I’ve tasted and seen that you are good and your love for me endures, never lessens and is gloriously strong. The gripping darkness around has all become a flood of sweet light. Yet I have lost my tongue and my ears are deaf from the noise of you. I cannot taste the succulence of your gentle breath, your melodic and lovely whispers calling me to stand and fight are falling on a deaf ear which longs to hear and come alive. My soul sings a happy song at the mouth of the caves of complacency where inside my name has been scribbled time and time again. My cup is overflowing but I’m drowning in its excess. Oh to return to the mountain side where I fell, where all was darkness and…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 10 – The Religion of Evolution

Next we will discuss “The Religion of Evolution”. First, a definition from Webster`s New World dictionary: Religion – a. A belief in a supernatural power; b. an expression of this belief in conduct or ritual; c. a specific system of belief or worship involving a code of ethics; d. an object that is zealously pursued. Obviously, if you are a creationist, one or more of these definitions would apply to you. You would probably believe that this supernatural power created all things. You should have a code of conduct that you try to make an integral part of your life, as outlined in the Bible, at least for all of us in attendance here. Also, you should also believe that this supernatural power, having created this magnificent universe, also has the power to override what we would call infallible physical laws. These “overrides” are called “miracles” by most people. Does…    read more 


Time is Almost Up Wallpaper

Time is Almost Up Wallpaper: Many people ask, “Are we in the last days?” Well, to be honest, I certainly think that we are. Does this belief mean that every Christian should sell what they have, quit their jobs and move to the mountains to wait on the Lord? No, because that would be un-Biblical and just plain stupid. I would say this though, it’s time for the complaisant Christians to re-evaluate their walk with God and start running the race to save as many souls as possible. The signs are all around us, in the news and in our everyday lives. One doesn’t have to look far to see that time is winding down. ” This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers,…    read more