
When Your Joy is Complete Part 2

February 24, 2012 |

I learn by examples best, so I think the best way to explain what being born-again means is through an example: Let us say you are a cat, and you want to live as a human. So you start your day by trying to wash your face but the sink is too big for you and the faucet was not designed to be turned on by paws. Then you try to make the bed but the bed is so big–because it is a human bed–that there is no way you can do it. Then you try to put on a shirt but shirts were designed for humans so they will not fit you and you cannot button up the shirt with your paws anyway. Even if you succeeded in doing those tasks the fact of the matter is that you are still a cat. You can try to pretend to…    read more 

Enjoying the Simple Pleasures of Praying

February 8, 2012 |

One of my favorite activities is on Saturday morning right after I wake up and pray is to start cleaning my room as good as needed which usually takes about an hour to an hour and a half (yea, I know some people are slow!) Before I clean my room I open the curtains in the apartment and all doors so the apartment is full of the morning light. And turn on a sermon by Dr. Stanley and start cleaning! My room is always organized so I don’t have to put things in place or anything like that, but the dust I have no control over so I wipe the dust off everything. Then I wipe the floor clean and lastly change the bed sheet and the billow cases, and the comforter if needed. Of course I also have to make the mirror shine again! These are by far my…    read more 

In Need of a Hope that Doesn’t Fail

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the things I find my hope, security and strength in. Its easy to say I have faith in God, that He’s in control, that He loves me, that I can do all things through His strength and that His grace is always sufficient for the day. However, how does that play out in the day to day? To illustrate I’ll share how my week went and perhaps give you some insight into why this has been on my heart. My week usually starts on Tuesday, or at least the beginning of the work week does. The alarm goes off at 3:10 am and usually, if I’ve gone to bed early, its not so bad, I’m well rested and ready to go. I get up, get dressed, and jump into the Jeep to head off to do my thing for Pepsi. I turn my…    read more