Today we will learn the Basics of Compositing in Photoshop CS5,  based on a photo in my Flickr photo stream titled Collide. We will learn how to take components of an image and merge them with another image in Photoshop. I had a lot of fun on this one and I hope you’ll learn a lot and that it will fuel you to be more creative and expansive in your editing. Let’s get started!
Final Image
Related Image
collide |kəˈlīd|
verb [ intrans. ]
hit with force when moving : she collided with someone | two suburban trains collided.
• come into conflict or opposition : in his work, politics and metaphysics collide.
“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.†John 16:33
3 thoughts on “Learn The Basics of Compositing in Photoshop CS5”
This is really helpful! Thank you for sharing.
Hey, this is a very cool tut! I love the collide image you did..very nice!
Awesome tut! even though I do not own a copy of Photoshop, this really gives me an insight of how much more powerful Photoshop is compared to Gimp,especially with photo manipulations… would love to see some Gimp tutorials too. 🙂