Interesting Good Friday Images

April 10, 2009| Legion of Skills

24 Interesting Good Friday ImagesInteresting Good Friday Images: This selection of images celebrates Good Friday, a monumental event in history that marks the finished work of Jesus on the cross. Good Friday, also called Holy Friday, Great Friday or Black Friday, is a Christian celebration commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus and his death at Golgotha. The holiday is observed during Holy Week on the Friday preceding Resurrection Sunday, and often coincides with the Jewish observance of Passover.

Good Friday commemorates not just an historical event, but the sacrificial death of Christ. The Resurrection of Christ is the heart of of the Christian faith, Jesus fulfilled his primary mission of taking on the sin of man and ultimately dying for our sins and raising victoriously on the third day by defeating death and the grave. This is the hope of the Christian, that we may also rise from the dead when Christ returns and live eternally with Him.

“For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised: And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.” 1 Corinthians 15:16-17

As you celebrate this day of remembrance, speak to someone about what this day means to you, If you do not know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, give your life to Him today, today is the acceptable time

“For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. ” 2 Corinthians 6:2

Christ has so much more in store for you than this life, death and the grave. Jesus has an eternal life of Glory and beauty awaiting to those who believe in Him…and best of all, it is a Free Gift. Learn more about this gift by reading The Gospel.



SEVEN by David Choate


Word: Crucifixion (Crucify Him)

Word: Crucifixion (Crucify Him) by (Jim LePage)



CROSS_RED_BG by hasby


Preparing Myself For Easter

Preparing Myself For Easter by snolic…linda



Day 133/365: Thank You for the cross

Thank You For The Cross by { karen }

Easter Graphic

Easter Graphic by snow55

Pizzo Lucendro 118

Pizzo Lucendro 118 By Shepherd & his Hot Dogs


Pizzo di Claro 077

Pizzo di Claro 077 by Shepherd & his Hot Dogs


cine a ales-addedcolors

Cine A Ales-Addedcolors by bogdinamita


Cross and Fire

Cross and Fire by basswulf


And for dessert: Cliché

And for Dessert: Cliché by chrislilleheim



It is Finished by fantartsy JJ


Crown of Thorns -2

Crown of Thorns by snow23


Nothing but the blood. Ephesians 2:13

Nothing But The Blood by harpazo_hope


Wooden Cross

Wooden Cross by LaoWai Kevin


First Dawn

First Dawn by traqair57


cross on the rock

Cross on The Rock by the dogfood part 2


It is Finished

It is Finished by abcdz2000


"It is finished."

“It is Finished.” by childofGOD


A Letter From God? by j a S o n – 91


Do You Believe in Jesus? by j a S o n – 91


Pizzo Lucendro 118

Pizzo Lucendro 118 by Shepherd & his Hot Dogs


Candle Cross

Candle Cross by basicSUBLIMERER


sweetly broken366/29

Sweetly Broken by shutterbug109

Day 7 in Israel

Day 7 in Israel by WGK STUDIO


On a Hill Far Away.....

On a Hill Far Away….. by Still Sweet Photography


It Is Finished

It Is Finished by mjmac8



Sacrifice by Emma in Wonderland!


The Cross

The Cross by Geir Drabløs

Forgiving Grace

Forgiving Grace by forestlady


Lighthouse Mosaic Cross

Lighthouse Mosaic Cross by Heart Windows Art

Artist remain the original copyright holder of all their materials. Use of any of their material inconsistent with the terms and conditions set forth by Flickr is considered an infringement of the copyrights of the respective holders unless specially stated otherwise. Please contact the owner if you wish to use any of their images.

Godserv Designs

Categories: Photos, Showcase

8 thoughts on “Interesting Good Friday Images”

  1. Brother J.R. Hughes

    This is the day JESUS proved HE loves you so much HE would die for you. YES, nice pictures but the question each of us has to answer is what will we do with this Jesus Who died on the cross to pay the eternal death penalty that your sins had earned you? IF HE is Who HE says HE is, then HE died to pay our eternal death penalty. The Just for the unjust. So if you have sinned, you and I need a Savior. Ask Jesus to forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness, then accept His death penalty in our place. HE will come into your life and make it all brand new. Jesus loves you with a pure, holy, wholesome and eternal life.

  2. Raju

    Died on cross is not a simple thing we r only rember on Good Friday but Frnd think how much our God has been suffer for us n give us salvetion.

  3. Juls

    Thank God for giving His son up to die for our sin. And thank the son for taking on the challenge and eventually winning through His resurrection and perseverance.

  4. abcdz

    Very inspiring artwork of our talented christian artist put together on one page to convey to all the world about the great love of our God – that He gave his Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to us and whosoever believe in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
    Praise God!

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