Intelligent Design Explains Nothing, Says Experts!

December 14, 2011| Legion of Skills

I found an article written by the “Script Howard News Service” with the following heading: “Bush is of Two minds, One is Wrong.” As I read on I notice they say: “When it comes to science, President Bush is of two minds, one of which is wrong.” “Concerning the space shuttle program, he defers to the views of experts.”

“In a conversation with Texas reporters, he said that ‘the experts at NASA’ will determine whether the shuttle should be retired before 2010.”

“But when it comes to science education, he unfortunately sees no need for experts. Answering a question about evolution vs. intelligent design, he said it was a question for local school districts, but he felt ‘both sides ought to be properly taught.'” And he added, ‘so people can understand what the debate is all about.”

“But among experts, there is no debate worth mentioning. The theory of evolution underpins all modern biology, and like any vibrant science it is constantly being expanded and modified as new lines of evidence appear.”

I find it disgusting that so called self-claimed “experts,” intelligent people would make such a ridiculous argument. The writer continues saying,


An iguana at a theme park in Jamaica. By stevetimmins


“Intelligent design, in contrast, is taken seriously by scarcely any experts. It proposes that the natural world is too complex to have been created by entirely natural processes, so there must be a designer of some kind.”

I personally have sit through biology classes, geology classes, and astronomy classes in two universities and two colleges, and I have yet to see an explanation of how things came into being without an intelligent producer. I have a watch and I don’t know who made it, but when someone tells me it made itself or just happened, that is unbelievable even if the person claims to be, and shows me all kinds of what he calls credentials, that he is an “expert.” But these so called intelligent people try to tell me that this entire universe happened without any intelligence producing it.


Macaw By ravi.k


They may call themselves “experts.” but that is only their claim, and it is contrary to every principle that I have learned in real life. I am convinced that every event has a cause, and these people in my opinion are just too prideful and ignorant to admit that there has to be intelligence involved in the production and function of the universe. In my view this shows the lack of intelligence on their part! How long will it take a rock to produce a mountain, a living plant, or an animal without some force behind it? I recognize when I plant a pumpkin seed it is going to produce after its kind, not something entirely different. That is the order that God (intelligence) has designed it to do so!

Tangerine Dreams Growing In My Backyard.

Tangerine Dreams Growing In My Backyard By Anita & Greg


Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so. Genesis 1:11

Why are these people so arrogant that they will not allow another view to be examined and taught as an alternative? I suggest that to shut out the intelligent design is not science at all. What I learned about science one must be able to reproduce the same results for something to be true. How much of what was claimed at one time to be “scientifically true” has turned out to be untrue? They claim that if you differ from them in their view then you are not an expert! How many scientists see the fallacy in the theory of evolution? Perhaps more than the so called “science” experts; however, they will not allow another view to be examined. Friends that is not scientific! It is being arrogant and afraid to allow another view because they think that many may see the foolishness of the claims that have been made by those so called “experts.”

Horsehead and Flame nebulae DSS2 WikiSky

Horsehead and Flame nebulae DSS2 WikiSky by keeperlink


Yes, my friends you cannot convince me that the universe that we see operating in such precisions and fine tuning that you can tell years in advance where one of the planets is going to be, was just an accident!

And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: Genesis 1:14

If there is intelligence involved in producing my watch, then how much greater is there intelligence in creating the universe! But these people will continue to call themselves “experts” I say it is foolishness!

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, Romans 1:20-22

[ilink url=””]Intelligent Design Explains Nothing? by William C. Sexton[/ilink]

Article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States, by the La Vista Church of Christ.

Godserv Designs

Categories: Apologetics, Insights

One thought on “Intelligent Design Explains Nothing, Says Experts!”

  1. Anna

    He makes a conclusion without even thinking about it. I think the theory of evolution is a lot more biased. no.. it is really biased.

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