Inspiks Market Blog

Extraordinary Examples of Brilliant Church Photography

December 1, 2009 |

Churches are so fascinating to look at and can be a tremendous source of design inspiration. A critical part of Christianity has been the gathering of people worshiping together. By virtue of this activity, the “place” where they worship has become endowed with a symbolic form. To the early Christians the word “church” referred to the act of assembling together rather than to the building itself. Christians met where they could, usually they would meet in each others houses, Congregations soon outgrew the meeting halls of the House-Churches and so they began to create buildings specifically suited to house their worship. Below are some brilliant photographs of churches, taken by talented photographers. I hope you enjoy them.       House of God by abcdz2000 St. Bridget’s Church by mudpig Saint Francis Church by janusz l Saint Mary’s Church – Studley Royal by nick.garrod Sunset Church by cmiper Church by Nasos3…    read more 


Brilliant Bokeh Wallpapers

November 30, 2009 |

Bokeh Wallpapers – In photography, bokeh is the blur or the aesthetic quality of the blur, in out-of-focus areas of an image, or “the way the lens renders out-of-focus points of light. If you want to create your own, try this tutorial: Bokeh usually occurs at the parts of the scene that is outside the depth of field. Photographers sometimes deliberately use a shallow focus technique to create images with prominent out-of-focus regions. Today you can find bokeh being used in graphic design, below you will find a mixture of bokeh captured by the camera lens and some created in graphic design software. enjoy! Try these cool Bokeh Wallpapers and share them with a friend.   [sociallocker]                                                                    …    read more 


Inspirational Christian Wallpapers

November 30, 2009 |

Inspirational Christian Wallpapers made with Photoshop and other graphics tools. The combination of the Word of God, poetry, commentaries, and inspired artistry, makes this gallery unique. It’s geared towards bringing people into the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and keeping our minds on Him. Wallpaper/Desktop Images can be a great conversational piece with which you can use and influence someone into the Biblical teachings on which you rely on daily. Please use our share tools at the end of this page to tell your friends about this great resource. DOWNLOAD Wallpapers by INSPIKS are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States


Massive Roundup of Christian Cell Phone Wallpapers

November 26, 2009 |

Christian Cell Phone Wallpapers – Cell Phone wallpapers are pretty cool, if you do a search on Google, you will find that there are plenty out there for the masses. Inspiks however, decided to create a Christian Cell Phone Wallpaper group over at Flickr. We also have a Cell Phone Wallpaper Gallery here on our blog, which features nearly 100 wallpapers and growing. Below you will find some of the best wallpapers from our Flickr group members and some from our own graphic designers. Download and share them. If you want to create a great wallpaper and share it in our Flickr group, here is a great Photoshop template for starter, have fun and remember to share them! [singlepic=397,100,100] [download id=5] Light of The World by pk Christmas by josephreygan Day  by loswl Creation: DMK  by loswl Got Jesus by jorgeabalderas Bring Them Home Lord! by godserv Newness of Life by…    read more 

Cellphone Wallpapers

Christian Cell Phone Wallpaper

November 24, 2009 |

There are a lot of Christian Cell Phone wallpaper websites online, but none with the INSPIKS touch! We know how hard it can be to find quality Christian Wallpapers, especially with biblical content and graphics. You will be able to use your device to minister to others and yourself by displaying some of your favorite wallpapers from the gallery below. We listed the best and most Inspirational wallpapers for easy download. You don’t have to spend time searching. Happy downloading!. See: How to Install A Wallpaper On Your iPhone  Wallpapers by INSPIKS are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States

The Greatest Rescue

November 23, 2009 |

When I was approximately 5 years old, I was rescued in a way that has stuck with me until this day and have even influenced my faith in God. I lived about two and a half blocks from school and everyday my brother and I was escorted to and from school by our Mom’s friend. One day our escort did not show up and we got tired of waiting. We decided to take the matter in our own hands by leaving school, instead of waiting any longer. Since home was not far away, we felt safe except that our school resided on the opposite side of the road. We started off on our journey, making sure to stay on the sidewalk all the way and we didn’t stop to speak to anyone. As we reached the point where we needed to cross the street (a few feet away from the…    read more 

How A Yellow Mazda Protégé Taught Me That Jesus Cares

November 21, 2009 |

To me this car, the Mazda Protege, along with some other cars like the Ford Focus, BMW M3, Porsche 911 and Boxster, Lamborghini’s…look really nice in yellow! (The yellow is also helpful when it is snowing to make the car stand out!) I like yellow for sporty looking cars because it is a light color so it shows the reflection off the body, yet not too dark like black that conceal the body lines. Beside it makes the car looks like it is a race car! There is a little story about the yellow color that I would like to share with you. One day last year at work I put a desktop wallpaper of a yellow Porsche Boxster on one of the computers we use in the warehouse. When one of my coworkers, who was around my age , saw it he liked it, but didn’t like the yellow…    read more 

Who is God – Part Three

November 16, 2009 |

This is part three and final part of my previous article called “Who is God”….Most of the time I live as if I had figured God all out and that there is nothing new to learn about Him. And after reading the Bible few times I feel that reading it again is just redundant. Yet it is so untrue. Sometimes when I read the letters of the apostle Paul which stresses holy living (which is of course God’s will), and then I go back to the Old Testament and see how He worked through prostitutes and murderers, I am forced to ask Him, “Lord, who are You?” Not that I don’t know Him: it is just that He is so great and He doesn’t overlook anybody which makes it is so hard, if not impossible, to categorize Him.     I think we all have heard the saying, “You can’t…    read more 

Who is God – Part Two

November 11, 2009 |

This is a continuation of my previous article called “Who is God”… Here is another example of how God surprises me: About few around years ago 2003 or 2004, I remembered a very intriguing book I had read in the Bible in 1999. You see, before I became a Christian in 1999 in Jordan at the age of 16 I read the Bible from cover to cover. Reading the Bible for the first time was, and still is until today, the most exciting experience I had ever gone through. But one book stood out from the rest like no other to me: the book of Hosea. The book of Hosea stood out to me because being a Middle Eastern young man made the idea of God asking a prophet to marry an adulterous woman a very strange idea to me. So I decided that I was going to read the…    read more 

Who is God – Part One

November 9, 2009 |

A first glance this colorful paper strip looks just like a normal two sided band of paper, but at a closer look it becomes obvious that this strip of paper is by no means normal in the sense it has only one side—this is called a Mobius strip. A regular paper band has two sides: an outer side and an inner one which you can trace separately. A Mobius strip however has only one side: if you point your finger tip at any point of its surface and move it in any direction you will realize that your finger tip is covering all of its side. Unlike a two sided band you don’t need to take your finger tip off of one side to trace the other. The reason I made this colorful Mobius strip and photographed it, is that recently I’ve been thinking about who God is. Not that…    read more 

How Great is Our God

November 2, 2009 |

I didn’t take this photo for its photographic value…I don’t think it is a special photograph in the artistic meaning. I took it because of the spiritual value it holds to me. You see, I’ve always loved the moon. It was a photo of the moon that started my journey with photography. The moon has always reminded me of God’s promise to me that one day I will get married, according to His will; so whenever I see the moon I smile because it reminds me of my future wife. “For great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods” Psalm 96:4 But somehow I had always treated the moon as a big light bulb in the sky…almost like a huge flashlight installed far away. May be because I always saw it in the night, since in the day I worked in…    read more 

A Living Testimony of God’s Work

October 28, 2009 |

Recently I’ve become increasingly convinced of these two things: The depravity of my sinful nature and my lack of understanding of true Christianity. This morning the latter was yet again proved to me. Recently I started writing the personal experiences that led to me believing in the Bible and in the Lord Jesus Christ. But the more I thought about what to write the more complex my thoughts became. I even changed the title of my writing twice! I wrote pages and pages that I doubt anyone will bother reading apart from me. This morning I went to Knox College at University of Toronto to photograph it. Knox College provides theological studies and its slogan is: Knox College – Preparing Faithful Servants of Jesus Christ. My main objective was to photograph the chapel which you see in this photo. It was completely empty so after I took a couple pictures…    read more 


30 Awesome Christian Wallpapers

October 23, 2009 |

This post features awesome free Christian wallpapers that are created by artists/designers from all over the globe. They give a special touch to your Desktop. and can serve as a cool ministering tool. “We love creating wallpapers and customizing our desktop with them,  that’s why we create our own, and thought it would be nice to find others that are just as inspirational. Check them out and enjoy!   Serve God by Christian Wallpapers PhilipcDavis Give Thanks by PhilipcDavis Christian Science Mapparium – National Geographic Wallpaper The King James Bible by jadgraphics Solid Rock  by jadgraphics Mercy and Grace by jadgraphics Jesus is Lord by jadgraphics [sam id=3 codes=’false’] Preach by jadgraphics Grow in Grace by jadgraphics Covetous by jadgraphics Choose Life by Peace Maker by Faith by Vista Wallpapers Wake Up by christian_nurse Cross by hasby Cross and Flame Wallpaper by Kennon1st It was the Blood by dreck Got Jesus? by…    read more 

Not Just A Door

October 19, 2009 |

I had a friend who was majoring in biology at university and she used to say often things to the like, “The more I learn about biology the more amazed I become by God because all the works of His hands testify to His existence and ingenuity.” How true, the Bible says in Romans 1:20: “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.” ~ Romans 1:20 When I enrolled in university about a year and a half ago to study mechanical engineering I wasn’t sure what I am going to study will demonstrate much of God’s character, but now I am convinced that His prints are over all things He created directly or indirectly. This occurred to me not long ago when I though about the door…any…    read more 

Remarkable Noah’s Ark Replicas

October 14, 2009 |

Here are some remarkable photographs of Noah’s Ark replicas. The Story of Noah’s Ark can be found in the Book of Genesis 6-10. The story is by far one of the most popular Sunday school stories, it captures the imagination of both children and adults. Enjoy the images, I hope it excites for you, a new interest in the story. Noah’s Ark Life-Size Replica in Hong Kong Hong Kong’s three billionaire Kwok brothers built the world’s first life-size replica of Noah’s ark, built to Biblical specifications, complete with fiberglass animals. The “vessel” is 450-feet-long and features a luxury rooftop hotel. The Noah’s Ark project reflects Thomas Kwok’s evangelical Christian faith. During the 1990s, he set up a church on the 75th-floor pyramid atrium atop Sun Hung Kai’s Central Plaza office complex. The Noah’s Ark project was initially hatched as a theme park with rides, until Mr. Kwok decided the project…    read more 

Being Alert And Self Controlled

October 10, 2009 |

Cats are alert to all sounds in their environment, in this case a moving car. For them, being alert to a sound or smell could mean an escape from danger or an opportunity for a good meal. Today I’d like to talk to you about “Being Alert and Self Controlled”. Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8 God wants us to always be aware because, we have a common enemy whose name is the devil. The Bible describes him as one that prowls (move around stealthily or restlessly as or like a hunter) like a lion looking for someone (you and me) to devour. Now, does this mean that we are going to be scared all our lives, of this prowler? No, but we are going to be aware of this danger and be ready…    read more 

The Reliability of The Bible

I can certainly understand why some people do not trust the Bible and the many translations that have been done. With a little understanding of the History of the Bible and how much pain, hard work and dedication that went into making the translations accurate, you would then see that the Bible is the most accurate piece of historical document that man has in his possession. I am not just saying this because I am a Christian, here are the facts, the only book that comes close as far as accuracy is the manuscripts (copies) of “Homer” (writer of the Trojan Horse) These writings were copied 500 years between the times of the original documents. Six hundred and forty three (643) copies still exist and the writings are 95% correct. The original document was written 900 B.C. the earliest copy was done about 400 B.C. Compare those stats to the…    read more 

Salvaging America

October 7, 2009 |

Jeremiah was a man that was greatly used by God. Before he was even born, God already had a specific calling and ministry for him. The Bible says in Jeremiah 1:5, “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, [and] I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.”  His name means “whom Jehovah appoints.” The day and age in which Jeremiah lived in was one of moral decadence and spiritual anarchy. Jeremiah lived in a day where the men and women did that which was right in their own eyes. Jeremiah lived in a day much like ours today. I plan to show you some of the similarities of our day and Jeremiah’s day, and I want to give you some simple steps that we as Christians need to take to salvage what is left of…    read more 

Why Christians Should Not Satisfy Their Worldly and Fleshy Desires

October 5, 2009 |

This kitten is about 3 months old (human time). Here we see her teething on a stem of a Wild Coco Yam Leaf. She was all engrossed in satisfying herself. I have other photos of her actually biting the stem. While this is all natural and safe for the kitten, it brought to mind some of our human tendencies. “I would they were even cut off which trouble you. For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” Galatians 5:12-14 Believer and unbelievers alike, tend to get engrossed in satisfying our worldly and fleshy needs at times and tend to think that it’s the best thing since ‘sliced bread’. I spoke to a work associate once…    read more 

Amazing Images Depicting Christian Worship

October 5, 2009 |

Amazing Images Depicting Christian Worship: The photos displayed here, show various forms of Christian worship. Worship is an activity that is personal, yet at the same time very communal. An expression of worship may be performed individually, or corporately within informal groups, or a formal meetings. In Christianity, worship is not characterized only by praying, reading God’s Word with an open heart, singing, participating in communion, and serving others, it is reflected more in the life of the believer. A life dedicated to Christ.. It’s not limited to one act, but is done properly when the heart and attitude of the person is in the right place. “But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers.”  John 4:23 “God is a Spirit and they that worship Him must worship…    read more 

I’m Not An Animal

September 29, 2009 |

Sometimes I wonder why man is so adamant about wiping all mention of God out of society. We have gone so far as to equate ourselves with animals. We are told that our descendants were animals and we evolved over millions of years to be where we are now; with the idea that, given time, we will also evolve into a better species and all the wickedness and immorality of man’s heart will go away. People usually discuss the idea of man being an animal from either an evolutionary world view or a Biblical world view.The evolutionary world view holds that, simple forms of life spontaneously arose from non-life. Through mutation and natural selection, they increased in complexity to multi-cellular animals, to invertebrates, to vertebrate fish. Next, some evolved into amphibians, then reptiles, then birds, and mammals. The standard view of evolution considers each stage more “advanced,” or more complex…    read more 

Crying out to God

September 17, 2009 |

Have you ever went to pray but all you could do is cry? Have you ever opened the Word of God but the only book appealed to you was the Psalms because the cry of the psalmist heart is all that you could relate to? Have you ever cried out to God so deeply that you could not say a word? That all you could do is open your hands in surrender? Have you ever tried to hold your tears back until you reach home, go to your room, turned the music up so you could cry all you needed? Have you ever opened your eyes to read your Bible but couldn’t see it clearly because tears were filling your eyes? I am talking about those moments where faith in your Heavenly Father’s wisdom, love, and goodness is the only thing that is sustaining your emotional and spiritual being. Not…    read more 

Spectacular Photos of Creation-Part 3

September 15, 2009 |

This post continues our Spectacular Photos of Creation series, we have looked at many photos, and yet, we have seen just a small sample of the majesty of what was created. There are so many animals, birds and fishes, it is beyond our imagination, and to think, some of the animals that were created are already extinct. and we are still discovering unknown species in the rain forest and in the depths of the ocean. As you reflect upon the work of God, take time out to give him thanks and praise! For this is what the LORD says—He who created the heavens, He is God; He who fashioned and made the earth, He founded it; He did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited— He says: “I am the LORD, and there is no other. Isaiah 45:18 Cow Lomo by Skinnyde For every beast…    read more 

Bible Events Seen From Google Earth

August 28, 2009 |

Ever wondered how some of the Bible stories you learned in Sunday School would look like from a satellite view? The Glue Society has re-created scenes from the Bible as if captured by Google Earth’s satellites and they are truly stunning. The Glue Society is a creative collective based in Sydney and New York comprising of writers, designers, art directors and film directors. “We like to disorientate audiences a little with all our work. And with this piece we felt technology now allows events which may or may not have happened to be visualized and made to appear dramatically real. As a method of representation satellite photography is so trusted, it has been interesting to mess with that trust.” James Dive – Glue Society’s The images known collectively as God’s Eye View, were commissioned by Eric Romano of NY’s Pulse Art for their Miami art fair, and use real satellite…    read more