Inspiks Market Blog

How to Make a Custom Brush in Photoshop

April 4, 2011 |

Learn how to make your very own custom brush in Photoshop. Custom brushes can be very useful in speeding up your workflow, you can use them to paint various styles of digital paintings or use them as texture onto an object, create seamless tiles, and much more. Any time you find yourself using a symbol repeatedly, you can define it as a brush and you’ll always have it handy.  Follow these steps to define a custom brush in Photoshop. Tools Used Wacom Intuos4 Photoshop CS5 [majaenvato market=”graphicriver” action=”popular” count=”12″ refer=”loswl” cache=”30″ thumb_width=”75″ padding=”10″ columns=”3″]

Everything’s A Little Blurry

I have spent a lot of time thinking mostly about the future. For a long time I have had a plan in my mind about how my future was going to work out. As you who are older and/or wiser than me know, “the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.” This has been a hard experience but it has also been a very healthy one. It was good to step back and take a look at life after the future I thought was so certain, vanished. I realized that God was simply a part of my plan and that ultimately I was still living life for myself. I wanted to live out my life how I had planned it and I essentially told God that He could come along for the ride, because I wanted some of Him in my life. I realized though that it’s…    read more 

Experiencing God’s Consuming Fire!

April 1, 2011 |

There is a depth in God whereby one enters the friendly fire that is Him and wishes to be no place else. It consumes a person in the same way love consumes the lover. His consuming fire enters the spirit of man and burns with the same fire that burns within Him. It consumes everything in its path, like a roaring fire when it overtakes and consumes everything in its way. If there be any hesitance at entering in, that consideration melts before Him. One is totally immersed in His fire and realizes such baptism is the baptism into Him. I was pondering about this… Dross is everything that comes to the top and is burned off. Malachi 3:3 speaks of the Lord, for He is the REFINER and PURIFIER of our very being. And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the…    read more 

Best Tutorials – March 2011

March 31, 2011 |

March has been another solid month for amazing Photoshop content. In this month’s roundup we have selected some great high quality tutorials that utilize paintings, 2d drawings as well as Illustrations. So lets get into another great roundup! Painting Figures with Liquid In this photo manipulation tutorial, Jennifer Cirpici explains how to create a figure that appears made from water, working from a stock photograph…. Making of the Rest by Fernando Ferreiro This is a picture made only for fun and without references, using only my imagination, except in the flag on the jacket….     Planets Colliding in Our Galaxy Photoshop Tutorial In this tutorial I will show you a simple way to create a fantasy photo manipulation with two planets almost colliding…..     Create an Intense Movie Poster in Photoshop In this tutorial I’ll show you how I created my Invasion movie poster in Photoshop…. Meteorite Impact…    read more 

Experiencing God’s Overwhelming Love!

March 30, 2011 |

This week I wish to summarize what I experienced and learned in Austria. It was one of those times that words can’t even come close to describing, yet I feel like there is one word that summed up what I felt and that word is freedom. One of the things I really experienced, is that God is overwhelmed with love for us. This may sound basic and to be honest I could have told you this before but in Austria I really felt this. It really made sense to me, if you imagine someone who you love with your whole heart, you always want them to be happy and you always want what’s best for them. You don’t want them doing things they don’t want to do to make you happy, you are overjoyed when they include you in things that they love to do. This means that God doesn’t…    read more 

Digital Painting in Adobe Photoshop Basics – Brush Settings

March 28, 2011 |

Digital Painting: This is the third and final part of our series on Digital Painting in Adobe Photoshop Basics. This tutorial explains the brush settings palette within the Adobe Photoshop menu. The version shown is CS5 but you will find the same things within previous versions of Photoshop. Digital Painting – Scary Bird Sketch

Christians and Money – The Struggle Within

March 27, 2011 |

I have been given a gift in photography, design and illustration but not for me to get rich and famous, yet here I am, a few weeks away from launching my photography website where which I will charge customers to download and use my images, not only that, but I am in the process of building a business around my t-shirt designs. Is it right to gain a profit for my work through large companies or from my close friends and fellow believers? There are several answers to that question and I would like to share one with a story.   There once were two men who were both equally gifted in healing, they could heal those who were sick or injured within three days of their prayers. As time passed, they both got married, they needed work, so they both set up hospitals where they would go around the…    read more 

Create an Extravagant Composition in Photoshop CS5

This Extravagant Composition in Photoshop CS5 is based on a piece I did called Extravagant Worship, the image was inspired by the worship song,  ‘Til I See Your Face by Miriam Webster. We will start out by compositing multiple images, then use some custom brushes to paint in some details, then finish up by adding color and lighting to bring everything together. lets dig In! Final Image   Resources PREMADE Beach Stock by xxfantaisiamanipsxx stock 695 by blacksockstock stock 683 by blacksockstock Cloud Photoshop Brushes by leboef 24 Clouds by Milanda Clouds by by esterliquori Flock of Pigeons Brush for PS7 by BeltaneFireStock Ultimate Web 2.0 Gradients by DesignFolio Step 1 [sociallocker] Open the Premade Beach Stock image in Photoshop. Double click the image’s layer in the layer palette to make it a new layer. We will use the natural lighting of the image. Flip the image horizontally, since we want most…    read more 

Living an Adventurous Life for Christ!

March 23, 2011 |

I am in Vienna-Austria, waiting for my dad and sister to arrive, so I have some time to myself. I was thinking about life these last few days and I have really been bored with life. To be honest, if I had the choice of being here or back at school I would choose the little, dinky town of Schladming (where school was). Here I have been living the “good life,” I have a hotel room all to myself with a nice view and I have a public transit pass to get me anywhere in this beautiful city. Yet compared to experiencing God, it does not even come close. I say this because I feel that too few Christians truly experience Christ. They go to Church on Sunday, going through the motions, and then live life pretty normally throughout the week.     Life with Christ is an adventure and…    read more 

Digital Painting in Adobe Photoshop Basics

March 21, 2011 |

Digital Painting in Adobe Photoshop Basics: This is the second part of our three-part series on Digital Painting. In the first tutorial, we covered setting up a Wacom Tablet for use in Photoshop. This tutorial covers setting up a New Document. It is about the considerations we may need to make in creating a new document whether it be an image for Print or Web. Web is generally 72 dpi/ppi | Print is generally 300 dpi/ppi. Next tutorial in the series: Digital Painting in Adobe Photoshop Basics – Brush Settings

Kentucky Snowfall

March 18, 2011 |

I love shooting snowscapes, beautiful light just seems to create itself as it leaps and bounces off the snow and trees. Snow is a such fascinating phenomenon of nature, something that never ceases to amaze me. The way it gently floats to the earth, yet over relatively short periods of time can cover whole cities and towns with many feet of its airy lightness.The Bible has much to say about snow. Here are a few of my favorites. Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Psalm 51:7 Praise the Lord from the earth, you great sea creatures and all deeps, fire and hail, snow and mist, stormy wind fulfilling his word! Psalm 148:7-8 Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red…    read more 

Digital Painting in Adobe Photoshop Basics

March 14, 2011 |

Digital Painting in Adobe Photoshop Basics: This is the first part of a series of Digital Painting in Photoshop tutorials, in this tutorial you will learn about setting up your Wacom tablet properties in Photoshop. Although the Tablet covered is the Intuos4 there is information that is still useful and relative to the Intuos3 tablet. Digital painting is an emerging art form in which traditional painting techniques such as watercolor, oils, impasto, etc. are applied using digital tools by means of a computer, a digitizing tablet and stylus, and software. Enjoy! Next tutorial in the series: Digital Painting in Adobe Photoshop Basics – Setting up New Document

Wait Upon the Lord and He Will Carry You!

March 11, 2011 |

The past few days, something keeps coming to me. Eyes being opened, I thought of the eagle,  the eagle has much wisdom. Much discernment and sees things other animals cannot see. The Eagle can see from great heights and depths below. So too can we, when the Lord reveals the spiritual things to His people. Something with the eyes being opened for those who wish to see, they shall see even more. Those who see more, shall receive the greater. For he who is faithful with the little, the Lord shall indeed bless with the much, because His word speaks divine truth. The Lord has been laying or placing deeply upon my heart the book of Daniel and the 70th week. I don’t watch tv/news, but I heard about the cyclone in England-level 5. I am again reminded of eyes being opened in these last days, to those whom are…    read more 

Breaking Free from The Rules of Inadequacy

Today I have a testimony to share with you from my Flickr friend Andrew, he has a great testimony and it’s awesome to see the passion in his life. He has done some missions work and you can just tell that it has impacted him in big ways! Testimony I grew up in a very strong Christian family. We would always go to church and I was able to see Godly examples of life from either my family or the people at my church. But even so, I remember feeling from a very young age that I just didn’t think that I fit in very well. I wasn’t sure what it was at the time, but looking back now I know that it was a feeling of inadequacy, like I wasn’t living up to what was expected of me. I have two older brothers, both of which I thought always…    read more 

Famine of the Word

March 4, 2011 |

I found myself being still before the Lord today, seeking His face about something that took place and I was reminded of this scripture today as I sat still before the Lord. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” Amos 4:6 O my! The Bible is filled with so much, so much to learn, to inquire of the Lord and so much revealed to us in His word. My people perish and are destroyed, wow, those words alone are a mighty mouthful. They were once His people yet they are destroyed. Destroyed and perish without the knowledge of the Living God. The True knowledge of Who He is, God. A Mighty and Sovereign God, we are all called to serve in this earth. The days are coming,” declares the Sovereign LORD, “when I will send a famine through the land–not a famine of food or a thirst for water,…    read more 

Best Tutorials – February 2011

March 2, 2011 |

We have a great line-up of tutorials this month, that will satisfy your artistic thirst! These tutorials range from cool photo manipulations, typography effects, Photography tricks and much more. Check them out, you may find something that you like! Futuristic Photo Illustration With Photoshop Take an image of a model and turn it into a futuristic composition that uses various Photoshop techniques such as masks, color and light effects… View Tutorial Learn the Secrets of Painted Photos Derek Lea focuses on a single Corel Painter tool, the Oil Palette Knife. It uses the colors and imagery from existing layers and spreads them around on a new layer, taking you far along the path from photo to painted portrait, with only fine detail to be added… View Tutorial Create an Ice Cream Type Treatment in Photoshop Learn how to realize an awesome text effect using ice cream! The process is simple…    read more 

Living in the Joy of Christ

February 28, 2011 |

Today our testimony is courtesy of Mike Daly, Mike is a brother-in-law of a friend and he is a great encourager to me and he really has a heart for Jesus. Testimony I was raised in a Christian Home, we went to church on Sunday, and I was always aware of God in our lives. I was baptized as a baby and confirmed in the Catholic faith when I was in Grade 9. Ever since I can remember I have always had, what I considered, a relationship with God. I remember always praying and talking to God and believing in everything about him. I went throughout my teenage years pretty much doing whatever I wanted. I knew what was right and what was wrong. But all in all I was, by my estimation and by most others, a “good” person. I never really drank until my graduation night, I never…    read more 

Keeping the Church Alive!

February 25, 2011 |

I read Acts 1 and 2 in my devotions recently and was struck by the timing of the coming of the Holy Spirit. Read with me in Acts 2:1-4. What struck me was the timing. Why now? The reason that struck a chord with me were the words right before the Holy Spirit suddenly came. Namely the words, “They were all together in one place.” This strikes me because they were called to be witnesses for Jesus across to the ends of the whole earth. How were they going to do this if they were all together in one place? When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one…    read more 

Escaping the Entanglement of Porn

February 21, 2011 |

Today’s testimony is brought to you courtesy of Dave Berryman, he is one of the many wonderful people that I have had the privilege of meeting on Flickr. I take much inspiration from him, from both his style of photos and the awesome messages he includes with them. The idea of sharing others testimonies was actually from Dave and I would like to thank him for allowing me to share this with all of you. Testimony I grew up in a Christian home all my life, but when I left home I became addicted to porn. I went to church every Sunday but I could not stop my insatiable appetite for porn. I was on the church board, but I could not let go of porn…it had its hooks in me good! I led small groups but for some reason I didn’t have the ability to stop looking at porn…    read more 

How God Spoke to me Through Farmville

February 18, 2011 |

The Lord has sent me to FarmVille, a game available on social networks. In FarmVille, players grow crops and trees, raise animals, put up buildings, and visit other players’ environments, while earning coins to “unlock” items that help them advance. Strange you may think, and you’re not alone. At first I thought so too. However, the Lord’s thoughts are not ours and His ways are much higher and much different. He has been using me through meeting new people, a new field to go into. Sharing thoughts and words as He lays them upon my heart. Speaking to me spiritually through playing FarmVille. It is astounding to me how much FarmVille on Facebook relates to many passages in the Bible. The tending to and the caring of. Giving to others and helping others in need….Oh it is amazing:) Unless the Lord, shall till us by his grace, we shall produce…    read more 


Beautifully Designed Christian Wallpapers

February 16, 2011 |

Although Christian designers can derive inspiration from almost everything, the Bible is our greatest source of inspiration. The Bible is filled with life changing words that can also be translated into beautiful eye-catching wallpapers. The wallpapers allow us to experience the Word of God in a whole new light. We collected some beautiful wallpapers below, remember to share them with someone today.         [sam id=3 codes=’false’]             [sam id=3 codes=’false’]         [sam id=3 codes=’false’]              

Carving A Life Out of Chaos

February 14, 2011 |

Today’s testimony is brought to you by an anonymous friend, she has been a great encouragement to me and is an inspirational woman of faith. Testimony My siblings and I were raised by a single mother and the occasional step-dad (around three years in total with that guy). We moved a lot and rarely stayed in one place too long; I think four years may have been the longest. We were always either in trailer courts or government subsidized housing in the urban, inner city or suburban ghettos. We were rarely supervised so life was free and without rules, so trouble and/or bad choices seem to ensue where ever I lived. I can now laugh with my siblings and proclaim that we were truly feral animals. Due to this environment I learned a lot about how to survive mentally and physically. I did a lot of fighting growing up to…    read more 

A Higher Place to Tread

February 11, 2011 |

Last year was tough and this year is shaping up to be about the same, while I can’t speak to your specific need or heart ache, I know that there is a higher place to tread than this hard world we live in. Much like the deer in this image, our spirits are gaunt, barely able to survive on the scarce grass and leaves left over from the long, dry, and hot summer. Only the strongest have survived and they are weakening. What hope is there under such an aggressive hand as that of our God? So often it seems pressed upon us, it seems to crush us, even to death. Where is hope, where is strength, where is the green grass for our souls to feast upon? Truly the feast does not lie in the valley, but upon the mountain, on the heights, but alas, for how shall we…    read more 

More than Conquerors in Jesus

I read an article by Brandon, about demons, and I decided to share my personal story of some accounts I had in the past. This is the first time I am sharing this with anyone on-line, but I think it can be an eye opener for some. Demons are very real, I have had my experiences. Let me share one with you. First, let let me give a disclaimer: I don’t smoke, drink, take any kind of drugs, I have no mental problems etc, etc and what I am about to say may sound crazy!! For a few months, about five or six years ago, I was working on a Creation Book and during this time, I had some experiences that led me to believe that I had demon activity in our house. I would be troubled in my sleep almost every night and sometimes when I was taking a nap…    read more