God at the Movies VFX Showcase

May 11, 2010| Legion of Skills
God At The Movies Showcase

God At The Movies ShowcaseGod at the movies is a promo for a series at Journey Community Church produced by Dan Stevers. The promo  is  an ambitious piece of film making, it takes us back to the vintage black and white era of the 70’s in a spectacular motion graphics sequence that is astounding for the simple fact that it took, two weeks, a couple of friends, a green screen, some great costumes, and a model airplane to put it all together. Dan really showcased how the power of programs like Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere can help to produce very high quality visuals, that were not possible a couple years ago. If you have never seen the work of Dan Stevers before, check him out on Vimeo or visit his website at the link below.

Website: Dan Stevers.com

God at the Movies FX Breakdown

Godserv Designs

Categories: Videos

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