Extraordinary Examples of Brilliant Church Photography

December 1, 2009| Legion of Skills

Extraordinary Examples of Brilliant Church PhotographyChurches are so fascinating to look at and can be a tremendous source of design inspiration. A critical part of Christianity has been the gathering of people worshiping together. By virtue of this activity, the “place” where they worship has become endowed with a symbolic form.

To the early Christians the word “church” referred to the act of assembling together rather than to the building itself. Christians met where they could, usually they would meet in each others houses, Congregations soon outgrew the meeting halls of the House-Churches and so they began to create buildings specifically suited to house their worship.

Below are some brilliant photographs of churches, taken by talented photographers. I hope you enjoy them.




House of God by abcdz2000

House of God

St. Bridget’s Church by mudpig

St. Bridget's Church

Saint Francis Church by janusz l

Saint Francis Church

Saint Mary’s Church – Studley Royal by nick.garrod

Saint Mary's Church

Sunset Church by cmiper

Church by Nasos3


Church Sunrise by shoebappa

Church Sunrise

A Church Already In Paradise? by wvgasguy

A Church Already In Paradise

Church HDR by Keereal

Church HDR

Church HDR by Marc Jenkins

Church HDR

All Saints Church by raskolnikovsghost

All Saints Church

Sunset Church by Andreas-photography

Sunset Church

Church HDR by Sonny Side Up!




St Matthew’s Church by snake.eyes

St Matthew's Church

An Old Finnish Church by closer-to-heaven

An Old Finnish Church

Tondo Church  by bensonkua

Tondo Church

The Sacré Coeur by densss

The Sacré Coeur

St. Ludmila Church by Thaess

St. Ludmila Church

Mt. Hope Baptist Church by GHD Photography & Design

Arizona Church and Sky by YOUneak / Shannon Frost

Godserv Designs

Categories: Photos, Showcase

6 thoughts on “Extraordinary Examples of Brilliant Church Photography”

  1. Leszek

    Very nice. photos. I’m waiting for a better weather to make my own on the inside and outside of some churches and cathedrals here in Poland.

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