Digital Painting in Photoshop Epi 5: Layers Palette

July 18, 2011| Cam Sykes

Digital Painting - Layers PaletteIn this tutorial we will be learning about layers in Photoshop and how they can be used in our Digital Painting workflow. One of the most important keys to learning and mastering Photoshop is using layers. Layers allow you to work on individual parts of an image while not affecting other parts. You might say that layers are like transparency papers stacked on top of one another which can be repositioned separately and drawn on without disturbing each other. 1 Lets get Started!

Topics Include:

1. What are layers?
2. Using the palette
3. Layer Modes
4. Workflow Tips
5. Layer Comps

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Speed Painting-Portrait Study: Masai

Godserv Designs

Categories: Tutorials

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