Life With God

In Need of a Hope that Doesn’t Fail

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the things I find my hope, security and strength in. Its easy to say I have faith in God, that He’s in control, that He loves me, that I can do all things through His strength and that His grace is always sufficient for the day. However, how does that play out in the day to day? To illustrate I’ll share how my week went and perhaps give you some insight into why this has been on my heart. My week usually starts on Tuesday, or at least the beginning of the work week does. The alarm goes off at 3:10 am and usually, if I’ve gone to bed early, its not so bad, I’m well rested and ready to go. I get up, get dressed, and jump into the Jeep to head off to do my thing for Pepsi. I turn my…    read more 

Love your Neighbor as Yourself – Part 2

May 6, 2011 |

It is easy to spot if we show favoritism towards certain people, and more than likely we do, because the environments we grow up in usually program our brains to hold prejudgements in regard to many aspects of life including people. Ask yourself simple questions such as: Which country has the most talented people? Which group of people are our friends and which are our enemies? Which group of people are more likely to believe in Jesus Christ? Which group of people have more potential to follow God? If your answers are anything other than “no one”, then more than likely you do show favoritism. I know this first hand because growing up as a Christian in a Muslim country meant that I was an outsider. I was considered “dirty” (unclean), and an “infidel” (in Arabic the word is: Kafir), and sometimes simply called “Christian” just because I am Christian….    read more 

Love your Neighbor as Yourself – Part 1

May 2, 2011 |

When I first came to Canada at the age of 17, I was put in an ESL class (English as a Second Language) and so, one day I was sitting with an Iraqi classmate who was drawing a Swastika, and our teacher (who was a Jew) saw his drawing and got upset with him. I didn’t understand why she got upset, and so, I told her, “Ms., he is just drawing, what is the big deal?!” I think my comment made her even more upset, because in lunch time as I was sitting in the library another English teacher who knows me came looking for me. He talked to me for a couple of moments about why Jews hate Swastikas. I had known that Hitler was a “bad guy” and all of that, but I had no idea he targeted Jews specifically. You see, in the Middle East a lot…    read more 

Recycle – Reduce – Reuse

April 25, 2011 |

About a year ago every time I went to pray I felt uneasy, like something was missing. I think I knew what it was but I ignored it thinking, “Is this really from God?” But after few weeks I decided that’s it: I was going to do something about it! The problem was that I didn’t take very good of the environment, and that bothered me a lot. Mind you, I never throw garbage in public places; since my childhood my mom had taught me to carry my garbage with me until I come across a garbage bin or even take it all the way home. I always turn off the lights and electronics when I don’t need them. But I felt that there is much more to do. So I bought one of those recycle bins from Wal-Mart and I’ve been recycling my papers and soft drinks cans ever…    read more 

How God Spoke to me Through Farmville

February 18, 2011 |

The Lord has sent me to FarmVille, a game available on social networks. In FarmVille, players grow crops and trees, raise animals, put up buildings, and visit other players’ environments, while earning coins to “unlock” items that help them advance. Strange you may think, and you’re not alone. At first I thought so too. However, the Lord’s thoughts are not ours and His ways are much higher and much different. He has been using me through meeting new people, a new field to go into. Sharing thoughts and words as He lays them upon my heart. Speaking to me spiritually through playing FarmVille. It is astounding to me how much FarmVille on Facebook relates to many passages in the Bible. The tending to and the caring of. Giving to others and helping others in need….Oh it is amazing:) Unless the Lord, shall till us by his grace, we shall produce…    read more 

More than Conquerors in Jesus

I read an article by Brandon, about demons, and I decided to share my personal story of some accounts I had in the past. This is the first time I am sharing this with anyone on-line, but I think it can be an eye opener for some. Demons are very real, I have had my experiences. Let me share one with you. First, let let me give a disclaimer: I don’t smoke, drink, take any kind of drugs, I have no mental problems etc, etc and what I am about to say may sound crazy!! For a few months, about five or six years ago, I was working on a Creation Book and during this time, I had some experiences that led me to believe that I had demon activity in our house. I would be troubled in my sleep almost every night and sometimes when I was taking a nap…    read more 

The Road of Change

January 10, 2011 |

Our driveway is a piece of art. At the top, it’s all concrete, which then switches over to chip’n seal. Next comes a run of very beat up blacktop before finishing off with a final cracked section of concrete. The changes are abrupt and shocking and to ride your smooth bike tires down it can be an adventure at times. Yet, it seemed a fitting subject for the life changes that are taking place with me these days. I just finished up my last day at the farm where I’ve been working for the past three years of my life. I’ve already been offered two new job positions in the past week, yet I am so sad to leave and feel unprepared to step out once again into the unknown. But, God has my steps all laid out, one right after the other, just out of my sight and I…    read more 

Finding Fulfillment in God

December 17, 2010 |

So this was one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. Unfortunately it was also one of the most unpleasant places I have ever been, there were thousands upon thousands of mosquito’s. We stayed there for enough time to snap a few shots and then go. We were up there no longer than 10 minutes and my girlfriend had 39 mosquito bites on one leg! It was a great hike though and I would love to go back with some bug spray. My friend asked me the other day who some of my favorite men of the Bible were. That got me thinking and I think that my favorite is Solomon, here was a man who had experienced all the world had to offer and he was not satisfied with any of it. We have been reading through Ecclesiastes in Bible Study and that is where I discovered…    read more 

Missing Out on God’s Waterfall

December 10, 2010 |

Went back to a favorite spot to re-take a shot I had done earlier and get a wider angle. I kinda miss shooting waterfalls and I think I need to do some more exploring. I have been thinking lately about how much we are missing out on what God really has to offer. We rarely seem to make sacrifices to God. It seems like things such as all-night prayers and fasting are rarely done. We get so busy with things that we think we have to do, and we don’t take the time to properly honour God. I can’t help but think that if Jesus came back today, the excuses we would have for not fully devoting ourselves to God would seem so pitiful. I don’t mean this to be a bummer message but it is so frustrating, because I think that all Christian can agree, that God is capable…    read more 

Fracture Mechanics and How it Relates to Our Sinful Nature

December 1, 2010 |

Fracture mechanics is the science of studying sudden-failure phenomenon. Materials have a yield strength (the stress under which they will yield) but in many cases materials fail at applied stresses below their yield strength. We Christians have also a spiritual yield strength—a spiritual potential–but in many cases fail to reach that potential because we fail at spiritual levels way below what we are capable of. The Bible is full of such examples, such as: the sin of King David with Bathsheba; King Saul; and of course Samson. Why do structures fail at applied stresses lower than the known yield strength of their material? That’s because all structures contain small flaws (cracks) determined by their material and processing. We, Christians, all have small flaws determined by two things. First, our natural spiritual strengths and weakness. It is a fact that some people are naturally servants, or preachers, etc; and others naturally…    read more 

Jesus the Bread of Life

November 24, 2010 |

The Bread of Life is the spiritual food needed by man. Without the bread of life man cannot live spiritually. Just as physically man needs to eat in order to live, the bread of life gives nourishment for the soul. Unless one eats from the bread of life we face eternal death. Jesus said in  John 6:35 And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. John 6:35 In the Old Testament God provided the Israelite with manna from heaven. They were told only to take what was required for a one day supply and they had to trust that God would send more the next day. The manna served as salvation for the Israelite physical needs on a daily basis. God, however knew of a greater need for the salvation…    read more 


When Friend Rise up Against Friend!

November 19, 2010 |

I was reading this scripture passage from Psalms 41:9 this morning. This verse just stuck out to me as never before. It reminded me of Jesus and Judas, the one who clearly betrayed Jesus, who supped with the Lord at His table. Jesus knew the thoughts and intents of his heart, for the Lord knows what is in the heart of all men and women. Judas supped with Jesus, he was right there with the other disciples, why such betrayal? Do we know why? The Bible tells us such. Even my close friend in whom I trusted, who ate my bread, has lifted his heel against me. Psalm 41:9 As I pondered on the verse, It remind me of how the Lord reveals to us, His children, when we wholeheartedly seek His face for guidance, for His truth in all matters, all areas of our lives. Including when we pray…    read more 

Modern Day Prophecies

November 15, 2010 |

About a year ago as I got off the bus, two Mormon missionaries standing at the intersection started talking to me. They offered me some reading materials but I refused them and told them that I was a Christian. We spent few minutes discussing our different beliefs. They said, “Just like in the Old Testament times there were prophecies, God sent prophecies to speak again to us about 200 years ago.” I asked them, “Why did God decide not to talk to us through prophecies in those 1,800 years between the ministry of Christ on earth and 200 years ago?” There were no answers. In the summer (I think) of 2006 a friend in Windsor, Ontario took me and my uncle and his wife to her church. It was a small church and I had never been there before. As soon as the service ended this old woman came directly…    read more 

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

Should Christians celebrate Halloween? the answer to this question may be obvious to some, but believe it or not most Christians do not know or don’t care to know about the history behind this much celebrated day. Halloween is celebrated around the world when people dress up in costumes, collect candy from neighbors and have parties, but do we ever take time to think about the origins of Halloween? Most people don’t think twice about participating in it saying “It’s all in fun” or “Its not evil to me”, but is this so called hallow evening really so innocent? Christians are called to be set apart from the practices of the world, especially those with an history of the occult. Watch this intriguing video that shed some light on the practices and history of…Halloween! Relevant scripture on the issue of Halloween and Christians: “When you come into the land which…    read more 

Removing The Head of Pride

October 25, 2010 |

I’ve  been thinking a lot lately about the words, LOWLY and MEEK.  I was given a dream several weeks ago. I was bent down in the dream, when the shadow of man walked up to me and said that we were going to meet face to face. I knew it was the Lord, Jesus. He asked me when, and in the dream I asked, “How about on the third day?” At first I didn’t understand, because I thought I was bent down working. The Lord revealed to me that we all shall be bowed low before Him and in His presence. I was thinking how meek and lowly Jesus was spoken of throughout the Bible. Meek and lowly has just really been upon my heart lately and I’ve been pondering the words. Pride is an ugly thing and the enemy loves pride, he is the head of all pride,  and …    read more 

Walking Through The Valley of Despair

October 18, 2010 |

My daughter  has been on my heart a lot this morning, so I thought I would share. If I seem too open, it’s okay, this is me, and life in this world is always real. Jesus didn’t promise that we will have no pain and no sorrow, in fact, if someone preaches blessings and prosperity in this world with no pain or no trials, RUN! Run the other way, because they are preaching another gospel,  a false gospel! The one true Shepherd of my soul, the living Jesus who has risen from the dead and is seated at the right hand of the Father, and His written word, tells me I will suffer and I will be tested and tried. He also said that there will be pain, but through it all, Jesus is with me and always close.  If we were to remain on the mountain top and never…    read more 

In Him We Live and Move and Have Our Being

August 9, 2010 |

Another capture of a park bench; don’t they just look so romantic? And because I think they are romantic they remind me of something happened about two weeks ago. Two weeks ago I was working with a co-worker who is new to Canada (he has been here for only four months) and has been married not long ago (he celebrated his first wedding anniversary a couple of weeks ago). He speaks English but a bit broken; he certainly speaks better English than I did when I came to Canada. He is truly a joy to work with because he is very easy going, funny, and hard working, that’s why I usually work with him. We were just talking while working, and he told me about his first wedding anniversary being that week, and how he used to work as a marine engineer back in his home country, and so on….    read more 

Struggling For A Sign of God’s Promises

For the last year I’ve been struggling with doubt off and on…from the little things to the big things. Some days I feel that nothing can shake my faith, and other days I feel nothing can make it continue. So recently I’ve been going to God asking Him questions about this and that, and why did this happen and why that didn’t happen, etc. I am determined to face this struggle head on and overcome it, rather than just let it make me drift away from trusting God. God’s faithfulness is probably His most important attribute to me. I simply must know that He does not change, keeps His promises, does not mislead us, makes His will clear, guides us to His best at all times. And He has given me many promises concerning an issue I’ve been facing for quite sometime. All those promises add up and confirm each…    read more 

When Daddy Walked Away!

Relating to all the aspect of what a father should be is sometimes difficult for me, because I grew up with a father who was abusive to my mother and was not there totally for the family. In spite of my father’s abusive tendencies and erratic behaviors, it’s amazing to me that I was always glad when he came home. There was just something about his presence that, in itself, brought a feeling of security and oneness, even though that was not the reality that existed. At one point things got so bad at home that my mother decided she had enough of the abuse and she fled our island home of Jamaica and came to the US to live. Mom brought my younger brother with her and left me and my older brother in Jamaica with relatives. This was a very heartbreaking time of our lives and it took…    read more 

Memories of My First Love by Fadi

Memories of My First Love

May 13, 2010 |

This shot is very dear to me because it reminds me of when we first came to this wonderful country Canada. We arrived in Toronto late of 1999, and I had just accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior few months prior. I didn’t come to know Jesus through a pastor or a person’s testimony—I accepted Him through reading the Bible and few books by Josh McDowell mainly “More Than a Carpenter”—so I didn’t know what it means to accept Jesus. When we arrived here we were not lonely in the sense that we didn’t have anybody because almost my mom’s entire family have been living in Canada for quite a long time. I found myself very lonely on the inside and kind of emotionally disoriented because I was in a strange country where I didn’t feel like I belong. That’s why I started talking to Jesus whenever I…    read more 

Love The Lord Your God by Fadi

Love The Lord Your God With All Your Heart

May 7, 2010 |

I woke up around 5:30 this particular morning and I had to take this photo! It is a photo of the moon above Toronto seen through my bedroom window. I love the red shade in the curtain, the ceiling, and my table lamp. My alarm clock says “5:49”, and that’s because I spent 20 min in the balcony listening to the birds, watching the moon, but mostly taking photos. I even took a 30 seconds long video of the birds chirping (He he! I learned the word “chirp” from Dr. Stanley!) . But it is this photo, taken from inside, that captivated me mostly. This photo reminds me of certain times. You see when I go to crowded places for a prolonged period of time, I like to take few minutes to be alone with God. I’ve never told this to anybody because the people who know me, think that…    read more 

316-Isn’t It Enough For Me?

April 9, 2010 |

In the last year or so I’ve been encountering the number 316 a lot—almost every few days. I am encountering the number everywhere: digital clocks , watches, street numbers, my professor’s laptop battery life, homework, receipts, pay checks, etc. Few weeks ago my dad was watching an Iraqi TV station because Iraq was having its second elections and on the top right corner of the screen the number 316 was displayed! I asked him about the number and he said, “That’s the election ballot number for some political party.” Every time I see the number 316 I remember John 3:16. This has been very encouraging to me because recently I have been uncertain about my place in Christ. Before it was very easy to come pray because I had a much closer relationship with Him, but now it is much harder. But when I remember 316 it encourages me to…    read more 

Embracing Your Difference in Christ

February 18, 2010 |

This red leaf was on the wall of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library at the University of Toronto. It was one of many leafs on a long stem running horizontally on the wall. I would say the stem run for more than 5 meters, and since I had my mini tripod with me, I decided go rest it against the wall and shoot a super macro shot. However, all the leafs were too big for a super macro, so I ended up going up the stairs alongside the stem all the way to the end to this little leaf; it was the last in the long string of leafs and it fit perfectly in my camera’s super macro zoom. That’s when I remembered the verse: “The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone.” Psalm 118:22 That incident kept me thinking that day. This little leaf was so much…    read more 

I’ve Always Loved You

February 11, 2010 |

In 2006, I was walking to work around 7 AM and my heart was very heavy burdened to the degree where it felt as if I was dragging my feet. I asked God why He was allowing that heartache to continue, I needed to understand! What He said caught me by surprise, He said, “I’ve always loved you!” I started crying on the road, I didn’t know what to think, what to feel, what to say. Somehow He knew why I had that heartache: I was looking for love, but I didn’t receive it, while all along I had access to a fountain of eternal and perfect love pouring out from Him. The only person who truly showed love me while growing up is my mom. I cannot describe to you how much she loves me. The daily sacrifices she makes, her service for me (and her awesome cooking!) are…    read more