This post features awesome free Christian wallpapers that are created by artists/designers from all over the globe. They give a special touch to your Desktop. and can serve as a cool ministering tool. “We love creating wallpapers and customizing our desktop with them, that’s why we create our own, and thought it would be nice to find others that are just as inspirational. Check them out and enjoy! Serve God by Christian Wallpapers PhilipcDavis Give Thanks by PhilipcDavis Christian Science Mapparium – National Geographic Wallpaper The King James Bible by jadgraphics Solid Rock by jadgraphics Mercy and Grace by jadgraphics Jesus is Lord by jadgraphics [sam id=3 codes=’false’] Preach by jadgraphics Grow in Grace by jadgraphics Covetous by jadgraphics Choose Life by Peace Maker by Faith by Vista Wallpapers Wake Up by christian_nurse Cross by hasby Cross and Flame Wallpaper by Kennon1st It was the Blood by dreck Got Jesus? by… read more
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