Godserv Designs

Edit Microsoft Word Funeral Program Template

Edit Microsoft Word Funeral Program Template

When it comes to creating a funeral program, Microsoft Word offers a versatile and user-friendly platform to bring your vision to life. In this blog, we will provide a comprehensive review of how to edit Microsoft Word Funeral Program Templates. By learning these essential tips and tricks, you can accomplish 90 percent of the work required to edit these templates efficiently. We have also included a video tutorial that covers the main focus areas, including inserting photos, editing text, and modifying colors. So let’s dive in and become proficient in editing Funeral Program Templates using Microsoft Word! Video Tutorial Replacing Photos in Word One crucial aspect of personalizing funeral program templates is replacing the default photos with meaningful images. The video tutorial demonstrates the step-by-step process to accomplish this. By following along, you will learn how to select and insert a photo, adjust its size, and position it correctly within…    read more 

Ticket Template

Ticket Template for Word Publisher Photoshop

November 26, 2019 |

Ticket Template for Church Banquet, Pastor Appreciation events, Fund-Raising events are a unique breed. Elegance, Style and Clarity make them stand out to target audiences. You can use these tickets for birthday party, luncheons, banquets, barbecue and golf tournaments. Created with Word, Publisher and Adobe Photoshop, these tickets are flexible and will meet your needs for ticket sales. Purple Church Banquet Purple Church Celebration Banquet Word Publisher , Size: 3”×6”, is for church anniversary celebration, banquets and pastor appreciation events. Can be edited for use for other events throughout the year. Plum Gold Jubilee Banquet Plum Gold Jubilee Banquet Word Publisher , Size: 3”×6”, is for church anniversary celebration, banquets and pastor appreciation events. Can be edited for use for other events throughout the year. Black Gold Church Gala Banquet Black Gold Church Gala Banquet Word Publisher, Size: 3”×6”, is for church anniversary celebration, banquets and pastor appreciation events. Can…    read more 

Controversial Clergyman by Clinton Chisholm

A Controversial Clergyman

November 8, 2019 |

Check out the new book, A Controversial Clergyman, by Rev. Dr. Clinton Chisholm. Now available on Amazon.com. A Controversial Clergyman showcases, provocative Newspaper Articles to Foster Critical Thinking on Social, Societal, Legal, Church and Public Speaking Matters. Promoting Critical Thinking Everywhere In the Caribbean, no commentator or journalist arrives at the level of sophistication represented by Clinton Chisholm. His evaluations of things theological, political and cultural, stand leagues above average fare. Those outside the Caribbean would learn much reading him. His new book is simply “must” reading for anyone who wishes to think seriously about contemporary issues in light of classical values. John Warwick Montgomery, Ph.D., D.Th©ol., LL.D. Professor Emeritus of Law and Humanities, University of Bedfordshire, England Gain experience in critical thinking from the Caribbean’s finest apologist, Rev. Dr. Clinton A. Chisholm. who is at his provocative best in A Controversial Clergyman. This book has 33 of his best…    read more 

bookmark templates

Funeral Bookmark Templates

October 17, 2019 |

Funeral Bookmark Templates make great keepsakes for remembering people. The design can be serious to fun. Here are some beautiful bookmarks that may fit with your vision of a keepsake for your loved one. These Bookmarks are designed and editable in Microsoft Word and Publisher. Some have extra backgrounds while others have colors that can be changed to fit your color scheme. Check them out for more images that will give you more insight that will let you know which one is the right one for your occasion. Funeral Bookmark Canva Template Funeral Bookmark Canva Template – Red Ribbon, Print Size 3″x8.25, Cut Size 2.75”x8”, is for a Victorian-style commemorative or funeral service. Designed with a red ribbon over a golden background and clouds. The bookmark can be used for military service persons’ funeral and memorial keepsake that needs a dignified, elegant theme. Kings Funeral Bookmark Word Publisher Template Kings…    read more 

Templates for Women - Funeral Programs

Funeral Program Templates for Women

August 1, 2019 |

These Funeral Programs Template for Women will prevent you from starting from scratch with your next obituary program event. A great library to choose a funeral program for your funeral stationery package and your loved one. From modern to vintage style, they cover a wide array of memorable designs that fits a grief and mourning event. All programs are editable with Microsoft Word or Publisher. A very flexible set of obituary templates for women. Floral Rose Gold Funeral Program Word Publisher Template– 4 Pages, Print Size: 8.5”x11”, Bi-Fold Size: 5.5”x8.5”, is a Templates for Women for memorial or funeral services. The Rose Gold and Florals with gold decorative text and blue floral imagery lends itself to this specific occasion.  Floral Rose Gold Funeral Program Word Publisher Template – 4 Pages, Print Size: 11”x17”, Bi-Fold Size to 8.5”x11”, is a Templates for Women for memorial or funeral services. The Rose Gold and Florals…    read more 

Harvest Thanksgiving Flyer

49 Harvest Thanksgiving Flyer Templates

These Church Harvest Thanksgiving Flyer Templates are great for any Church events, they can be used for your Harvest and Autumn celebrations, Sermons, Conferences, Youth Programs etc. All layers in the files are arranged, color coded and simple to edit. These premium flyer design is constructed to give the highest dynamic quality when printed or posted to social media sites and other formats. Some files are exclusive to graphicriver.net

Funeral Programs for Men

Funeral Programs for Men

These amazing Funeral Programs for Men are for memorial service and funeral services. A great addition to your funeral stationery package for your loved one. From modern to vintage style, they cover a wide array of memorable designs that fits a grief and mourning event. All programs are editable with Microsoft Word or Publisher. A very flexible set of obituary templates for men. Red Rock Funeral Program Word Publisher Template – 4 Pages, Print Size: 8.5”x11”, Bi-Fold Size: 5.5”x8.5”, is a rustic modern memorial or funeral bi-fold program. Black and Red Rock Textures and Gradient are used for this elegant obituary template. Red Rock Funeral Program Word Publisher Tabloid Template – 4 Pages, Print Size: 11”x17”, Bi-Fold Size: 8.5”x11”, is a rustic modern memorial or funeral bi-fold program. Black and Red Rock Textures and Gradient are used for this elegant obituary template. The Eulogy booklet uses 12 images to showcase…    read more 

anniversary program

One-Sheet Programs for Church and Funerals

August 17, 2018 |

Looking for a one-sheet program for school proms, save the date, Church Anniversary, or birthday party invitations? Check out the beautiful one-sheet programs by Godserv Designs. The one-sheet programs are created with either Microsoft Word (PC or MAC compatible) or Publisher (PC compatible), Adobe Photoshop (PC or MAC compatible), or Canva.com (PC, MAC, MOBILE compatible). They are all 2 sides. Choose the version that is appropriate for you. These templates are editable and gorgeous and can fit with many events.  EVENT PROGRAMS Violet Gold Anniversary Gala Program Violet Gold Anniversary Gala One Sheet Program Canva Template, 2 Sizes 5.5 x 8.5 and 8.5 x 11 inches, is for any anniversary event that has an elegant theme. Created with a violet background and highlighted with gold. Great for Conventions, Conferences, Banquets, Dinner Dances, Tea Parties, Independence Balls, and more.  Advantage Editable on a MAC, PC, or a Mobile device 2 Sizes…    read more 

Free Font

27 Incredible Free Font Graphic Designers Love

April 16, 2018 |

27 Incredible Free Font Graphic Designers Love Aventurine Scriptine Aventurine Scriptine font – a free font new fresh & modern script with a handmade calligraphy style, decorative characters and a dancing baseline! Beautiful on invitations, branding, business cards, quotes, posters, and more! Aventurine Scriptine Font comes with 394 glyphs. The alternative characters were divided into several Open Type features such as Swash, Stylistic Sets, Stylistic Alternates and Ligature. This font is PUA Encoded, so that all the alternate characters can easily be accessed by anybody with Font book on Mac or Character Map on Windows. The Queen The Queen is free font, a beautiful and authoritative royal font perfect for logo’s, branding, advertisements, magazines and more. Give your designs a royal feel today Neon Lights Neon Lights is a free font based on neon lights. Neon Light comes in two styles, one lowercase and one uppercase. Beach Script Beach Script…    read more 

Valentines Gala Flyer

12 Valentines Gala Flyer and Ticket Templett

January 22, 2018 |

Valentines Gala Flyer and Ticket Templetts are for fundraising events. perfect for churches and non-profit organizations. These template can be edited online, no program needed. Edit them in your browser on templett.com. Purchase them on Etsy and Edit on Templett.com. The Templett application is the very best way to edit printable templates and since Etsy is such a large marketplace of template sellers, you can now purchase your templates on Etsy and edit them with Templett. The Valentines templates in this list are TEMPLETT.COM templates designed by Godserv to be edited in your browser on TEMPLETT.COM. No other software is necessary. WHAT YOU CAN EDIT: – Text, Fonts, Text Colors, Layout – Change background – Upload and use your own images HOW THIS WORKS NOTE: There is no template to download from Etsy for this listing.  After a successful purchase of the listing on Etsy.com, you receive an Access link to…    read more 

Script fonts

15 Brilliant New Script Fonts

January 16, 2018 |

Script fonts or typefaces are based upon the varied and often fluid stroke created by handwriting. They are generally used for display or trade printing, rather than for extended body text in the Latin alphabet. Within this scope, script typeface are romantic, melodious, fancy, classic and modern. They have natural fluid flows that are attractive to the eyes and to the heart of the readers. Use script fonts for wedding, funerals, fashion showcases and any other events that needs a slick design. Here are 15 Brilliant New Script Fonts that you will enjoy using in your design projects.   The Charlotte Charlotte is a fun and sweet typeface with curly extra swashes Jealous Script Jealous Script is a wonderful font inspired by love, lust and desire. Jealous includes over 600 glyphs all accessible via character map or font book.  Sleep Lesson Sleep Lesson – A script font with a smooth handwritten…    read more 

Mothers Day Church Program Template

Mothers Day Program Template

January 12, 2018 |

Mothers Day Program Template created with Photoshop, Word and Publisher or Canva for mother’s day, women conventions, and church banquets and galas focusing on motherhood and celebrating mothers. Great for Motivational Keynotes or women’s empowerment conferences. Mothers Day Church Tabloid Template This beautiful program is created with Photoshop for mother’s day, women’s conventions, and church banquets and galas focusing on motherhood and celebrating mothers. Great for Motivational Keynotes or women’s empowerment conferences. Designed with a beautiful Daliah Flower composed with the letter M with mother and child at center focus. Mothers Day Tabloid Program Template Mothers Day Banquet Program Template for Mother’s Day, women conventions, and church banquets and galas focusing on motherhood and celebrating mothers. Great for Motivational Keynotes or women’s empowerment conferences. Designed with a beautiful Daliah flower composed with the letter M. Mothers Day Tabloid Gala Brochure Template Mothers Day Gala Program Template is made for Mother’s…    read more 

Smart Object

How to Insert a Photo into a Photoshop Smart Object

Smart Object are sometimes used for image place holders within a Photoshop template. Smart Objects are layers that contain image data from raster or vector images, such as Photoshop or Illustrator files. Smart Objects preserve an image’s source content with all its original characteristics, enabling you to perform nondestructive editing to the layer. That’s a mouth full for those not familiar with Photoshop, but simply put, a Smart Objects holds a Photo or Vector Image in a container, allowing you to make nondestructive edit. The Smart Object technique for Photo place holders within a template is very ideal. This tutorial will show you how to insert a Photo into a Smart Object that is contained in a template. In this case, it will be a Funeral Program Template by Godserv Designs. Template Used Dignity Funeral Program Photoshop Template Photo Used for Smart Object Courtesy of Gene Gerber, Unsplash.com Application Requirement Photoshop CS3 or…    read more 


Bear one another’s burdens

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. - Galatians 6:2 See others humbly. Your response to another’s fall reveals your own walk, whether it is spiritual or not. Pride will make it impossible for you to help the fallen, but humility will bring blessing to you and to them. – W. W. Wiersbe

singing and making melody

Singing and Making Melody to the Lord

addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart,  giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, – Ephesians 5:19-20 Verses 15 – 18 speaks about what we should not do as followers of Christ who should be growing in his way and in the Spirit. Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, – Ephesians 5:15-18 Then we follow Him (Jesus) to the banqueting hall and learn to walk in the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-26) and be joyful, thankful, and submissive to one another. – W. W. Weirsbe Lessons for New Converts and…    read more 

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom

Beginning of Wisdom

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight. For by me your days will be multiplied, and years will be added to your life.- Proverbs 9:10-11 Wisdom multiplies days (Proverbs 9:11) Those who abuse their bodies with sin usually cut their lives short, but when you follow wisdom, you can add years to your life – and life to your years! God gives a fullness of experience to those who obey Him. – W.W. Weirsbe

Gradient Layer Style - Gradient Editor Photoshop

How to Edit Photoshop Template Gradient Layer Style

Knowing how to Edit a Photoshop Template Gradient Layer Style is important, because many Photoshop Templates uses gradient layer effects for lighting, shading, background color and more. A gradient is basically a transition of one color to another. In this Photoshop tutorial, you will learn how to edit a Gradient Layer Style (Effect) that is in a Photoshop Template. Template Used Church Anniversary Events Rack Card Template Application Requirement Photoshop CS3 or higher How to Edit Photoshop Template Gradient Layer Style Open your layer palette and find the layer that has a gradient layer style applied to it. In this case the layer is named ‘Gradient Overlay” – this layer has a gradient overlay effect on it that you will need to edit in order to change the gradient color. This template has a black to purple gradient. We will be changing the Purple to Blue. Click the small arrow…    read more 

Edit templates

How to Edit Templates in Photoshop

Here is a brief overview tutorial on how to Edit templates in Photoshop. You will need Adobe Photoshop to Edit Adobe Photoshop Templates. If you do not own Adobe Photoshop, you can download a trial version or purchase it here:http://tinyurl.com/n4stbhf Files Used: Christmas Party Flyer Template How to Edit Templates in Photoshop Ensure that your file has been downloaded and unzipped to use. 1- Open Ps. Click on file > Open. 2- A new box will appear. Select the Photoshop template you would like to use and then select open. 3-You may get a new box appear stating that the file is using fonts that are not on your PC. At this point, if the required fonts came with the template close Photoshop and install the font, then re open Photoshop and the template. If the template did not come with the fonts needed follow the prompts on the pop…    read more 

Israquella Script Font

Israquella Script Font

October 11, 2017 |

Israquella Script Font is a fresh and modern script with two types of script font and monoline, handmade calligraphic style, typeface kontenporer with basic dance, classical and elegant touch. can be used for various purposes. very interesting for greeting cards, magazine titles, business cards, quote, poster, signature, logo, wedding invitations, letterheads, curiculum vitae, headline news, newspapers, t-shirts, signage, labels, discs, and all types of office equipment etc. It is also PUA Encoded meaning that it is fully accessible to everyone and all glyphs are available in Character Map on Windows and Fontbook on Mac.  

Best Church Flyer

30 Best Church Flyer, Poster, Templates

October 2, 2017 |

30 Best Church Flyer, Poster, Templates Best Church Flyer, Poster, Templates curated from around the web. Spread the word about your church events with a beautiful church flyer and engage the community in your church events with a custom flyer designed. While churches aren’t for-profit businesses, religious institutions can still promote themselves using marketing tactics that have been proven in the business world. Churches aren’t in the business of selling, but they can use flyers to spread the word about church-related events. These templates will suit various purposes, including everything from detailing a church’s weekly schedule to announcing upcoming concerts. Churches do more than simply hold services on weekends. They also serve the community in important ways such as holding Bible study during the week, providing meals for the homeless, or hosting charity events. As important as these functions are, they are only effective when they have active participation. The…    read more 

Indie Font

67 Indie Font by Rook Design

September 19, 2017 |

67 Indie Font by Rook Design Indie Font showcase – Rook Design Supply is one of our favorite designers we are absolutely delighted to introduce his very own showcase with us! Packed with tonnes of edgy fonts with a vintage charm, this is definitely a great collection to add to your toolkit! This showcase is pack full of of 67 fonts from 20 gorgeous font families by the talented Greg Nicholls.  1. Freshly Squeezed by Rook Design Supply WHATS INCLUDED? Freshly Squeezed (OTF & TTF Format) Freshly Squeezed Caps (OTF & TTF Format) Freshly Squeezed Alternates (OTF & TTF Format) Freshly Squeezed Extra Elements (OTF & TTF Format) Web fonts included (EOT, SVG, WOFF & WOFF2 Files) An installation guide for both Windows and Mac computers. Commercial License & Lifetime Download Guarantee Unlimited Free Support 100% Accessible to Everyone Indie Font Bundle   2. Postmark by Rook Design Supply WHATS INCLUDED? Postmark (OTF & TTF Format) Postmark…    read more 

banquet ticket

17 Elegant Banquet Ticket Publisher Templates

September 8, 2017 |

17 Elegant Banquet Ticket Publisher Templates 17 Elegant Banquet Ticket Publisher Templates customized for Church Banquets, Pastor Anniversary Galas, Anniversary Balls, Commemorations, Independence Celebrations, Church Anniversaries and other fund-raising and commemorative events. These tickets can be numbered and perforated. The templates are Easy To Edit. All you need to do is, “Edit, Save, Print” This template is a Microsoft Publisher template designed by Godserv to be edited with Microsoft Publisher 7 and higher. Once you have downloaded this template, use Microsoft Publisher to make edits. Pastor Appreciation Gala Ticket Publisher Template is customized for church banquets, galas and other fund-raising events. Great for Pastor Anniversary, Pastor Appreciation and Church Anniversary Galas. Can be edited for use for other events throughout the year. A Red and Gold Background with Paisley pattern gives this ticket an elegant theme. 6 background color files are included for your convenience. Elegant Anniversary Gala Ticket Publisher…    read more 

Font Bundle

Solidarity Font Bundle

September 8, 2017 |

Solidarity Font Bundle The Solidarity Font Bundle is available this week only. TheHungryJpeg.com is teaming up with these talented designers to show their love and support to all that have been affected by the recent Hurricane Harvey in Texas. The Solidarity Bundle is a pack of 8 beautiful font families with 16 font files for ONLY $10! All proceeds from this pack will be donated to The JJ Watt Foundation. Usually worth $99, but now you can get this pack at over 90% off and provide your support to the Harvey victims at the same time. As with all bundles sold on TheHungryJPEG.com, their Complete License comes included, at no extra cost. GET IT WHILE IT IS AVAILABLE Included in this bundle 1. Girl Crush by SkylaDesign   WHATS INCLUDED?   Girl Crush (OTF & TTF Format) Web fonts included (EOT, SVG, WOFF & WOFF2 Files) An installation guide for both Windows and Mac computers. Commercial License & Lifetime…    read more