Living by Faith

December 13, 2020| Godserv Designs
Living by Faith book Rev Dr Gerry Gallimore

Living by Faith book by Rev. Dr. Gerry Gallimore – 168 pages of unbelievable experiences, explained only by the fact that Rev. Dr. Gerry Gallimore lived by faith.

Born in the backwoods of Jamaica, and born out of wedlock, Gerry Gallimore had limited schooling. He gave his life to the Lord at an early age and this Living by Faith book recounts the globe-trotting and sometimes daring journey God took him on, including visits to the White House. God’s miraculous hand in the life, times, and journey of Gerry Gallimore. “Come and listen, all you who fear God; let me tell you what He has done for me.” – Psalm 66:16

In 1968 Gerry Gallimore left a well-paying job in the pharmaceutical industry, one that allowed him to purchase a new home and Mercedes Benz as a young adult – to accept the call of God and moved into full-time Christian ministry with Jamaica Youth For Christ.

That decision meant no guaranteed paycheck for any month as Gerry now had to raise his support through those led by God to support his decision.  There was no retirement account, and that did not change up to when Gerry retired from  Youth For Christ International 50 years later.  Gerry served 62 years altogether with Youth For Christ, his first 12 years as a volunteer in Jamaica YFC.

He served as Pastor of Metropolitan Baptist Church in Hollywood, Florida for 9 years (1997-2006).

Now, this good man is 81 years old. He and his wife Sonia continue to live by faith trusting the Lord to meet their needs through the loving support of His people. We thank those of you who continue to remember, pray for, and support the life and ministry of  Gerry & Sonia Gallimore who continue to live by faith in God’s call on their lives for now over 50 years.

Godserv Designs

Categories: Insights, Testimonies

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