Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 7 – The Young Earth

September 2, 2011| Legion of Skills

The Bible teaches that the Heavens, Earth, and all life on Earth was created by direct acts of God during a relatively short period, calculated to be sometime between 5,700 and 10,000 years ago, by Biblical scholars. The Genesis accounts of Creation teaches us that God created the Earth in six 24-hour days, taking a literal interpretation of the Genesis accounts of creation. The evolutionary consensus, supported by a 2006 statement by 68 national and international science academies, is that it is “evidence-based fact” that the universe has existed for around 15 billion years, that the Earth was formed about 4.5 billion years ago with life appearing at least 2.5 billion years ago. Evolutionist would go as far as to laugh at those who believe that the earth is much younger than what we have been taught under the guise of science. Now, 5,700 to 10,000 years is a very, very long time ago, but compared to 15 billion years, the earth is very young in comparison. Lets take a look at a few of the evidence that are considered non-scientific by evolutionist .

Cosmic Dust


We will now talk about the `clock` of cosmic dust. 14,000,000 tons of cosmic dust fall on the earth every year. The earth has a good atmosphere so that this dust could have been dispersed for a long period of time. Cosmic dust has a high concentration of nickel in it. Therefore if this dust has been falling for hundreds of millions of years, we should be able to find an enormous amount of nickel. We have not. Either the rate of this dust has changed greatly in the last 50 years, or our world is not as old as we have been led to believe.


Moon landing

Moon landing by nreddin


Scientists thought that the lunar lander had to be designed with large feet. Since there is no atmosphere or rain to disperse this cosmic dust, considering the supposed age of the moon, the lunar lander might sink into the dust. How much did it cost taxpayers to pay for the landing pods on the lunar module? Remember that the lunar lander had `feet` about six feet in diameter? What happened? The dust wasn’t 200,000,000 years thick, was it? It was about 1/2 an inch deep. What does that point to? A young moon.


Niagra Falls

Niagra Falls by Oli Haukur


How about Niagara Falls? Scientists have measured the erosion rate of Niagara Falls for more than 100 years. If the North American continent has existed for as long as evolutionists claim, Niagara Falls would have eroded itself completely around the world, more than once. What does that suggest? A young earth.


Mississippi Delta

Mississippi Delta By OceanaWavemaker


How about the Mississippi delta? Scientists have studied it for more than 150 years, because of the concern about flooding of the delta area. There is a great deal of information about the Mississippi delta. At its current rate of sedimentation, guess how long it has taken to reach its present configuration? About 4,000 years. The delta produces about 300,000,000 cubic yards of sedimentation into the Gulf of Mexico every year. You can also look at from the other side. At the current rate of sedimentation, if the Mississippi delta has existed as long as evolutionists say it has, it would have filled up the Gulf of Mexico more than once. What does that suggest? A young earth.


Earth: Compliments of Mercury Messenger

Earth: Compliments of Mercury Messenger by Nanci


Scientists have discovered that the Earth`s rotational speed is declining. If the earth is 2,000,000,000 years old, as evolutionists say it is, and it had been slowing at the present rate, the earth would have stopped rotating many years ago. Its rotational speed would be zero. Looking at this in another light, if you extrapolate the rotational speed of the earth, and increase it as you go back in time 2,000,000,000 years, it would have been spinning so rapidly that all the continents would have drifted to the equator, and the earth would have become a `pancake`. What does this point to? A young earth.


World Population Growth

World Population Growth By Lauren Manning


The earth has a population growth of about 1/2 of 1% a year. Actually this is a very conservative estimate. In actuality, the growth rate is about twice that much. How long would it take one man and one woman to populate the entire world at 1/2 its present rate of growth? About 4,000 years. If you went back in time to the time when evolutionists say that mankind as we know it began, guess what the population of the earth would be at 1/2 the present growth rate. The population would be 10^2100 people! You remember that there are `only` 10^80 electrons in the universe. Remember that if the universe were `packed` with electrons, there would only be room for 1^120 electrons? That number is NOTHING compared to 10^2100. What does this evidence point to? A young earth.


Blasting CME

Blasting CME by NASA Goddard Photo and Video


Let`s talk about stars. Our sun produces the energy of about 1,000,000,000 hydrogen bombs per second. By doing that it is converting the smallest form of atomic elements, hydrogen, and radiating that out into space. The sun is therefore consuming itself. There are stars that are 1,000,000 times brighter than our sun. That means that they are using a phenomenal amount of matter to produce this much energy, and they are radiating this energy out into space. If you take the present size of those `superstars`, and extrapolate back 2,000,000,000 years, those stars would have had to be implausibly large to be the size they are today. In fact, one of them would have had to have been big enough to occupy almost the entire universe! What does
that suggest? A young universe.

There are many more indicators that suggest a young universe. They range from the sublime to the absurd. Unfortunately, time does permit me to cover them all.


The Theory of Evolution: This lecture composed by Dr. L., D.D.S (Freeware)


Reading Sources: First moon walk disproved evolutionary theory | Where’s the proof for evolution? | Darwin himself said there was no proof! | Can Evolution Produce an Eye? | There are NO Fossils to Show Even One Animal Turning into Another! | Is Evolution a Theory, Fact or Law? Or None of the Above? | There’s a Law Against Evolution–It’s Called the Second Law of Thermodynamics! | Evolutionists Say Mutations are Good–are They? | What About the Human “Tail”?


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Categories: Apologetics, Creation, Insights

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