You’re not just another man. You’re not just another teacher. You’re not just another priest. You’re not just another god.
You are the great I AM, the one and only. Beside you there stands no other, you are the infinite one, by your word kingdoms arise and fall, and by your sovereign whim men live and die. You never sleep for you never tire and you are in need of no thing from anyone or anything. You sustain yourself by the might of your own mighty right arm. No man of the earth or angel of the heavens can bring any word against you, nor can we offer anything to you to increase your worth. You dwell in inapproachable light which emits from your own holy righteousness.
You are and by you all other things exist and have their being. You sit enthroned, in total control of all things at all times. No joy springs up and no disaster falls but by order from your throne. You do right at all times and in all your dealings you are perfect. Your joy knows no end and your hatred of evil has no border or limit. In you is true love and grace, they flow around you as a robe and ripple down upon the earth. Your storehouses of blessing are full and split open from their infinite depths upon whomever you choose. Your innumerable angels fulfill your every wish and your indomitable army submits to your righteous command.
You hold all things in the palm of your hand, every star in the heavens and every man who breaths upon the earth. You own the universe for by your word you created it out of nothing. Your presence is awesome and none can fathom all your ways. In your just wrath you sentence the sinner to death, yet in your wondrous love you bear that same judgement upon yourself in death and give to whomever you call, eternal life. Great and strong is the praise of you, for by your precious blood you have captured many souls for your own possession. Your beauty is unspeakable and your strength cannot be measured. You cannot be contained, you cannot be fooled, you cannot be blinded, you cannot be silenced for you are not just another, you are the Christ, the Son of the Living God. My Savior. My Master.