Beautifully Designed Christian Wallpapers

February 16, 2011| Legion of Skills

Although Christian designers can derive inspiration from almost everything, the Bible is our greatest source of inspiration. The Bible is filled with life changing words that can also be translated into beautiful eye-catching wallpapers. The wallpapers allow us to experience the Word of God in a whole new light. We collected some beautiful wallpapers below, remember to share them with someone today.

Fear Not by Alyssasezello :: aka pixel8design

Fear Not by Alyssasezello :: aka pixel8design


Creation Wallpaper By kristen_w

Creation Wallpaper By kristen_w


You Will Find Me by SeraphimChris

You Will Find Me by SeraphimChris


Perfect Vision by SeraphimChris

Perfect Vision by SeraphimChris


True Love Wallpaper by Joe Cavazos

True Love Wallpaper by Joe Cavazos

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Good Design by Alyssasezello :: aka pixel8design

Good Design by Alyssasezello :: aka pixel8design



by Alyssasezello :: aka pixel8design

by Alyssasezello :: aka pixel8design


Redeemer by kristen_w

Redeemer by kristen_w


Acoustic Melodies by R♪ch♡rd F. Mc♫eil™

Acoustic Melodies by R♪ch♡rd F. Mc♫eil™


This Is The Day by Joe Cavazos

This Is The Day by Joe Cavazos


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...not just a billboard by lyacadajar

…not just a billboard by lyacadajar



God's Green Earth by loswl

God’s Green Earth by loswl


Be Still By SeraphimChris

Be Still By SeraphimChris


Don't Die In It By SeraphimChris

Don’t Die In It By SeraphimChris

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I Will Praise You by loswl

I Will Praise You by loswl


All You Need Is Me by SeraphimChris

All You Need Is Me by SeraphimChris


Take Time To Praise by loswl

Take Time To Praise by loswl


Do Not Retreat in Disgrace by loswl

Do Not Retreat in Disgrace by loswl


 Mountains Bow Down by loswl

Mountains Bow Down by loswl


Praise Him in Dance by loswl

Praise Him in Dance by loswl



Godserv Designs

Categories: Freebies, Wallpapers

14 thoughts on “Beautifully Designed Christian Wallpapers”

  1. Teresa Marie

    I just found your site by accident but glad that I did. I am always on the look out for resources and artwork to use on my blog “What About God?” I will definitely be saving this one. God’s grace and blessings, Teresa


    Men, you are really good. I saw ur works in and ws impressed. I am a graphic artist too from Nigeria in Africa. I want to learn more from you. pls help!

    1. loswl Post author

      Hi Segun, thanks for the compliments, what kind of help do you need? We give a lot of Photoshop tutorials here on the site.

  3. Promise Daniel

    Every image depicts exactly the words of Christ as it is. I wonder what goes on in the heart of Christ Himself as He watch you guys develop such creativity. Words can’t express how I feel about inspiks I wish I so close I would have given you guys an award. good job and thumbs up. God bless you.

    1. loswl Post author

      God bless you too Daniel, happy our efforts are reaching the Christian community, its an honor to be used by the hands of God.

  4. Prajeeth

    I’m really blessed by all your post. I can see His wisdom is prevailing in your life and I thank Jesus for your talents. I like your wallpapers. Wish you a rejoicing day.
    Agape – PJ 🙂

  5. JoAnne

    Wow these are awesome. Can our church use some of these for our slides? If any of you live in Rock Hill, SC we could certainly use your talent in our small church. May God use your talents to bring more people to come to know him.

    1. loswl Post author

      Hi JoAnne, a big shout out to Rock Hill, SC 🙂 Happy you like the wallpapers, you are free to use them as Church slides, we have more on the website in our freebies section, so check those out too, you can also check, they have a lot of free images for Churches.

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