24 Inspirational Father’s Day Photos

July 29, 2010| Legion of Skills

24 Inspirational Father's Day PhotosIt’s that time of the year again when we celebrate our fathers. The first observance of Father’s Day is believed to have been held on July 5, 1908 in a church located in Fairmont, West Virginia, by Dr. Robert Webb. Our fathers are given the special responsibility of leadership in the home. What a joy it is to interact and learn from our fathers!

The most important role of our father is to lead us to the truths of God; his love is a representation of God’s love for us. As you look at these amazing photos, be reminded of God’s everlasting love for you and be inspired to do something special for your dad today, let him know how much you love him! Happy Father,s Day! Want photos you can use in your personal or commercial work? Download our “40 Free Photos of Fathers Bundle”.


“As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him” Psalm 103:13

“And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.” Galatians 4:6



Swinger by spdorsey

Father and Son Surf Lesson

Father and Son Surf Lesson by mikebaird

Father and Son

Father and Son by Scott Ableman

Father and Son Eating Lunch

Father and Son Eating Lunch by Bob Jagendorf

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father’s Day (in Brazil) by carf

Father & Daughter

Father & Daughter by Enigma Photos

I love My Father

I love My Father.. by pipitdapo

Father, Son and Sun

Father, Son and Sun by Dr.Nomad

Father and Son

Father and Son by kwanie

Father With His Child by a_whisper_of_unremitting

Mother, Father, Son - Madre, Padre, Hijo

Mother, Father, Son – Madre, Padre, Hijo by sara.musico


Cayson_0263-Edit by Dennis Morren

Father & Son

Father & Son by michaelgoodin

Father and Daughter

Father and Daughter by apdk

Father and Son / Pare i Fill

Father and Son / Pare i Fill by Ferran

Father & Son

Father & Son by phil h

In The Sshadow is A Father and Daughter

In The Shadow is A Father and Daughter by Mommyof4Ruggies

A Father's Love

A Father’s Love by jsrcyclist

Father and son

Father and Son by Nokes

Father and Daughter

Father and Daughter by Deeble

Father and Daughter

Father and Daughter by twnklmoon

father and son [1]

Father and Son by Gilzee

Artist remain the original copyright holder of all their materials. Use of any of their material inconsistent with the rules set forth by “linked website” is considered an infringement of the copyrights of the respective holders unless specially stated otherwise. Please contact the owner if you wish to use any of their images.

Godserv Designs

Categories: Photos, Showcase

7 thoughts on “24 Inspirational Father’s Day Photos”

    1. Godserv

      Please click on the photo in the above gallery that you want to use. It will carry you to Flickr – you can then ask the author of the image for permission.

  1. Mrs. Munoz

    Excellent pictures!!!!!!!! Good job and yes may the Lord continue to bless your work!! Peace out!

  2. Webmasters Gossip Post author

    Very nice pictures 🙂

    My favorite is this one: “Father and Son” The picture of the two running.

    Happy fathers day to all.

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