How Great is Our God

November 2, 2009| 001FJ

How Great is Our God by FadiI didn’t take this photo for its photographic value…I don’t think it is a special photograph in the artistic meaning. I took it because of the spiritual value it holds to me. You see, I’ve always loved the moon. It was a photo of the moon that started my journey with photography. The moon has always reminded me of God’s promise to me that one day I will get married, according to His will; so whenever I see the moon I smile because it reminds me of my future wife.

“For great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods” Psalm 96:4

But somehow I had always treated the moon as a big light bulb in the sky…almost like a huge flashlight installed far away. May be because I always saw it in the night, since in the day I worked in a warehouse. However, few years ago, late 2007, I was waiting for the bus at the subway station and it was evening. I looked up and I saw the moon with a sky-blue background. It was not shinning like a yellow street lamp anymore—it was just white. Suddenly the moon seized looking like a magical light bulb somewhere out there; rather it looked like it really is: a huge rock hanging in the space right above us! All this realization hit me within a couple of seconds so I stood in awe of God’s greatness. I kept looking at it even though for few seconds I felt uneasy standing under that huge rock!


How Great is Our God by Fadi


“Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom” Psalm 145:3

Right then I realized a new dimension of my heavenly Father. I realized how foolish it is to doubt that He can answer my prayers! I understood why God replied to Job’s questions by describing His greatness. Since then my prayers have become shorter, more focused, and more trusting—more powerful.

“You are worthy, our LORD and God, to receive glory and honour and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being” Revelation 4:11

Can the God who suspends the moon in its place to give us light at night, and loved us so much as to send His one and only Son through whom He made all things come to earth and die on our hands for our sins and have the power to be resurrected again, not care or is unable to answer our concerns?

“Praise the LORD, all you servants of the LORD who minister by night in the house of the LORD. Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the LORD” ~ Psalm 134:1-2

The truth is that when we ask for the wrong things He gives us the good things. When we think He doesn’t care He is actively at work in our lives. When we think He forgot us He is actually preparing something better (this often times means He is preparing us!).

Godserv Designs

Categories: Insights, Life With God

5 thoughts on “How Great is Our God”

  1. Rhys

    Hi Fadi!
    Love your style. I was given Psalm 19 at my baptism, and from then it has always spoken to me of the Great God of Creation – “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands” and so on. I am always sustained by the realization that the Great Creator God will have no difficulty dealing with my very small problems.


  2. Grapixia

    Powerful message indeed, sometimes we all take nature for granted, we see all these things around us, but yet we do not give God the Glory, if we only stop and just count our blessings, we would see how the Lord is good.

  3. Pixels and Beyond

    Wow brother u just said what I think every time I see the moon, paragraph 4 stands out to me.. for our minds sometimes don’t understand how HUGE, AMAZING AND ETERNAL our God is.. Like He is eternal!! will our minds ever grasp this? or what it means?, eternity is inside Him.. Wow!!! what a POWERFILLED awesome GOD we serve!!.

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